[ SEBA Class 10th English : A Tiger In the Zoo Question Answers For HSLC 2023 ]
SEBA Class 10 'A Tiger in the Zoo' Summary
The poem bears a contrast between a tigers' state in the zoo and in its natural habitat. The tiger in the zoo is confined to a cage that the keepers think is comfortable. The velvet cloth laid on the floor is not befitting to a tiger's way of living. In his confinement the tiger is seen with clear strips on the body walking in rage. Had he been in free state in the forest which is his natural habitat he would have been lurking in the shadows sliding through long grass somewhere near a water hole where the fleshy deer graze. In his free state he would-have been wandering near the houses at the edge of the forest terrorising the village with its snarl and bare fangs and claws. But locked in the concrete cell his strength and movement have been reduced to the limits of the cage. Out of anger and disappointment he neglects looking at the visitors. The irony is that, at night he is guarded by those men who would not have dared to move out if he were in a free state in the forest. The tiger at night goes on looking at the bright stars with its bright eyes. (The poem tells how cruelty of man has curtailed the freedom of a ferocious but beautiful animal. The tiger has been kept confined in the zoo simply for the plea - sure of man).
कविता का सारांश
कविता चिड़ियाघर में बाघों की स्थिति और उसके प्राकृतिक आवास के बीच एक अंतर को दर्शाती है। चिड़ियाघर में बाघ को एक पिंजरे में कैद कर दिया जाता है जिसे रखने वाले सहज समझते हैं। फर्श पर बिछा हुआ मखमली कपड़ा बाघ के रहन-सहन के अनुरूप नहीं है। अपने कारावास में बाघ को शरीर पर स्पष्ट धारियों के साथ गुस्से में चलते हुए देखा जा सकता है। अगर वह जंगल में स्वतंत्र अवस्था में होता जो उसका प्राकृतिक आवास है तो वह पानी के छेद के पास कहीं लंबी घास से फिसलते हुए छाया में दुबका होता, जहां मांसल हिरण चरते थे। अपनी स्वतंत्र अवस्था में-वह जंगल के किनारे के घरों के पास घूम रहा होगा और गांव को अपने खर्राटे और नंगे नुकीले और पंजों से आतंकित कर रहा होगा। लेकिन कंक्रीट की कोठरी में बंद उसकी ताकत और गति को पिंजरे की सीमा तक सीमित कर दिया गया है। क्रोध और निराशा से वह आगंतुकों को देखने की उपेक्षा करता है। विडम्बना यह है कि रात में वह उन लोगों द्वारा पहरा देता है जो जंगल में एक स्वतंत्र अवस्था में होते तो बाहर निकलने की हिम्मत नहीं करते। बाघ रात में अपनी चमकीली आँखों से चमकीले तारों को देखता रहता है। (कविता बताती है कि कैसे मनुष्य की क्रूरता ने एक क्रूर लेकिन सुंदर जानवर की स्वतंत्रता को कम कर दिया है। बाघ को चिड़ियाघर में केवल याचना के लिए सीमित रखा गया है - मनुष्य का पक्का)।
কবিতাটোৰ সাৰাংশ
চিৰিয়াখানাত আৰু ইয়াৰ প্ৰাকৃতিক বাসস্থানত বাঘৰ অৱস্থাৰ মাজত কবিতাটোত বৈপৰীত্য বহন কৰা হৈছে। চিৰিয়াখানাত থকা বাঘটো এনে এটা পিঞ্জৰাত আবদ্ধ কৰি ৰখা হৈছে যিটো পিঞ্জৰাত ৰখীয়াসকলে আৰামদায়ক বুলি ভাবে। মজিয়াত পাৰি দিয়া মুগা কাপোৰখন বাঘৰ জীৱন-ধাৰণৰ পদ্ধতিৰ লগত খাপ নাখায়। তেওঁৰ কাৰাগাৰত বাঘটোক শৰীৰত স্পষ্ট ফিটা লৈ খঙত খোজ কাঢ়ি যোৱা দেখা যায়। তেওঁৰ প্ৰাকৃতিক বাসস্থান যিখন অৰণ্যত তেওঁ মুক্ত অৱস্থাত থাকিলেহেঁতেন তেন্তে তেওঁ মাংসল হৰিণবোৰে চৰি থকা পানীৰ গাঁতৰ ওচৰৰ ক’ৰবাত দীঘল ঘাঁহনিৰ মাজেৰে পিছলি ছাঁত আত্মগোপন কৰি থাকিলহেঁতেন। মুক্ত অৱস্থাত তেওঁ-অৰণ্যৰ সীমাত থকা ঘৰবোৰৰ ওচৰত বিচৰণ কৰি গাঁওখনক তাৰ হুমুনিয়াহ আৰু উদং দাঁত আৰু নখৰে আতংকিত কৰি থাকিলহেঁতেন। কিন্তু কংক্ৰিটৰ কোষটোত আবদ্ধ হৈ থকা তেওঁৰ শক্তি আৰু গতিবিধি পিঞ্জৰাৰ সীমালৈকে হ্ৰাস কৰা হৈছে। খং আৰু হতাশাৰ বাবে তেওঁ দৰ্শনাৰ্থীসকলক চোৱাত অৱহেলা কৰে। বিড়ম্বনাৰ কথাটো হ’ল, ৰাতি তেওঁক সেইসকল লোকে পহৰা দিয়ে যিসকলে হাবিত মুক্ত অৱস্থাত থাকিলে বাহিৰলৈ ওলাই যাবলৈ সাহস নকৰিলেহেঁতেন। ৰাতি বাঘটোৱে উজ্জ্বল চকুৰে উজ্জ্বল তৰাবোৰ চাই গৈ থাকে। (কবিতাটোত কোৱা হৈছে যে মানুহৰ নিষ্ঠুৰতাই এটা হিংস্ৰ কিন্তু সুন্দৰ প্ৰাণীৰ স্বাধীনতা কিমান হ্ৰাস কৰিছে। কেৱল মানুহৰ আনন্দ - নিশ্চয়তাৰ বাবেই বাঘটোক চিৰিয়াখানাত আৱদ্ধ কৰি ৰখা হৈছে)।
Q.1. What should the tiger be doing near the water hole?
