Are you looking for AHSEC Class 11 Business Studies Syllabus 2023-24 ? If you want to know about Assam Board AHSEC Class 11 Business Studies Syllabus- 2023-24, Then in this post we have discussed what is the Exam Pettern and Syllabus of Business Studies AHSEC Class 11. HS 1st Year Business Studies New Syllabus 2023-24.
So, you read this post from beginning to end, after that you will get to know about AHSEC HS First Year Business Studies Syllabus 2023-24.
Theory: 80 marks Time: Three Hours.
Project: 20 Marks
Unitwise Distribution of Marks & Periods:
Unit wise Distribution of Course Contents:-
PART-A: Foundation of Business
Unit-I: Nature and Purpose of Business. Marks: 07
Concept and Characteristics of Business.
Business, Profession and Employment-Distinctive features.
Objectives of business- Economic and Social, Role of Profit in business.
Classification of business activities: Industry and Commerce.
Industry- Types: primary, secondary, tertiary.
Commerce: Trade and Auxiliaries.
Business Risks- Nature and Causes.
Unit-II: Forms of Business Organisations: Marks-10
Sole Proprietorship: Joint Hindu Family Business – meaning, features, merits and limitations.
Partnership- meaning, types, registration, merits, limitations, types of partners.
Cooperative Societies- types, merits and limitations.
Company: Private Ltd, Public ltd-merits, limitations.
Choice of form of business organisations.
Starting a business- Basic factor.
Unit-III: Private, Public and Global Enterprises: Marks-08
Private Sector and Public Sector.
Forms of Organising Public Sector Enterprises.
Departmental Undertaking.
Statutory Corporation.
Government Company.
Changing role of Public Sector.
Global Enterprises (Multinational Companies): meaning and features.
Joint Ventures- meaning, benefits. Private Public Participation (PPP)
Unit-IV: Business Services: Marks-08
Nature and types of Business Services- Banking, Insurance, Transportation, Warehousing
Banking- Types of Banks, Functions of Commercial Banks, E-banking.
Insurance: Principles, Types: life, fire and marine.
Postal and Telecom Services.
Warehousing: Types and Functions.
Unit-V: Emerging Modes of Business: Marks-07
E-Business- Meaning, Scope and benefits, Resources required for successful e-business
implementation, On-line transactions, Payment mechanism, Security and safety of business
Outsourcing- Concept, need and scope.
Unit-VI: Social Responsibility of Business and Business Ethics: Marks-06
Concept of Social Responsibility
Case for social responsibility
Responsibility towards different interest groups: owners, investors, employees, consumers,
government, community and public in general
Business and Environmental Protection.
Business Ethics: Concept and Elements.
PART-B: Corporate Organisation, Finance and Trade.
Unit-VII: Formation of a Company: Marks-06
Stages in the formation of a Company:
Incorporation, and
Commencement of business.
Unit-VIII: Sources of Business Finance: Marks-08
Nature and Significance.
Financial Requirements and Sources: owner’s funds and borrowed funds.
Methods of Raising Finance:
Equity and Preference Shares.
Debentures and Bonds
Retained profits
Public deposits
Loan from Commercial Banks.
Loan from Financial Institution.
Trade Credit
Discounting of Bills of Exchange.
Global Depository Receipt, American Depository Receipt.
Unit-IX: MSME and Business Entrepreneurship: Marks-06
Meaning and nature of MSME in India.
Role of MSME in India.
Problems faced by MSME in India.
Role of innovation and entrepreneurship for MSMEs.
Unit-X: Internal Trade: Marks-08
Meaning and types of internal trade: wholesale and retail.
Services of a wholesaler and a retailer.
Types of Retail Trade:
Itinerant retailers and fixed shops
Departmental store, Super market, Malls, Chain Store, Mail order business,
Consumer’s Co-operative Store.
Automatic Vending Machine
Role of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Promotion of internal trade.
Unit-XI: International Business: Marks-06
Nature, importance, scope and complexities involved in International Business.
Basic information about ways of entering into International Business.
Contract manufacturing; licensing; franchising; joint ventures and Setting up Wholly owned
Export-Import procedures and Documentation.
Foreign Trade Promotion: Organisational Support and Incentives; Nature and Importance of
Export Processing Zone/Special Economic Zones.
International Trade Institutions and Agreement: WTO, UNCTAD, World Bank/IMF.
Project Work - 20 Marks
Project Preparation 15 Marks
Project VIVA VOCE 05 Marks
Format for Project Work of the subject Business Studies (H.S. First Year)
Cover Page:-
Title of the Project.
Information of the student
(Name, Roll No, Registration No, Year)
Name of the Supervisor/Guide.
Name of the Institution.
Second Page: - Acknowledgement.
Third Page: - Declaration by the students.
Forth Page: - Certificate from Supervisor/Guide.
Certificate from Head of the Institution/Department.
Fifth Page :- Contents/Index.
Main text of the project
References /Bibliography.
The project work for H.S. First Year students may include topics like:
1. Field work/visit to Consumer Co-operative Societies/Handloom/handicraft units, wholesale market, Shopping malls/ local haat (bazaar-weekly, daily, regulated markets).
2. Visit to some service sector units like hotels/insurance/restaurants/travel agencies/tent
houses and likewise.
3. E-marketing and its popularity.
4. Visit to village industries units like piggery, poultry, fishery, cane and bamboo, diary,
especially promoted by SHG’s.
5. Regional Rural Bank (RPB) visit, e-banking.
6. Social responsibility of Business discharged by leading organisation.
7. Study on leading entrepreneur of your city/town/locality.
8. Visit to micro, small and medium industry.
9. Food processing industry.
10. Study on various government schemes that support MSME’s of your area.
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