Consumer Affairs and Customer Care Solved Question Paper 2022 | GU TDC 6th Sem | Gauhati University

In this Post we have shared Consumer Affairs and Customer Care Solved Question Paper 2022, B.Com 6th Sem Gauhati University (GU). which Can be Very Us


Consumer Affairs and Customer Care Solved Question Paper 2022 | GU TDC 6th Sem | Gauhati University

In this Post we have shared Consumer Affairs and Customer Care Solved Question Paper 2022, B.Com 6th Sem Gauhati University (GU). which Can be Very Useful For Your GU B.Com 6th Semester Sessional or Final Semester Examination. 6th Consumer Affairs and Customer Care Solved Question paper 2022 in PDF Gauhati University (GU).





(Honours Elective)

Paper: COM-HE-6026

Full Marks: 80

Time: Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions. 

1.Answer the following as directed: (any ten) 1×10=10

(a) Which type of the following buyers habitually purchase any product of a particular brand?

(i) Cognitive group

(ii) Domestic consumer

(iii) Reseller

(iv) Habit-determined group

Ans:- Habit-determined group.

Explaination: Habit-determined group buyers habitually purchase any product of a particular brand out of habit or routine

(b) Write the full form of MRP. 

Ans:- Maximum Retail Price

(c) Which type of consumers produce goods for self-consumption? 

(i) Direct consumers 

(ii) Domestic consumers

(iii) Emotional consumers 

(iv) Impulsive consumers 

Ans:- (ii) Domestic consumers

(d) Under which scheme any person can move to the court of law in the greater interest of the society? 

(i) Public interest litigation 

(ii) Redressal forum

(iii) Consumer organization.

(iv) All of the above

Ans:- (i) Public Interest Litigation

(e) Which standardized mark is printed on gold jewellery ?


(ii) ISO 2009 

(iii) ISI

(iv) Hallmark

Ans:- (iv) Hallmark

(f) State Government, if it deems fit, establish more than one District Commission in a district.

(Write True or False)

Ans:- True.

Explanation: True, State governments, if they consider it necessary or appropriate, can establish more than one District Commission within a district. The decision to establish multiple commissions would depend on the specific laws and regulations of the country or state in question.

(g) The laboratory test fees are payable by_______in case the District Commission sends for testing.

(i) Complainant

(ii) Opposite party

(iii) Registrar of District Commission

(iv) Government

(Fill in the blank with appropriate option) 

Ans:- Registrar of District Commission.

Explanation: The laboratory test fees are payable by the party or individual who requested the testing. In this case, if the District Commission sends samples for testing, they would be responsible for paying the laboratory test fees.

(h) The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 is replaced by which Act? 

Ans:-Consumer Protection Act, 2019.

(i) Who is a Chairperson of the District Consumer Protection Council?

Ans:- District Collector.

(j) Which date is observed as 'National Consumer Day' in India ?

Ans:- December 24th.

(k) How many meetings should the Central Consumer Protection Council hold in a year?

Ans:- Not less than two meetings.

(l) What is the pecuniary jurisdiction limit for the District Commission?

(i), 20 lakh

(ii) 50 lakh

(iii) 1 crore

(iv) Above 1 crore

(Choose the correct answer)

Ans:- (iv) Above 1 crore

(m) Name the supreme adjudicatory body. 

Ans:- National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC)

(n) Which type of dissatisfied consumer shows a switching behaviour and does negative word of mouth but are less likely to go for third party complaining?


(ii) Passive

(iii) Irates

(iv) Voicers

(Choose the correct answer)

Ans:-(ii) Passive

(o) Who prepares the guidelines for the Tom banking ombudsman scheme? 

Ans:- Reserve Bank of India (RBI)

2. Answer any five questions from the following : 2×5= 10

(a) Define consumer as per the Consumer Protection Act, 2019.

Ans:- Consumer, as per the Consumer Protection Act, 2019, refers to any individual who buys goods or avails services for personal, family, household, or agricultural purposes and not for commercial purposes.

(b) State two grounds for filing a complaint.

Ans:- Two grounds for filing a complaint under the Consumer Protection Act are: (1) defects in goods or deficiency in services, and (2) false or misleading advertisements.

(c) What is mediation ?

Ans:- Mediation is a dispute resolution process where a neutral third-party (mediator) facilitates communication and negotiation between parties to resolve a dispute.

(d) Define labelling.

Ans:- Labelling refers to the act of attaching a label, tag, or marking to goods that provides information about the product, such as its ingredients, weight, price, etc.

(e) What is meant by Indian standard mark?

Ans:- The Indian Standard Mark is a quality certification mark issued by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) to indicate that a product conforms to the specified Indian standard.

(f) Write two differences between online and offline markets. 

Ans:- Two differences between online and offline markets are: 

(1) the mode of purchase, as online markets allow consumers to purchase goods and services through the internet, while offline markets require physical presence, and 

(2) the availability of goods, as online markets may have a wider variety of goods and services as compared to offline markets.

(g) Define unfair trade practices as per Consumer Protection Act.

Ans:- Unfair trade practices, as per the Consumer Protection Act, include any deceptive or misleading representation made in the course of trade, such as false or misleading advertisements, charging excessive prices, hoarding, black marketing, etc.

(h) Who can file a complaint under the Consumer Protection Act?

Ans:- Any consumer who has suffered from a defect in goods or deficiency in services, or has been misled by a false or misleading advertisement, can file a complaint under the Consumer Protection Act.


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