Home Science is an important subject for students of Class 12 under the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC). This subject deals with various aspects related to home and family life, including food and nutrition, clothing, home management, child development, and consumer education. It aims to equip students with practical skills and knowledge that will help them manage their homes and families effectively.
To excel in the AHSEC Class 12 Home Science exam, it is crucial for students to practice solving previous year question papers and sample papers. The AHSEC Class 12 Home Science Solved Question Paper 2022 is an excellent resource that students can use to prepare for their exams. By solving these papers, students can familiarize themselves with the exam pattern, types of questions, and marking scheme. This will help them build their confidence and perform well in the actual exam.
In this page we have shared AHSEC Class 12 home science solved question paper 2022 which is very beneficial for your exam preparation and during your exam preparation. To get family with the question asked in the previous year, that is the 2022 exam with their solution, read this post from top to bottom. If you found this post helpful please let us know through the comment section or if you found any mistake also tell us through the common section.
AHSEC Class 12 Home Science
Solved Question Paper 2022
Full Marks: 70
Pass Marks: 21
Time: Three hours.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
1. State whether the following statements are true or false:
তলত দিয়া বাক্যসমূহ শুদ্ধ অথবা অশুদ্ধ বিচাৰ কৰা : 1×8=8
(a) Measles vaccine is given on the second month of the child.
সৰু আই ৰোগৰ প্ৰতিষেধক বেজী শিশুৰ দ্বিতীয় মাহত দিয়া হয়।
Ans: False. Measles vaccine is usually given at 9-12 months of age.
(b) The height of new born infant at birth is 50cm.
জন্মতে এটা নৱজাত কেচুৱাৰ উচ্চতা ৫০ ছেঃমিঃ হয়।
Ans: False. The average height of a newborn is around 50 cm but can vary.
(c) A special tool used to provide education to a blind child is known as Sign language'.
এজন অন্ধ শিশুক শিক্ষা দিবলৈ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা বিশেষ সজুঁলিটোক চিহ্ন ভাষা' বোলা হয়।
Ans: False. Sign language is a visual language used by the deaf community, not the blind.
(d) A woman should gain 12-5kg of body weight during pregnancy period.
এগৰাকী মহিলাই গৰ্ভধাৰণৰ সময়ছোৱাত ১২.৫ কেজি ওজন লাভ কৰিব লাগে।
Ans:True. Women are advised to gain 12.5-18 kg of body weight during pregnancy.
(e) Drinking of water regularly provides relief in arthritis.
নিয়মীয়াকৈ পানী সেৱন কৰিলে আৰথ্ৰাইটিছ বা হাড়ৰ জোৰাৰ বিষৰ পৰা উপশম পাব পাৰি।
Ans: False. While drinking water is important for overall health, there is no evidence that it can provide relief in arthritis.
(f) Saving cannot help in fulfilling short term goals.
সঞ্চয়ে হ্রস্বম্যাদী লক্ষ্যসমূহ পূৰণ কৰাত সহায় নকৰে।
Ans: False. Saving can be helpful in achieving short-term goals, depending on the amount and timing of the savings.
(g) A short and fat person looks tall and thin by the use of horizontal lines.
পথালি ৰেখাৰ ব্যৱহাৰৰ দ্বাৰা এজন চাপৰ আৰু শকত লোকক ওখ আৰু ক্ষীণ দেখা যায়।
Ans:False. The use of horizontal lines tends to make a person look wider, not taller and thinner.
(h) Dry cleaning method was discovered by M. Juvelin.
শুষ্ক ধোৱন পদ্ধতিটো এম. জুভেলিনে আৱিষ্কাৰ কৰিছিল।
Ans: True. Dry cleaning was invented by Jean-Baptiste Jolly in 1849, and later improved by M. Juvelin in 1864.
H.S 2nd Year Home Science Solved Question Paper 2022
2. Give brief answers to the following: (any ten) 2x10=20
তলত দিয়াবোৰৰ চমু উত্তৰ লিখা : (যিকোনো দহটাৰ)
(a) Define Colostrum.
