Principles of Marketing Solved Question Paper 2021 | 5th Sem CBCS | Gauahti University

In this post we have Shared Gauhati University Principles of Marketing Question Paper Solution 2021, Which can be very beneficial for your upcoming ex
Principles of Marketing Solved Question Paper 2021 | 5th Sem CBCS | Gauahti University

In this post we have Shared Gauhati University Principles of Marketing Question Paper Solution 2021, Which can be very beneficial for your upcoming exam preparation. So read this post from top to bottom and get familiar with the question paper solution .

Gauhati University Principles of Marketing Question Paper Solution 2021

GU Principles of Marketing Question Paper 2021 (Held in 2022)
COMMERCE (Honours)
Paper: COM-HC-5016
(Principles of Marketing)
Full Marks: 80
Time: Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Answer the following as directed:             1x10=10

(a)       Which of the following is not included in demographic segmentation of markets?

(1)       Gender. 

(2)       Age. 

(3)       Education. 

(4)       Culture. 

(Choose the correct answer)

Ans: (4)       Culture. 

(b)       Who introduced the concept of ‘Marketing Mix’?

(1)       William J. Stanton. 

(2)       Philip Kotler. 

(3)       Henry L. Hemen. 

(4)       N. H. Borden. 

(Choose the correct answer)

Ans: (4) N. H. Borden introduced the concept of 'Marketing Mix'.

(c)        Which of the following is not an uncontrollable factor of marketing environment?

(1)       Economic growth. 

(2)       Level of education. 

(3)       Marketing mix. 

(4)       Price Policy

(Choose the correct answer)

Ans:  (4)       Price Policy

(d)       Which one of the following is not a psychological factor of consumer behaviour? 

(1)       Motivation. 

(2)       Family income. 

(3)       Attitude. 

(4)       Perception. 

(Choose the correct answer) 

Ans:(2) Family income is not a psychological factor of consumer behavior.

(e)       ‘Mobile hand-set’ is an example of –

(1)       Perishable goods. 

(2)       Non-durable goods. 

(3)       Durable goods. 

(4)       None of the above. 

(Choose the correct answer)

Ans: (3) Mobile hand-set is an example of durable goods.

(f)  Producing a cheaper product is the focus of the ‘product concept’ of marketing. (State True or False) 

Ans: False. The focus of the product concept of marketing is producing a high-quality product that meets the needs and wants of customers. It is not necessarily focused on producing a cheaper product.

(g)       Packaging is an activity which is concerned with protection, economy, convenience and promotional consideration. (State True or False) 

Ans: True. Packaging is an activity that is concerned with protection, economy, convenience, and promotional considerations. It is an important aspect of the marketing mix that helps to protect and preserve products, to make them more convenient and appealing to consumers, and to promote the brand and the product.

(h)       Under ‘Penetration pricing policy’, the price of new product fixed at initial stage is high. (State True or False) 

Ans: False. Under a penetration pricing policy, the price of a new product is fixed at a low level at the initial stage in order to encourage trial and adoption by consumers. The goal of penetration pricing is to quickly gain a large market share by making the product affordable and attractive to consumers. It is not characterized by high prices.

(i)         In product development process, forecasting stage precedes commercialisation and lunch of product. (State True or False) 

Ans: False. In the product development process, the forecasting stage typically follows the commercialization and launch of the product. The forecasting stage involves making predictions about the potential performance and demand for the product based on market research and other data. It is not typically an early stage in the product development process.

(j)         A company that attaches the same brand name to all of its products is called family umbrella branding. (State True or False) 

Ans:True. A company that attaches the same brand name to all of its products is using a strategy called family umbrella branding. This strategy is intended to create brand recognition and loyalty by consistently using the same brand name across all of the company's products. It is also known as corporate branding or brand extension.

2. Answer the following questions:               2x5=10

(1)       What is green marketing? 

Ans: Green marketing, also known as environmental marketing or sustainable marketing, refers to the development and promotion of products or services that are environmentally friendly or sustainable. Green marketing aims to promote the environmental benefits of a product or service and to encourage consumers to make more environmentally responsible purchasing decisions.

