AHSEC CLASS 11 Political Science Question Paper 2022
AHSEC Class 11
(Indian Constitution at Work)
1. Answer the following as directed:
(a) Mention one function of the Constitution. 1
(b) Right to Property is a Fundamental Right. (Write True or False) 1
(c) Mention one feature of First Past The Post system. 1
(d) In which year was the 42nd Amendment passed in the Indian Parliament? 1
(e) Who is the real executive in India? 1
(f) The Indian Constitution was adopted on ________. (Fill in the blank) 1
AHSEC Class 11 Political Science Question Paper 2022
2. Mention two federal features of the Indian Constitution. 2
3. What do you mean by Public Interest Litigation (PIL)? 2
4. Mention two functions of the Indian Parliament. 2
5. Mention two Fundamental Rights enshrined in the Indian Constitution. 2
6. What do you mean by Universal Adult Franchise? 2
7. Write the name of two writs issued by Indian Judiciary. 2
8. Mention briefly the structure of Panchayati Raj Institutions in accordance with 73rd Constitutional Amendment. 4
9. Write a note on the powers and functions of the Election Commission of India. 4
10. Discuss briefly the amendment procedure of the Indian Constitution. 4
11. Write a note on the parliamentary form of government. 4
12. Briefly discuss the role of the Governor during the President’s rule. 4
13. What do you mean by Directive Principles of State Policies of the Indian Constitution? Write the relationship between Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policies. 2+4=6
Discuss the powers and functions of the Supreme Court of India. 6
14. Discuss the composition, powers and functions of the Lok Sabha. 6
What do you mean by First Past the Post system? Why did Indian adopt the FPTP system? Give reason. 3+3=6
AHSEC HS 1st Year Political Science Question Paper 2022
(Political Theory)
15. (a) Who wrote the book, on Liberty? 1
(b) Mention one feature of political theory. 1
(c) Write the meaning of Swaraj. 1
AHSEC Class 11 Political Science Question Paper 2022
(d) Who wrote the book, Freedom from Fear? 1
(e) Mention one political right. 1
(f) Who put forward the concept of distributive justice? 1
16. Mention two constraints of freedom. 2
17. Mention two elements of nationalism. 2
18. What do you mean by decentralization of power? 2
19. Mention two characteristics of secularism in India. 2
20. What do you mean by the concept of human rights? 2
21. Mention two challenges of development. 2
22. Can violence ever promote peace? Give your justification. 4
23. Write the difference between negative and positive conception of liberty.
AHSEC HS 1st Year Political Science Question Paper 2022
24. Explain the meaning of distributive justice. 4
25. Write a note on national self-determination. 4
26. Mention the different ways to promote equality in the society. 4
27. Define peace. Discuss the various form of structural violence. 2+4=6
What do you mean by political theory? Discuss the nature and scope of political theory. 2+4=6
28. Define development. Discuss the alternative conception of development. 2+4=6
What do you mean by right? Discuss its various kinds. 2+4=6
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