Guahati University Indian Financial System Syllabus 2022-23 5th sem As Per new CBCS Pettern
COM-DSE-HC-5036(F): Indian Financial System
Marks: 100
Credit: 6
Lectures: 65
Objective: To provide students the basic knowledge of Indian Financial System and its components, institutions and their functions.
Unit-1: Introduction
Financial System-Meaning, Components of Financial system, Functions of Financial System, Financial System and Economic Development, Overview of Indian Financial System.
Unit – 2: Financial markets
Financial Market- Classifications of Financial Markets; Money market- its constitutions, functions and significance; Capital Market- Primary and secondary market, functions of capital market and its significance.
Unit-3: Financial Institutions
Banking Financial Institutions- Types of Banks, Functions of Banks, Structure of Indian Banking System; Non-Banking Financial institutions, types and structure; Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies and Pension Funds.
Unit-4: Financial Services
Meaning, features and importance, Types of Financial Services- Factoring, Leasing, Venture Capital, Consumer Finance and Housing Finance.
Unit-5: Regulatory Institutions
Reserve Bank of India- organization, objectives, Role and Functions; Securities and Exchange Board of India-
Organization and objectives; Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India; Pension Fund Regulatory
and Development Authority. Lectures 15
Recommended Books:
1. The Indian Financial System by Bharati Pathak, Pearson Education.
2. Financial Institutions and Markets by L M Bhole, Tata MC Graw Hill.
3. Dynamics of Financial Markets and Institutions in India by R M Srivastava and Divya Nigam, Excel Books.
4. Indian Financial System by H R Machiraju, Vikas Publishing House.
5. The Indian Financial System and Development by Vasant Desai, Himalaya Publishing House.
6. Indian Financial System by P N Varshney and D K Mittal, Sultan Chand & Sons.