কল ষ্ট্ৰামৰ সংজ্ঞা দিয়া।
Ans: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), colostrum is "the first milk secreted by the mammary gland during the initial days after giving birth" and it is "rich in nutrients and immune substances that protect the newborn against infections and diseases"
(source: https://www.who.int/elena/titles/colostrum_infants/en/).
>বিশ্ব স্বাস্থ্য সংস্থাৰ মতে, কলষ্ট্ৰাম হৈছে “প্ৰসৱৰ পিছৰ প্ৰথম দিনকেইটাত স্তনগ্ৰন্থিৰ পৰা নিঃসৰণ কৰা প্ৰথম গাখীৰ” আৰু ই “পুষ্টি আৰু প্ৰতিৰোধ ক্ষমতাৰে সমৃদ্ধ যিয়ে নৱজাতকক সংক্ৰমণ আৰু ৰোগৰ পৰা ৰক্ষা কৰে”।
(b) Mention any four important skills of childhood.
শিশুকালৰ যিকোনো চাৰিটা গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ কৌশল উল্লেখ কৰা।
Ans: Four important skills of childhood are:
1.Gross Motor Skills: This includes the ability to use and control the large muscles in the body for activities such as crawling, walking, running, and jumping.
2.Fine Motor Skills: This includes the ability to use and control the small muscles in the body for activities such as grasping, holding, and manipulating objects.
3.Language and Communication Skills: This includes the ability to understand and use language to communicate with others, express thoughts, and ideas.
4.Social and Emotional Skills: This includes the ability to interact with others, understand emotions and feelings, and develop relationships with family, peers, and caregivers.
শৈশৱৰ চাৰিটা গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ দক্ষতা হ’ল-
১) স্থূল মটৰ দক্ষতা:ইয়াৰ ভিতৰত শৰীৰৰ বৃহৎ পেশীবোৰ ক্ৰলিং, খোজ কঢ়া, দৌৰা, আৰু জাম্প কৰা আদি কামৰ বাবে ব্যৱহাৰ আৰু নিয়ন্ত্ৰণ কৰাৰ ক্ষমতা অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত।
২) ফাইন মটৰ স্কিলফাইন স্কিল: ইয়াৰ ভিতৰত শৰীৰৰ সৰু পেশীবোৰ বস্তু ধৰা, ধৰি ৰখা, হেঁচা মাৰি ধৰা আদি কামৰ বাবে ব্যৱহাৰ আৰু নিয়ন্ত্ৰণ কৰাৰ ক্ষমতা অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত।
৩) ভাষা আৰু যোগাযোগৰ দক্ষতা: ইয়াৰ ভিতৰত আনৰ লগত যোগাযোগ কৰিবলৈ, চিন্তা আৰু ধাৰণা প্ৰকাশ কৰিবলৈ ভাষা বুজিব পৰা আৰু ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব পৰা ক্ষমতাও অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত।
৪.সামাজিক আৰু আৱেগিক দক্ষতা: ইয়াৰ ভিতৰত আনৰ সৈতে মত বিনিময় কৰাৰ ক্ষমতা, আৱেগ আৰু অনুভৱ বুজি পোৱা, পৰিয়াল, সমনীয়া, যত্ন লোৱা লোকৰ সৈতে সম্পৰ্ক গঢ়ি তোলা আদি অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত।
(c) What are the factors responsible for controlling communicable disease ? 2
সংচাৰী ৰোগ নিয়ন্ত্ৰণৰ বাবে প্ৰয়োজনীয় কাৰক কেইটা কি কি ?
Ans: There are several factors that can help in controlling communicable diseases, such as:
a.Vaccination: Vaccines play a crucial role in preventing the spread of communicable diseases by developing immunity against specific infectious agents.
b.Improved hygiene: Maintaining good hygiene practices, such as frequent hand washing, using clean water for drinking and sanitation, and keeping the environment clean, can reduce the risk of communicable diseases.
c.Early diagnosis and treatment: Early detection and timely treatment of communicable diseases can prevent the spread of the disease to others and reduce the severity of the illness.
d.Isolation and quarantine: Isolating infected individuals and quarantining those who have been in close contact with them can prevent the spread of communicable diseases.
