AHSEC HS Class 12 Retail Trade Question Paper 2019
In this post we have Shared AHSEC Class 12 Retail Trade Question paper 2019 | AHSEC HS 2nd Year Retail Trade Question Paper 2019 | Which can be very beneficial for your upcoming exam preparation. So read this post from top to bottom and get familiar with the question asked in AHSEC HS Class 12 Retail Trade Question paper 2019
Question Paper Overview
Name of Board: AHSEC
Exam: H.S 2nd Year Final Exam.
Subject: Retail Trade
Year: 2019
Class: HS 2nd Year
Type: Text
Official website: ahsec.assam.gov.in
Category: AHSEC Previous Year Question Paper, Class 12 Retail Trade Question Papers
AHSEC Class 12 Retail Trade Question Paper 2019
Full Marks: 30
Pass Marks: 09
Time: 1½ hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
Q.1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words given in the brackets: (any four) 4
(i) The purpose of retail business is to sell goods and services to the ________ (end user/manufacturer/supplier).
(ii) Private security generally covers security of personnel, property and_________(Industry / Information /institutions).
(iii) It is the responsibility of______to see that every cash counter is managed properly. (Head cashier / customer / manager).
(iv) Successful________management helps in balancing the cost of inventory. (product / inventory / customer ).
(v) Geo targeting and________ are the methods of determining the physical location of a website visitor. (geo marketing/geo selling / geo purchasing)
(vi) Supply chain management (SCM) is a_______method for distribution of product. (simple/complex/expensive)
AHSEC HS 2nd Year Retail Trade Question Paper 2019
Q.2. State the following statements as true or false: (any four) 4
(i) Retailers without stores are called non-store retailers.
(ii)Supply chain management (SCM) is important only at the level of distribution of products.
(iii) Inventory maintenance helps the customers to find the right product at the right time.
(iv) Traditional marketing and e-marketing are the same concept.
(v) E-business is the application of ICT.
(vi) FIFO means First in fast out.
AHSEC Class 12 Retail Trade Question Paper 2019
3. Multiple choice questions: (any four) 4.
Choose the correct alternatives:
(i) Inventories can be considered as :
(a) Asset
(b) Liabilities
(c) Profits
(d) All the above.
(ii) Which of the following is not the principle of SCM?
(a) Customer as a king
(b) Management Logistic
(c) Customer management
(d) Services to owner
(iii) The retailer is a direct link between-
(a) Consumer and retailer
(b) Manufacturer and wholesaler.
(c) Manufacturer and Consumer
(d) None of the above.
(iv) Inventory Cushions are also referred to as
(a) Maximum stock
(b) Safety stock
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above.
(v) AV cue sheet means-
(a) Assessment and visual
(b) Audio and visual
(c) Audio and venue
(d) None of the above.
(vi) Which of the following is not an accounting concept ?
(a) Going Concern concept
(b) Money measurement concept
(c) Consistency concept.
(d) Profit concept
AHSEC Class 12 Retail Trade Question Paper 2019
Q.Answer the following in short: (any six) (2×6=12)
(i) What do you mean by Safety Stock in inventory management ? 2
(ii) What is event management ? Give examples of event management services. 1+1=2
(iii) Mention any four elements of supply chain management (SCM) 2
(iv) What are the components of a modern Point of Sale (POS) system ? 2
(v) Name at least four safety and surveillance equipment used in a modern retail store.2
(vi) What are the functions of a security personnel in retail store?2
(vii) What is inventory planning? Name any two methods of inventory planning. 1+1=2
(viii) What is consumer behaviour ? Why is it important in retail business ? 2
AHSEC HS 2nd Year Retail Trade Question Paper 2019
5. Answer the following: (any two)2 x 3=6
(i) What is e-Retailing ? What are the modern payment methods in e-Retailing?
(ii) What are the duties and responsibilities of a customer sales associate?
(iii) What is a retail strategy ? Develop a model retail strategy for a new product of your own.
(iv) What is housekeeping? Why is it important in retail ?
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