(2)       What is trademark?

Ans: A trademark is a distinctive symbol, word, or phrase that is used to identify and distinguish a product or service from those of others. Trademarks can include logos, brand names, slogans, and other distinctive features that are used in connection with the sale of a product or service.

Trademarks are intended to protect the interests of consumers by helping them to identify the source of a product or service and to distinguish it from similar products or services offered by others. They also protect the interests of businesses by helping them to build brand awareness and to differentiate their products or services from those of their competitors.

Trademarks are governed by trademark law, which is intended to prevent the unauthorized use of trademarks and to protect the rights of trademark holders. In order to be eligible for trademark protection, a trademark must be distinctive and must not be confusingly similar to any existing trademarks.

(3)       Write two advantages of direct marketing. 

Ans:Direct marketing is a type of marketing that involves communicating directly with customers through various channels, such as mail, email, phone, or online advertising. Some of the main advantages of direct marketing include:

1.Targeted messaging: Direct marketing allows businesses to target specific audiences or segments of the market with personalized messaging that is relevant to their interests and needs. This can be more effective than mass marketing, which involves reaching a wider audience with a more general message.

2.Measurable results: Direct marketing allows businesses to track the effectiveness of their marketing efforts through metrics such as response rates and conversion rates. This can help businesses to fine-tune their marketing strategies and improve their return on investment.

Overall, direct marketing is a powerful tool for businesses that want to reach specific audiences with targeted messaging and track the results of their marketing efforts. It is especially effective for businesses that sell products or services that have a specific target market or that require more personalized communication with customers.

(4)       What is impulse goods?

Ans: Impulse goods are products or services that are purchased on the spur of the moment, without prior planning or consideration. Impulse goods are often associated with emotions, such as excitement, pleasure, or the desire for instant gratification.

Examples of impulse goods include candy, magazines, and souvenirs that are purchased while shopping or traveling. Impulse goods can also include services, such as impromptu vacations or salon treatments.

(5)       Write briefly on affiliate marketing. 

Ans:Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards affiliates for each customer or sale that is generated as a result of their marketing efforts. Affiliates are typically individuals or businesses that promote the products or services of the business through their own marketing channels, such as their website, social media accounts, or email list.

In affiliate marketing, affiliates are typically paid a commission based on the sales or leads they generate for the business. This can be a fixed amount or a percentage of the sale. Affiliates can earn commissions by promoting the products or services of the business through various marketing channels, such as banner ads, links, or social media posts.

Affiliate marketing is a popular marketing strategy for businesses as it allows them to reach a wider audience through the marketing efforts of affiliates. It is also beneficial for affiliates, as it provides them with an opportunity to earn commissions by promoting products or services that they are interested in or that align with their own brand.

Overall, affiliate marketing is a mutually beneficial relationship between businesses and affiliates that can be an effective way to reach customers and generate sales.

3. Answer any four of the following:           5x4=20

(a)       Distinguish between selling and marketing. 

Ans: Selling and marketing are related but distinct concepts in the world of business. Some of the key differences between selling and marketing include:

Focus: Selling typically focuses on the transaction of a specific product or service, while marketing focuses on the overall process of identifying, anticipating, and satisfying customer needs and wants.

Time frame: Selling is often a short-term activity that is focused on making a sale in the present, while marketing is a longer-term process that is focused on building relationships with customers and creating ongoing demand for a product or service.

Target audience: Selling is typically focused on individual customers, while marketing is focused on a wider target audience that may include both individual consumers and other businesses.

Scope: Selling is often more narrowly focused on the specific product or service being offered, while marketing is a broader concept that encompasses a range of activities, such as market research, product development, pricing, promotion, and distribution.

Role: Selling is typically seen as a more reactive activity that is focused on persuading customers to make a purchase, while marketing is a proactive activity that involves identifying customer needs and developing products and services to meet those needs.

Overall, while selling is an important aspect of business, marketing is a broader concept that involves a range of activities that are designed to identify, anticipate, and satisfy customer needs and wants

(b)       Write the importance of study of consumer behaviour. 

