Management Principles and Applications Question Paper 2022 GU | Guwahati University B.Com 3rd Sem (Hons) CBCS

Management Principles and Applications Question Paper 2022 GU | Guwahati University B.Com 3rd Sem (Hons) CBCS

In this Post we have shared Gauhati University Bcom 3rd Sem Management Principles and Applications Question Paper 2022 CBCS Pettern Now Very Helpful for FYUGP NEP 2nd Sem Students. This question paper is now highly relevant for Gauhati University FYUGP NEP GU B.Com 2nd Semester Principles and Practice of Management Question Paper 2017, as the syllabus for both patterns is quite similar. We recommend reading this question paper thoroughly for better preparation. This Can be Very Useful For Your GU B.Com 3rd Semester Sessional or Final Semester Examination. GU 3rd Management Principles and Applications Question paper 2022 in PDF Now very helpful for FYUGP NEP 2md Sem BCom Gauhati University. 

Guwahati University BCom 3rd semester Management Principles and Applications question paper 2022




Paper: COM-HC-3036

(Management Principles and Applications)

Full Marks: 80

Time: Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Choose the correct answers of the following questions (any ten)


(i) In which year Fayol's work 'General and Industrial Management' was published in French?

(a) 1916

(b) 1918

(c) 1929

(d) 1949

(ii) Informal relationship can be

(a) vertical

(b) horizontal

(c) diagonal

(d) All of the above

(iii) Theory Z is a synthesis of:

(a) Indian and Japanese style of management

(b) Chinese and American style of management

(c) Indian and American style of management 

(d) American and Japanese style of management

(iv) Forecast is a planning premise that

(a) precedes planning 

(b) succeedes planning

(c) resides planning 

(d) incubates planning

(v) CPM stands for :

(a) Critical Policy Method

(b) Critical Path Method 

(c) Control Path Method

(d) None of the above

(vi) Internal forces are generally regarded as uncontrollable. 

(Write True or False)

(vii) Leadership continuum theory was evolved by________.

(Fill in the blank)

(viii) Factors like age, sex, family size etc. of the population is known as______environment.

(Fill in the blank)

(ix) The term 'Span' literally means the space between two supports of a structure. 

(Write True or False)

(x) Who introduced the concept of value chain in management?

(a) Michael Porter 

(b) Tom Peter

(c) Peter F. Drucker

(d) H. Simon

(xi) Workers' participation in management is best achieved with which of the following leadership style?

(a) Laissez-faire style

(b) Democratic style

(c) Autocratic style

(d) Contingency style

(xi) The exception principle to control means-

(a) control over all deviations

(b) control over significant deviation

(c) control over nominal deviation

(d) control over no deviation

(xiii) Matrix organisation is a combination of functional and project organisation. 

(Write True or False)

(xiv) A plan of expected result expressed in numerical terms is known as :

(a) Project

(b) Policy

(c) Budget

(d) Strategy

(xv) Who advised substitution of functional organisation structure in place of line organisation structure?

(a) Henry Fayol

(b) F. W. Taylor

(c) M. Farland

(d) L. A. Allen

(xvi) Delphi method is associated with :

(a) Forecasting Technique

(b) Operational Control

(c) Communication Network 

(d) Strategic Planning

(xvii) Which of the following is not a base of departmentation?

(a) Customers

(b) Employees

(c) Product

(d) Process

(xviii) In decision-making by whom was bounded rationality introduced?

(a) Herbert Simon

(b) Elton Mayo

(c) Peter F. Drucker

(d) Tom Peter

2. Give very short answer to the following questions (any five) 2×5=10

(i) Write two differences between planning and forecasting.

(ii) Write two main characteristics of theory 'X' of motivation.

(iii) "Management is neither a pure science nor a pure art." Comment.

(iv) List out two areas where managerial control is considered necessary.

(v) Explain the meaning of standing and single use plan.

(vi) What is Staffing?

(vii) Mention two characteristics leadership. 

(viii) What is meant by internationalisation of of business'?

(ix) What do you mean by management by exception ?

(x) State two factors affecting span of management.

3. Write short answers to the questions given below: (any four) 5×4=20

(i) Give two reasons why Fayol's theory has wider applicability compared to Taylor's scientific management.

(ii) State the barriers to effective delegation.

(iii) "Non financial incentives are as strong motivators as the financial incentives." Discuss.

(iv) What are basic objectives of SWOT analysis?

(v) Explain the principles of effective control.

(vi) Explain the importance of decision- making.

(vii) What are the main causes of conflict between line and staff type of authority?

(viii) Write the major distinctions between Management by Objectives and Traditional Goal Setting Plan.

4. Answer any four of the following: 10×4=40

(a) Discuss the principles of scientific management. Also examine their relevance in modern day business. 7+3=10

b) Discuss Peter F. Drucker's contribution to management.

(c) What do you understand by planning? Also discuss the major steps involved in planning process. 3+7=10

(d) What do you mean by business environment? Discuss the various components of business environment. 3+7=10

(e) What is decentralisation? Also discuss the advantages of decentralisation. 3+7=10

(f) What is meant by delegation of authority? Explain the important principles of delegation. 3+7=10

(g) why leadership is important in motivation. State the various types of leadership in an organisation. 5+5=10

(h) Define motivation. Discuss the Maslow's Need Hierarchy theory of motivation. 3+7=10

(i) Define control. Also discuss the process of managerial control. 3+7=10

(j) "Managerial environment in future is going to be more challenging requiring high degree of professionalisation from managers." Discuss.



Unit - 1 Introduction 

Unit - 2 Planing 

Unit - 3 Organising 

Unit - 4 Staffing and Leading 

Unit - 5 Controlling

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