(d) Write any four factors affecting in meal planning. ½×4=2
আহাৰ পৰিকল্পনাত প্ৰভাৱ পেলোৱা যিকোনো চাৰিটা কাৰকৰ নাম লিখা।
Ans: Four factors affecting meal planning are:
Nutritional needs and requirements of individuals
Budget or financial constraints
Time availability for meal preparation
Availability and seasonality of ingredients.
(e) What is P. F. A. Act?
P. F. A. আইন কি ?
Ans: The P.F.A. Act stands for Prevention of Food Adulteration Act. It was enacted in India in 1954 to ensure the safety and purity of food products sold to the consumers. The main objective of the act is to regulate the manufacture, storage, distribution, sale, and import of food products in order to prevent their adulteration and ensure their quality. The act sets out standards for various food products and prescribes penalties for violations of these standards. It also establishes the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) to ensure the enforcement of these standards and to promote the safety and quality of food products in the country.
(f) Mention any four causes of diarrhoea.½x4=2
ডায়েৰীয়া ৰোগৰ যিকোনো চাৰিটা কাৰণ উল্লেখ কৰা।
Ans: Four common causes of diarrhea are:
Bacterial infections such as E. coli, Salmonella, and Shigella
Viral infections such as Norovirus, Rotavirus, and Hepatitis A
Parasitic infections such as Giardia and Cryptosporidium
Consumption of contaminated food or water.
(g) What are the factors to be considered in selecting pre-school children's clothing? ½x4=2
প্রাক বিদ্যালয় শিশুৰ সাজপোছাক নির্বাচন কৰোতে কোনবোৰ কাৰক বিবেচনা কৰিব লাগে ?
(h) What are the needs of supplementary income? 2
উপৰঞ্চি আয়ৰ প্ৰয়োজনীয়তাসমূহ কি কি ?
Ans: The factors to be considered in selecting pre-school children's clothing are:
1.Comfort: The clothing should be comfortable to wear and allow freedom of movement for the child.
2.Safety: The clothing should be safe for the child to wear, free from any hazardous elements like sharp edges, buttons or choking hazards.
3.Durability: The clothing should be durable and able to withstand rough use and frequent washings.
4.Size: The clothing should fit well and be of the appropriate size for the child's age and body type.
(i) What do you mean by budget ?
বাজেট বুলিলে কি বুজা ? 2
Ans: A Budget refers to a financial plan that outlines estimated income and expenses over a specific period of time, usually a month or a year. It helps individuals or households to manage their finances effectively by controlling their spending, saving for future goals, and avoiding debt. A budget typically includes categories such as income, fixed expenses (rent/mortgage, utilities, etc.), variable expenses (groceries, entertainment, etc.), and savings.
(j) Name any four schemes of investments in post office.
পোষ্ট অফিচত বিনিয়োগৰ বাবে যিকোনো চাৰিটা আঁচনিৰ নাম লিখা 1/2x4=2
Ans: Four schemes of investments in post office are:
1.National Savings Certificate (NSC)
2.Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP)
3.Public Provident Fund (PPF)
4.Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY)
(k) Write any four importance of clothing. 1/2x4=2
বস্ত্ৰৰ যিকোনো চাৰিটা গুরুত্ব/প্রয়োজনীয়তা লিখা।
Ans: Four importance of clothing are:
1.Protection: Clothing provides protection to our body from external factors such as weather, dust, and insects. Clothes also protect our skin from UV radiation from the sun.
2.Modesty: Clothing provides modesty and privacy, which are important aspects of social behavior and cultural values.
3.Comfort: Clothing should be comfortable to wear, allowing us to move freely and perform our daily activities without any discomfort.
4.Fashion: Clothing is a form of self-expression and an important part of fashion. Fashion helps us to define our personality, mood, and attitude. It also reflects the latest trends and styles.