Ans:The study of consumer behavior is important for businesses and marketers as it helps them to understand how consumers make purchasing decisions and what factors influence those decisions. Some of the main importance of the study of consumer behavior include:

Developing effective marketing strategies: By understanding consumer behavior, businesses can develop marketing strategies that are more likely to be successful in influencing purchasing decisions.

Improving product development: The study of consumer behavior can help businesses to understand the needs and preferences of their customers, which can inform product development efforts and lead to the development of more successful products.

Enhancing customer satisfaction: By understanding the factors that influence consumer behavior, businesses can create marketing campaigns and customer experiences that are more likely to satisfy customers and encourage loyalty.

Increasing sales and profits: By effectively influencing consumer behavior, businesses can increase sales and profits by persuading consumers to make purchases and encouraging repeat purchases.

Understanding market trends: The study of consumer behavior can help businesses to understand market trends and anticipate changes in consumer preferences, which can inform marketing efforts and business strategies.

Overall, the study of consumer behavior is essential for businesses and marketers as it helps them to understand the factors that influence purchasing decisions and develop strategies that are more likely to be successful in influencing consumer behavior.

(c)        Explain the factors influencing product pricing decisions. 

Ans:Product pricing is the process of determining the price at which a product or service will be sold. The pricing decision is a critical aspect of the marketing mix, as it can impact the success of a product or service and the overall performance of the business. There are several factors that can influence product pricing decisions, including:

Production costs: The cost of producing a product or service is a key factor in determining its price. In order to be profitable, a business must ensure that the price of the product or service covers its production costs, including materials, labor, and overhead.

Market demand: The level of demand for a product or service can influence its price. If demand is high, a business may be able to charge a higher price, while a low level of demand may require a lower price to stimulate sales.

Competition: The prices of similar products or services offered by competitors can influence the pricing of a product or service. A business must consider the prices of its competitors when setting the price of its products or services in order to remain competitive.

Marketing objectives: The marketing objectives of the business can influence the pricing of a product or service. For example, a business that aims to reach a wide audience may price its products or services lower in order to make them more affordable, while a business that aims to reach a specific segment of the market may price its products or services higher to reflect their exclusivity.

Customer perceptions: The perceptions of customers about the value of a product or service can influence its price. A business must consider how customers perceive the value of its products or services and price them accordingly.

Overall, the pricing of a product or service is influenced by a range of factors, including production costs, market demand, competition, marketing objectives, and customer perceptions. By considering these factors, businesses can make informed pricing decisions that support the success of their products or services and the overall performance of the business.

(d)       Explain briefly the role of channels of distribution in modern business world. 

Ans: In the modern business world, channels of distribution play a crucial role in getting products and services from producers to customers. A distribution channel refers to the network of organizations and individuals that are involved in the process of getting a product or service from the producer to the final customer.

Some of the key roles of channels of distribution in modern business include:

Facilitating access: Channels of distribution help to make products and services available to customers in different locations and markets. This can be especially important for businesses that operate in global markets or serve customers in remote areas.

Enhancing convenience: Channels of distribution can make it more convenient for customers to access products and services, by providing multiple points of purchase and delivery options.

Increasing efficiency: By streamlining the process of getting products and services to customers, channels of distribution can help businesses to reduce costs and increase efficiency.

Building relationships: Channels of distribution can help businesses to build relationships with customers by providing personalized service and support.

Promoting brand awareness: By making products and services available through various channels, businesses can increase brand awareness and reach a wider audience.

Overall, channels of distribution play a vital role in modern business by facilitating access to products and services, enhancing convenience, increasing efficiency, building relationships, and promoting brand awareness.

(e)       Write five advantages of social marketing. 

Ans: Social marketing refers to the use of marketing principles and techniques to influence the behavior of individuals or groups in order to promote the common good and improve social welfare. Some of the main advantages of social marketing include:

Promotes social change: Social marketing can be used to promote social change by raising awareness of social issues and encouraging individuals to adopt behaviors that support social goals.

Enhances public health: Social marketing can be used to promote healthy behaviors and prevent the spread of diseases, which can improve public health outcomes.

Increases efficiency: Social marketing can be more efficient than traditional forms of public health intervention, as it can reach large numbers of people at a lower cost.