Ans. The tiger should be lurking in the shadows sliding through the long grass near the water hole.
Q.2. What does the tiger do at the edge of the village?
Ans. At the edge of the village the tiger snarls, baring its claws and terrorising the village.
Q.2. 'He stalks in his vivid stripes.'Who is meant by the 'He'. What is meant by 'vivid stripes"?
Ans: The 'He' means the Tiger. The stripes are the contrasting lines on the body of a tiger.
Q.3. The few steps of his cage? Whose cage is referred to here?
Ans. The tiger's cage is referred to here.
Q.4. 'On pads of velvet quiet.In his quiet rage." Explain the lines.
Ans. The tiger has been kept confined in a comfortable cage the floor --of which is covered with velvet. But the tiger is not at all happy as the keeper may think. It does not roar. But it is very angry. Though it walks silently in the cage, it is in deep rage. Because he has been deprived of his free movement in its natural habitat.
Q.5. What should the tiger be doing near the water hole?
Ans. The tiger should be lurking in the shadows sliding through the long grass near the water hole.
Q.6. Where do the plump deer pass?
Ans. The plum deer pass near the water hole.
Q. What do the tiger do near the water hole?
Ans: The tiger slides through the long grass.
Q.8. What is meant by 'plump deer'?
Ans: Plump' deer means healthy deer with fleshy bodies.
Q.9. Why do the tiger move near the water hole?
Ans. Because deer came there to drink which would provide the tiger with the chance to prey on.
Q.10. What is a water hole?
Ans. A water hole is a small pond like water source that provides water to thirsty wild animals.
Q.11. What is there 'at the jungle's edge'?
Ans. There are houses and villages at the edge of the jungle.
Q.12. What do you mean by 'the edge of the jungle"?
Ans. Edge of the jungle means border of the forest.
Q.13. What does the tiger do at the edge of the village?
Ans. At the edge of the village the tiger snarls baring its claws and terrorising the village.
Q.14. How would you explain the line, "Baring his white fangs, his claws'?
Ans. The line gives a description of the tiger's behaviour while it wanders near the villages at the edge of the forest. It goes on showing its sharp teeth and hook like nails used to prey on animals.
Q.15. Terrorising the village. Who terrorises the village and when?
Ans. The tiger terrorises the village when it wanders near the village at the edge of the forest.
16. Where is the tiger locked?
Ans. The tiger is locked in a concrete cell.
Q.17. How does the tiger feel inside the cage?
Ans. The tiger inside the cage is angry and displeased.
Q.18. How does the cage affect the tiger?
Ans. The cage limits the strength and movement of the tiger. It stalks within the limited space of the cage.
Q.19. Why, do you think, the tiger ignores the visitors?
Ans. The cage is not the natural habitat of the cage. Confinement hastened it angry and probably that is why he ignores the visitors.
Q.20. What is the last voice heard by the tiger at night?
Ans. The last voice heard by the tiger at night was the sound of the patrolling car.
Q.21. How does the tiger look at the stars?
Ans. The tiger stares with bright eyes at the bright stars.
Q.22. Give a brief description of the tiger in its cage.
Ans. The tiger moves quietly inside the cage, the floor of which is covered with velvet. Inside the case could be seen its body with clear stripe. Locked in the concrete cell his strength and movement have been reduced to the length of the cell. It is guarded by patrolling cars. He stares with bright eyes at the bright stars.