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If you are a student of Assam University: Silchar B.Com 5th (odd) sem and looking for Assam University: Silchar Human Resources Management Question Paper 2020 (Held in 2021) Bcom 5th Sem CBCS then you are in right place here in this page we have Shared Assam University Human Resources Management Question Paper 2020 (Held in 2021) Which can be very beneficial for your upcoming examinations.
Reading previous year question papers have great advantage not only in semester exam but for any examinations student must familiar with the question asked in previous year and prepare accordingly. In this page Assam University Silchar B.com 5th Sem Human Resources Management Question Paper 2020 (Held in 2021) can help you in Better Analysis of Questions and Question Paper Patterns.
If you want to read in detail Assam University Silchar Human Resources Management Question Paper 2020 (Held in 2021) Bcom 5th Semester as per CBCS Pettern read this Post from top to bottom and try to solve this question paper if you have any problem regarding to the solution of question paper you can also follow our solution.
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Assam University Silchar TDC 5th Sem Human Resource Management Question Paper 2020 (Held in March 2021)
Assam University Silchar TDC 5th Sem Human Resource Management Question Paper 2020 (Held in 2021)
Assam University B.Com 5th Sem Question Paper Human Resource Management Question Paper 2020 (Held in 2021),
Assam University B.Com 5th Sem HRM Question Paper CBCS Pattern
2020/TDC (CBCS)/ODD/SEM/COMDSE-501 (A/B/C)/355
TDC (CBCS) Odd Semester Exam., 2020 held in March, 2021
COMMERCE (5th Semester)
Course No.: COMDSE – 501T
(Human Resource Management)
Full Marks: 70
Pass Marks: 28
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
Course No.: COMDSE-501T (A)
Answer any twenty from the following questions: 1x20=20
1. What is Human Resource Management?
2. Write the definition of Human Resource Management given by Edwin B. Flippo.
3. Give the meaning of Human Resource Policy.
4. Write one principle of Human Resource Policy.
5. Mention one qualification of Human Resource Manager.
6. What is the meaning of downsizing plan in HRM?
7. What is employee exist policy?
8. Write one objective of employee exist policy.
9. Define Human Resource Planning.
10. Write one objective of Human Resource Planning.
11. What is absenteeism?
12. Write one quantitative technique for forecasting HR demand.
13. What are the three levels of HR Planning?
14. Define job analysis.
15. What is job specification?
16. Mention one objective of interview.
17. Define training.
18. Write one objective of training.
19. Mention three techniques of training.
20. What is executive development?
21. Write one objective of executive development.
22. What are management games?
23. Define the term ‘career’.
24. Write one objective of career planning.
25. Give the meaning of performance appraisal.
26. Write one objective of performance appraisal.
27. Mention two main methods of performance appraisal.
28. What is the full form of BARS?
29. Define promotion.
30. Write one objective of promotion.
31. What is Halsey plan?
32. Write one objective of employee counseling.
33. What is health?
34. Which Act deals with the state of Employees’ Health in India?
35. What is the meaning of accident?
36. In which year was the Workmen’s Compensation Act passed in India?
37. In which year was the Employees’ State Insurance Act passed?
38. How many parties are associated with Industrial Relations?
39. In which year was the Industrial Disputes Act passed?
40. What is grievance?
Assam University B.Com 5th Sem Question Papers
Assam University Silchar TDC 5th Sem Human Resource Management Question Paper 2020 (Held in 2021)
Answer any five from the following questions: 2x5=10
41. Write two objectives of Human Resource Management.
42. Write two merits of Human Resource Information System.
43. Name two types of HR policy.
44. Write two sources of internal recruitment.
45. What is selection process?
46. Write two objectives of induction.
47. Why are employees transferred?
48. Write two aims of job evaluation.
49. Mention two important Social Security Laws prevalent in India.
50. Write two measures for prevention of Industrial Disputes.
Assam University Silchar TDC 5th Sem Human Resource Management Question Paper 2020 (Held in 2021)
Answer any five from the following questions: 8x5=40
51. Explain the functions of Human Resource Management.
52. Discuss the emerging challenges of Human Resource Management.
53. Explain various quantitative and qualitative techniques of manpower forecasting.
54. Discuss various steps involved in selection process.
55. Explain the off-the-job methods of training.
56. Briefly discuss the methods of executive development.
57. Explain four traditional and four modern methods of performance appraisal.
58. Discuss the process of job evaluation.
59. Examine various legal provisions regarding safety of workers.
60. Discuss existing machinery for the settlement of industrial disputes in India.
Assam University Silchar TDC 5th Sem Human Resource Management Question Paper 2020 (Held in 2021)
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