Improves social welfare: By promoting behaviors that benefit society as a whole, social marketing can help to improve social welfare and reduce social problems.

Builds community support: Social marketing can help to build community support for social issues and causes, which can increase the likelihood of success in promoting social change.

Overall, social marketing is a powerful tool for promoting social change and improving social welfare. By using marketing principles and techniques to influence behavior, social marketing can help to drive positive change and make a positive impact on society.

(f)         Explain the factors influencing in selection of distribution channel. 

Ans: The distribution channel is the network of organizations and individuals that are involved in the process of getting a product or service from the producer to the final customer. The selection of the distribution channel is a critical decision for businesses as it can impact the success of the product or service and the overall performance of the business. There are several factors that can influence the selection of a distribution channel, including:

Type of product or service: The nature of the product or service being offered can influence the selection of the distribution channel. For example, perishable products may require a more efficient distribution channel, while luxury products may require a more exclusive distribution channel.

Target market: The characteristics of the target market, such as location, demographics, and purchasing habits, can influence the selection of the distribution channel. For example, a product targeting a global market may require a more complex distribution channel that can reach customers in different regions.

Pricing: The pricing strategy of the product or service can influence the selection of the distribution channel. For example, a high-priced product may require a more exclusive distribution channel to maintain its prestige, while a low-priced product may be more suited to a mass distribution channel.

Marketing objectives: The marketing objectives of the business can influence the selection of the distribution channel. For example, a business that aims to reach a wide audience may require a mass distribution channel, while a business that aims to reach a specific segment of the market may require a targeted distribution channel.

Available resources: The resources of the business, such as financial, human, and physical resources, can influence the selection of the distribution channel. A business with limited resources may require a more efficient distribution channel that can reach a large audience with minimal investment.

Overall, the selection of the distribution channel is a key decision for businesses

Gauhati University Principles of Marketing Question Paper Solution 2021

4. Discuss the different components of marketing environment.   10

Ans: The marketing environment refers to the external and internal factors that can impact the success of a marketing campaign or the overall performance of a business. It includes all of the forces and factors that can influence the decisions and actions of a business, and includes both micro and macro elements.

The components of the marketing environment can be broken down into four main categories:

Internal environment: This includes all of the factors that are within the control of the business, such as its mission and vision, resources, organizational structure, and culture.

Micro environment: This includes all of the factors that are close to the business and can impact its operations and performance, such as customers, competitors, suppliers, and intermediaries.

Macro environment: This includes all of the larger societal forces that can impact the business, such as economic, technological, political, and cultural factors.

External environment: This includes all of the factors that are outside the control of the business, such as natural disasters, social trends, and global events.

By understanding the components of the marketing environment, businesses can anticipate and respond to changes and challenges, and make informed decisions about their marketing strategies and tactics. This can help them to be more competitive and successful in the market.


Discuss the scope and importance of marketing in modern-day economy.              5+5=10

Ans: Marketing is the process of identifying, anticipating, and satisfying customer needs and wants through the creation, promotion, and distribution of products and services. It is a critical function in modern-day economy as it helps businesses to understand the needs and preferences of their customers, and to develop and promote products and services that meet those needs.

The scope of marketing is broad and encompasses a range of activities, including market research, product development, pricing, distribution, promotion, and customer service. Marketing plays a crucial role in the success of a business by helping to attract and retain customers, and by building brand awareness and loyalty.

Some of the key benefits of marketing in modern-day economy include:

  1. Driving economic growth: Marketing helps to stimulate demand for products and services, which can drive economic growth and create jobs.

  1. Enhancing customer satisfaction: Marketing helps businesses to understand the needs and preferences of their customers, which can lead to the development of products and services that better meet those needs. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  1. Building brand awareness and loyalty: Marketing helps businesses to build brand awareness and loyalty by promoting their products and services to potential customers. This can help businesses to stand out in a crowded market and differentiate themselves from competitors.

  1. Providing information to customers: Marketing helps businesses to provide customers with information about their products and services, which can help customers to make informed purchasing decisions.

