AHSEC Class 12 Salesmanship and Advertising Question Paper'2022 | HS 2nd Year Salesmanship and Advertising Question Paper'2022

In this page you will get Assam Class 12 AHSEC AHSEC Salesmanship and Advertising Question Papers 2022 Examination

AHSEC Class 12 Salesmanship and Advertising Question Paper'2022 | HS 2nd Year Salesmanship and Advertising Question Paper'2022

AHSEC Salesmanship and Advertising Question Paper 2022
Full Marks – 100
Pass Marks – 30
Time – Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Answer as directed:                    1x8=8

(a) What is Sales Report?                                          1

(b) What is a Sales Personality?                              1

(c) Why is a Sales Quota determined?                 1

(d) What is Straight Commission method of wage payment?                     1

(e) What is an advertisement copy?                     1

(f) What is an advertisement budget?                 1

(g) What is Publicity Program?                                1

(h) What is advertising agency?                              1

2. Write two significance of market research?                                     2

3. What is meant by Control of Salesman?                                             2

4. Write the factors that affect media selection of advertisement.                              2

5. What is the need for selection of salesman?                                    2

6. Write a note on ‘remuneration of salesman’.                                  2

7. Write the three direct methods of selling goods by producers to consumers.                    3

8. Write three duties of a sales manager.                                               3

9. Write three purposes of market research.                                        3

10. Write a note on advertising theme.                                                  3

11. Write the basic elements of an advertising copy.                         3

12. Discuss the essentials of advertising appeal.                                  5


What are the objectives of evaluating salesman’s performance?                         5

13. Discuss the role does market survey play in sales promotion.                                5


Write five important stages involved in selection of salesman.                             5

14. Write five factors affecting the size of sales territory?                                               5

15. Write five essentials of a good compensation scheme for salesman.                   5

16. Write a note on the functions of an advertising department.                                 5

17. Write about the services of advertising agency.                           5

18. Distinguish between Salesmanship & Advertising.                      5

19. Discuss the utility of salesman’s report to the company and the salesman.      8

20. Discuss the features of buying motives.                                           8

21. Discuss different techniques of market research.                        8


Write notes on:

(a) Selection of media of advertisement.                       4

(b) Good remuneration plan.                                               4

22. Write notes on:

(a) Utility of an educational advertisement.                  4

(b) Rights of Consumer.                                                         4


AHSEC HS 2nd Year Salesmanship and Advertising Question Papers 

The previous year questions will help the students who are preparing for the AHSEC exam. Students who want to improve their exam preparation can Read Class 12th Salesmanship and Advertising Question Papers. Students who are looking for previous year question papers must download these question papers for preparation. These questions will help you improve your performance in class 12 exam.

AHSEC Class 12 Salesmanship and Advertising Question Papers (Year-wise)


Also Read:  Salesmanship and Advertising Syllabus 2023

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