Class 11 Business Studies 2024 Question Paper [HS 1st Year Assam Board]

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The AHSEC Class 11 Business Studies Question Paper 2024 is now available for View and download. You can get the Assam Board HS 1st Year Business Studies Question Paper 2024 PDF from The Treasure Notes Website to help with your exam preparation. This question paper includes actual questions from previous years, giving you a clear idea of the type of questions, difficulty level, and topics covered in the HS 1st Year Business Studies syllabus. Studying these papers will help you understand the exam pattern better and improve your preparation.

Class 11 Business Studies 2024 Question Paper [HS 1st Year Assam Board]




Full Marks: 8O

Pass Marks: 24

Tune: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions


Q. No. 1 carries / mark each 1 x 8 = 8

Q. Nos. 2-5 carry 2 marks each 2 x 4 = 8

Q. Nos. 6-10 carry 3 marks each 3 x 5 = 15

Q. Nos. 11-15 carry 5 marks each 5 x 5 = 25

Q. Nos. 16-18 carry 8 marks each 8 x 3 = 24

Total 80

1. Answer the following questions :1×8=8

(a) State one feature of Joint Hindu Family Business.

(b) What do you mean by E-business?

(c)Give one example of unethical behavior in business.

(d) When can a private company commence business?

(e) Who is a promoter?

(f) Write one feature of cottage industry.

(g) Mention one problem of small business.

(h) What is the maximum number of members of a public company?

2. What is partnership deed? 2

3. Write two features of public sector enterprise. 2

4. State two responsibilities of business towards consumer. 2

5.Mention two merits of equity share. 2

6. State three functions of a retailer. 3

7. Explain any three features of business.3

8. State any three natures of service. 3

9. What do you mean by outsourcing of service? 3

10. State three causes of international trade. 3

11. "Profit is not the main objective of a business." Explain. 5

12. Explain the advantages of insurance to the business community. 5

13. Discuss five limitations of E-business. 5

14. Explain the role of small industries in rural areas. 5

15. Distinguish between domestic and international trade. 5

16. Define a wholesaler. Discuss the role of a wholesaler towards retailer. 8


What are the various features of a global enterprise?

17. Explain the concept of consumer cooperative store. What are its merits? 8


What are the different types of preference share? 8

18. Write a note on the changing role of public sector enterprises in India in the post-Independence era. 


What is share? Write the features of equity share. 8


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