Overall, the scope and importance of marketing in modern-day economy cannot be overstated. By understanding and meeting the needs of their customers, businesses can drive economic growth, enhance customer satisfaction, and build brand awareness and loyalty.

5. What is consumer behaviour? Explain the various factors that influencing consumer behaviour.  2+8=10

Ans: Consumer behavior refers to the actions and decisions made by individuals or groups when purchasing and consuming goods and services. It is a field of study that aims to understand how consumers make purchasing decisions, what factors influence their decisions, and how they use and dispose of the products they purchase.

There are various factors that can influence consumer behavior, including:

Personal factors: These are individual characteristics that can influence consumer behavior, such as age, gender, income, education, and personality.

Psychological factors: These are the mental processes that influence consumer behavior, such as attitudes, beliefs, motivation, perception, and learning.

Social factors: These are the social influences that can shape consumer behavior, such as family, friends, culture, and social status.

Cultural factors: These are the cultural values and norms that can impact consumer behavior, such as religion, customs, and traditions.

Situational factors: These are the specific circumstances surrounding a purchase decision, such as the time, place, and context in which the decision is made.

Economic factors: These are the economic conditions that can affect consumer behavior, such as income, employment, and economic growth.

Understanding consumer behavior is important for businesses and marketers as it


What is market segmentation? Describe the different bases used for market segmentation.          2+8=10

Ans: Market segmentation is the process of dividing a market into smaller groups of consumers with similar needs or characteristics. The goal of market segmentation is to identify specific segments of the market that can be targeted with marketing efforts that are tailored to their unique needs and preferences.

There are several different bases that can be used for market segmentation, including:

Demographic segmentation: This involves dividing the market based on characteristics such as age, gender, income, education, and family size.

Psychographic segmentation: This involves dividing the market based on consumers' lifestyles, values, attitudes, and interests.

Behavioral segmentation: This involves dividing the market based on consumers' behavior, such as their level of loyalty, frequency of purchase, or willingness to try new products.

Geographic segmentation: This involves dividing the market based on location, such as by region, country, or city.

Product-related segmentation: This involves dividing the market based on the type of product or service being offered, such as by price range, quality, or features.

By using market segmentation, businesses can more effectively target their marketing efforts and better understand the needs and preferences of specific groups of consumers. This can help businesses to develop more effective marketing campaigns and to create products and services that are more likely to meet the needs of their target market.

6. What is product life cycle? Describe the different stages of product life cycle. 2+8=10

Ans:The product life cycle is the process that a product goes through from its introduction to the market to its removal from the market. It consists of four main stages: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. Each stage presents different challenges and opportunities for the product and the company that produces it.

Introduction: This is the first stage of the product life cycle, during which the product is introduced to the market. At this stage, the product is typically new and unknown to the target market, and the main goal is to generate awareness and interest in the product. Marketing efforts at this stage tend to focus on introducing the product to the target market and building demand for it.

Growth: During the growth stage, the product begins to gain traction in the market, and sales and profits start to increase. Marketing efforts at this stage focus on building brand awareness and expanding the market for the product.

Maturity: In the maturity stage, the product has reached its peak in terms of sales and profits. At this stage, the product is well-established in the market, and competition may become more intense. Marketing efforts at this stage focus on maintaining market share and maximizing profits.

Decline: In the decline stage, the product's sales and profits begin to decrease as it loses market share to newer, more innovative products. Marketing efforts at this stage focus on maintaining the product's remaining market share and maximizing profits in the face of declining demand.

Overall, the product life cycle is a key concept in marketing, as it helps businesses understand the challenges and opportunities that their products will face over time. By understanding the different stages of the product life cycle, businesses can develop strategies to maximize the success of their products in the market.


What is new product development? Explain the various steps involved in new product development process.                 2+8=10

Ans: New product development (NPD) is the process of developing and introducing new products to the market. This process involves a number of steps that are followed to ensure the successful launch of the product. The steps involved in the NPD process can vary depending on the specific product and industry, but some common steps include:

Idea generation: This involves generating ideas for new products through a variety of methods, such as market research, brainstorming sessions, and customer feedback.

