AHSEC Class 12 Finance Question Paper'2018 | HS Second Year Finance Question Paper'2018

1. Answer as directed: 1x8=8 (a) In which year first Presidency Bank was established? (b) What do you mean by private sector bank?
AHSEC Class 12 Finance Question Paper 2018 | HS 2nd Year Finance 2018 Question Paper

AHSEC Class 12 Finance Question Paper 2018 | HS 2nd Year Finance 2018 Question Paper 

In this post we have Shared AHSEC Class 12 Finance Question paper 2018 | AHSEC HS 2nd Year Finance Question Paper 2018 |  Which can be very beneficial for your upcoming exam preparation. So read this post from top to bottom and get familiar with the question asked in AHSEC HS Class 12 Finance Question paper 2018 

Times: 3 hours
Full marks: 100

1. Answer as directed:          1x8=8

(a) In which year first Presidency Bank was established?

(b) What do you mean by private sector bank?

(c) Give the meaning of bank rate.

(d) Capital market is the market for long term market. (State whether True or False)

(e) Write the full form of SIDC.

(f) A collecting banker ca claim statutory protection only in the case of _______cheque.

(g) What is primary market?

(h) IFCI was established in the year 1947/1948/1950.

2. Name two subsidiaries of State Bank of India.       2

3. Who is paying banker?        2

4. What is post-dated cheque?   2

5. Write the meaning of hypothecation.          2

6. State the meaning of liquiding.     2

7. State any three differences between Bill of Exchange and Promissory Note.       3

8. What are the basic features of Development Bank?        3

9. Mention the different kinds of endorsement.           3

10. Draw a specimen copy of Promissory Note.     3

11. Explain the functions of clearing house.          3


Describe briefly any three kinds of endorsement.

12. Write a brief note about the Imperial Bank of India.      5

13. Explain the functions of Stock Exchange.  5

14. What are the main objectives of World Bank (IBRD)?          5


Give the meaning of crossing. Explain briefly about the different types of crossing with example.

15. Discuss the classification of Banks.       5

16. Briefly explain the functions of Reserve Bank of India as bankers bank.      5

17. What are the features of Non-Bank Financial Institution?     5

18. What are the privileges of a holder in due course?  5

19. Explain briefly about the growth of commercial banks in India during the post-Independence period.           8


Narrate the advantages and disadvantages of branch banking and unit banking.

20. Explain any two credit control techniques adopted by the RBI.      8

AHSEC Class 12 Finance Question Paper 2018

21. Discuss the principles of sound lending policy of a bank.      2+6=8


Who is collecting banker? Explain the duties of collecting banker.

22. What is Capital Market? Explain briefly the features of Capital Market.         2+6=8


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