H.S 2nd Year Home Science Solved Question Paper 2022
(l) Define hard water.
কঠিন পানীৰ সংজ্ঞা লিখা। 2
Ans: Hard water is water that contains a high concentration of dissolved minerals such as calcium and magnesium, typically as carbonates, bicarbonates, and sulfates. These minerals make the water "hard" and can cause problems with soap lathering, scale buildup in pipes and appliances, and other issues.
(m) List any four home-science related vocations. 1/2x4=2
গৃহ বিজ্ঞানৰ সৈতে সম্পৰ্ক থকা যিকোনো চাৰিটা বৃত্তিৰ তালিকা দিয়া।
Ans: Four home-science related vocations are:
Interior Designer
Fashion Designer
Home Economist/Economic Advisor
3.Differentiate between the following: (any four)
তলত দিয়াবোৰৰ মাজত পার্থক্য লিখা : (যিকোনো চাৰিটা) 3x4=12
(a) Congenital and acquired blindness 3
জন্মগত আৰু আৰ্জিত অন্ধতা
Ans: the differences between congenital and acquired blindness in point form:
Congenital blindness:
I. Occurs from birth or shortly after birth
II. Can be caused by genetic disorders, prenatal infections or brain damage during development
III. May not be correctable with glasses or surgery
Acquired blindness:
I. Occurs after birth, often in later life
II. Can be caused by diseases, trauma, or degenerative conditions
III. May be correctable with glasses, surgery, or other interventions depending on the cause
(b) Wage and Salary 3
মজুৰি আৰু বেতন বা দৰমহা
Ans: The main differences between wage and salary are as follows:
1.Basis of payment: Wages are typically paid on an hourly, daily or weekly basis, whereas salaries are paid on a monthly or yearly basis.
2.Type of job: Wages are commonly paid to employees who perform manual or hourly work, while salaries are paid to employees in professional, administrative or managerial positions.
3.Calculation of payment: Wages are calculated based on the number of hours worked, while salaries are fixed amounts that are not affected by the number of hours worked.
Overall, the key difference between wages and salaries lies in their payment structure, type of job and the way payment is calculated.
(c) Fixed deposit and recurring deposit 3
স্থিৰ জমা আৰু ৰেকাৰিং জমা
Ans: The main differences between fixed deposit and recurring deposit are:
Deposit amount: In a fixed deposit, a lump sum amount is deposited for a specific period of time, whereas in a recurring deposit, a fixed amount is deposited at regular intervals over a specific period of time.
Interest rate: The interest rate offered on fixed deposits is generally higher than that of recurring deposits. This is because fixed deposits require a larger initial investment and the money is available to the bank for a longer period of time.
Maturity amount: In fixed deposits, the maturity amount is fixed and known at the time of deposit, whereas in recurring deposits, the maturity amount is not fixed and depends on the amount deposited and the interest rate offered.
AHSEC H.S 2nd Year Home Science Solved Question Paper 2022
(d) Warm colour and cool colour 3
উষ্ণ ৰঙ আৰু শীতল ৰঙ
Ans: Warm colors and cool colors are terms used to describe the psychological impact that different hues have on people. The main differences between them are:
1.Warm colors: These colors are associated with warmth, energy, and passion. They include red, orange, and yellow. Warm colors tend to evoke feelings of happiness, excitement, and even anger or hostility.
2.Cool colors: These colors are associated with calmness, relaxation, and serenity. They include blue, green, and purple. Cool colors tend to evoke feelings of calmness, peacefulness, and even sadness or melancholy.
3.Temperature: Warm colors are called so because they are reminiscent of warmth and heat, while cool colors are reminiscent of coolness and coldness.
(e) Animal stains and vegetable stains
প্রাণীজ দাগ আৰু উদ্ভিদ দাগ
Ans: Here are the differences between animal stains and vegetable stains:
1.Source: Animal stains are caused by animal-based substances such as blood, sweat, and urine, while vegetable stains are caused by plant-based substances such as fruits, vegetables, and juices.