Idea evaluation: This involves evaluating the feasibility and potential of the ideas generated in the idea generation stage. This includes considering factors such as market demand, production costs, and potential competition.

Concept development: This involves developing a detailed concept for the product, including its features, benefits, and target market. This step also involves conducting market research to assess the potential demand for the product.

Business analysis: This involves analyzing the potential profitability of the product and determining whether it is a viable business opportunity. This includes considering factors such as production costs, pricing, and marketing strategies.

Product development: This involves designing and testing prototypes of the product to ensure that it meets the desired specifications and is ready for market launch.

Marketing strategy: This involves developing a marketing plan for the product, including identifying the target market, positioning the product in the market, and developing a promotional plan.

Market testing: This involves testing the product in a small, controlled market to gather feedback and assess the product's market potential.

Commercialization: This involves launching the product in the market and bringing it to the attention of the target market. This can involve a variety of marketing efforts, such as advertising, public relations, and sales promotion.

Overall, the NPD process is a complex and multi-faceted process that involves a wide range of activities to bring a new product to market. By following a structured process, companies can increase their chances of developing and launching successful new products. 

Gauhati University Principles of Marketing Question Paper Solution 2021

7. What is the promotion mix? Explain the factors affecting promotion mix decisions.               3+7=10

Ans: The promotion mix refers to the blend of marketing communication tools that a company uses to promote its products or services to its target audience. The promotion mix includes a variety of tools, such as advertising, public relations, personal selling, sales promotion, and direct marketing. Each of these tools serves a different purpose and can be used to reach different goals.

The factors that affect promotion mix decisions include the following:

Marketing objectives: The promotion mix should be aligned with the overall marketing objectives of the company. For example, if the objective is to increase brand awareness, then advertising might be a more appropriate tool than personal selling.

Target audience: The promotion mix should be tailored to the characteristics and needs of the target audience. For example, if the target audience is young and tech-savvy, then digital marketing tools might be more effective than traditional advertising methods.

Product characteristics: The promotion mix should consider the characteristics of the product, such as its price, benefits, and target market. For example, a high-end product might benefit from a more personal approach, such as personal selling, while a lower-priced product might be more effectively promoted through sales promotions or advertising.

Budget: The promotion mix should be appropriate for the budget allocated for marketing and promotion.

Competition: The promotion mix should take into account the competition in the market and the strategies they are using to promote their products or services.

Legal and ethical considerations: The promotion mix should comply with relevant laws and regulations and adhere to ethical standards.

Overall, the promotion mix is an important element of the marketing mix, and the right mix of tools can help a company effectively reach its target audience and achieve its marketing objectives.


Highlight the importance of advertising. In this context, explain how marketing goals are met with advertising campaigns. 4+6=10 

Ans: Advertising is a form of marketing communication that is used to promote products, services, or ideas to a target audience. It is an important tool for businesses and organizations as it helps to raise awareness of the products or services they offer, influence customer behavior, and build brand loyalty.

Some of the key benefits of advertising include:


Increasing brand awareness: Advertising helps to increase awareness of a brand and its products or services, which can help to establish a brand as a market leader.

Influencing customer behavior: Advertising can be used to persuade customers to make a purchase or change their behavior in some way. This can be achieved through the use of persuasive messages and calls to action.

Building brand loyalty: Advertising can help to build brand loyalty by reinforcing the benefits of the brand and its products or services. This can help to encourage repeat purchases and customer loyalty over the long term.

Generating leads: Advertising can help to generate leads for a business by attracting potential customers to the brand. This can be achieved through the use of targeted advertising campaigns that reach the right audience.

In terms of meeting marketing goals, advertising campaigns can be tailored to specific objectives and target audiences to help achieve specific results. For example, an advertising campaign aimed at increasing brand awareness might focus on creating a memorable and recognizable brand image, while a campaign aimed at influencing customer behavior might use persuasive messages to encourage customers to make a purchase.

Overall, advertising is an important tool for businesses and organizations as it helps to promote products and services, influence customer behavior, and build brand loyalty. By effectively integrating advertising into the marketing mix, businesses can achieve a range of marketing goals and drive growth and success.


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