AHSEC CLASS 11 Political Science Question Paper 2019
Hello Readers, in this Article we Have Shared AHSEC Class 11 Political Science Question Paper 2019, Reading Previous Year's Question Papers are very helpful and Important if you want to Score good marks, by Reading Previous Year Question Papers You can easily Judge the difficulty of Questions, and also you can understand the Question Paper Pattern, It is very important to Read AHSEC HS First Year Political Science Question Paper 2019.
If you want to know what type of Questions are asked in AHSEC Class 11 2019 Political Science Examination from Education Different Chapter, Just follow this Article from Top to Bottom, We have attached Political Science Question paper on this page.
AHSEC Class 11 Political Science Question Paper Overview:
Name of Board: AHSEC
Subject: Political Science
Year: 2019
Class: HS First Year
Type: Text
Official website: ahsec.assam.gov.in
Category: AHSEC Class 11 Previous Year Question Papers, Class 11 Political Science Question Papers 2019.
AHSEC Political Science Question Paper 2019 , Class 11 Question Paper(HS First year)
AHSEC Class 11 Political Science Question Paper 2019
Full Marks: 100
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
(Indian Constitution at Work)
1. Answer the following as directed:
a) When the first sitting of the Constituent Assembly for undivided India was held? 1
b) A Constitution is a fundamental identity of a people. (Write True or False) 1
c) Abolition or untouchability is a Right to Equality/Right to Freedom. (Choose the correct answer) 1
d) Mention a Right to Liberty and Personal Freedom. 1
e) Which article of the Indian Constitution deals with its Amendment Procedure? 1
f) In which case the Supreme Court advanced the theory of Basic Structure of the Constitution of India? 1
3. Write two differences between Ordinary Rights and Fundamental Rights. 2
4. Mention two causes why India adopted the ‘First Past the Post System’. 2
5. How the size of Council of Ministers was limited by the 91st Amendment Act (2003)? 2
6. Mention any two powers exercised only by the Lok Sabha. 2
7. What is meant by the Original Jurisdiction of Supreme Court of India? 2
8. Explain why we need an independent Election Commission. 4
9. Explain the single integrated judicial system of the Indian Constitution. 4
11. Explain the election procedure for Panchayati Raj institutions as per the 73rd Amendment to Indian Constitution. 4
12. Write a short note on the Political Philosophy of Indian Constitution. 4
13. Discuss why Bureaucracy is considered as the permanent executive. 6
Discuss the powers and functions of the Prime Minister of India. 6
14. Explain how Parliament makes laws. 6
Discuss the functions of the Indian Parliament. 6
(Political Theory)
15. Answer the following as directed: 1x6=6
a) Which German philosopher linked Justice with dignity of human beings?
b) In the eighteenth century, the French revolutionaries used the slogan ‘Liberty, Equality and _______. (Fill in the blank)
c) A nation is to a great extent an ‘imagined’ community. (Write True or False)
d) Do nations have the right to self-determination?
e) In which year the USSR was disintegrated?
f) Give an example of Structural Violence.
16. Mention two necessities of Constraints. 2
17. Why individual rights are limitations on the state? Give two reasons. 2
18. Define Citizenship. 2
19. Mention two factors of a nation. 2
20. Mention two characters of a Secular State. 2
21. ‘Politics is an important and integral part of any society’. Discuss. 4
22. Write a note on John Rawls’ Theory of Justice. 4
23. Discuss about global citizenship. 4
24. Discuss the environmental cost of existing model of development. 4
25. Discuss the differences between the negative and positive conception of liberty. 6
What are the three main dimensions of equality? Explain. 6
26. Discuss the relationship between Rights and Responsibilities. 6
Discuss with suitable examples the political, economic and cultural rights. 6