2.Color: Animal stains are typically darker in color and have a stronger odor, while vegetable stains tend to be lighter in color and have a milder odor.
3.Treatment: Animal stains require special treatment to remove them because they are protein-based, while vegetable stains are typically easier to remove with regular laundry detergent.
(f) Distillation and boiling
পাতন পদ্ধতি আৰু উত্তলন পদ্ধতি
Ans: Distillation and boiling are both processes used to separate mixtures of substances, but there are some differences between them:
1.Definition: Boiling is a process in which a liquid is heated to its boiling point and converted into a vapor, which can then be condensed back into a liquid. Distillation, on the other hand, is a process of separating components of a mixture by heating it to the point of vaporization and then cooling and collecting the vapor.
2.Purpose: Boiling is used to separate a mixture into its components if they have different boiling points, while distillation is used to purify a mixture or to separate components that have different boiling points.
3.Equipment: Boiling can be carried out in a simple container, while distillation requires a distillation apparatus that includes a distillation flask, a condenser, and a collection flask.
AHSEC Class 12 Home Science Solved Question Paper 2022
4. Write short notes on: (any five)
চমুটোকা লিখা : (যিকোনো পাঁচটা )
(a) Creche 3
Ans: A creche is a childcare facility that is specifically designed for infants and young children up to the age of three years. It is a type of daycare center that provides a safe and stimulating environment for children while their parents or guardians are away at work or attending to other responsibilities.
The main aim of a creche is to provide quality care and supervision for young children in a nurturing and educational environment. They often offer a range of services, including feeding, diaper changing, playtime, and naptime. Some creches also provide educational activities such as reading, music, and sensory play to help children develop their cognitive, social, and physical skills.
A good creche should have a safe and child-friendly environment with adequate space for children to play, explore, and learn. It should also have trained and qualified staff who are knowledgeable about child development, child care, and safety. Additionally, creches should follow strict hygiene and safety protocols to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and ensure the well-being of the children in their care.
Overall, a creche provides an essential service to families by offering a safe and nurturing environment for young children. It allows parents or guardians to focus on work or other responsibilities knowing that their children are in good hands.
(b) Consumer Protection Act 3
উপভোক্তাৰ সুৰক্ষা আইন
Ans: The Consumer Protection Act is a legislation passed by the Indian government in 1986 to protect the rights of consumers and ensure fair trade practices. The act aims to safeguard consumers from fraud, unfair trade practices, and substandard products and services. The following are some important features of the Consumer Protection Act:
1.Consumer Dispute Redressal Agencies: The act provides for three-tier dispute resolution mechanism at the district, state, and national levels. These agencies help consumers to file complaints against manufacturers, service providers, and sellers.
2.Rights of Consumers: The act recognizes six basic rights of consumers, namely, right to safety, right to be informed, right to choose, right to be heard, right to seek redressal, and right to consumer education.
3.Product Liability: The act imposes strict liability on manufacturers and sellers for any harm caused to consumers due to defective products. Consumers can claim compensation from the manufacturer or seller for any injury or damage caused by the product.
4.Penalties and Punishments: The act provides for penalties and punishments for manufacturers and sellers who violate consumer rights or engage in unfair trade practices. The penalties may include imprisonment and/or fines.
(c) Importance of meal planning 3
আহাৰ পৰিকল্পনাৰ গুৰুত্ব/প্রয়োজনীয়তা
Ans: Meal planning is the process of deciding ahead of time what meals and snacks to prepare and eat for a certain period of time. It involves selecting recipes, creating a grocery list, and organizing cooking and food preparation schedules. Here are some of the importance of meal planning:
Saves time and money: Meal planning can help save time and money by eliminating last-minute trips to the grocery store and takeout meals. Planning ahead of time allows for the purchase of necessary ingredients in bulk, which is often more cost-effective.
Promotes healthier eating habits: Meal planning can promote healthier eating habits as it allows individuals to choose meals that are well-balanced and meet nutritional requirements. By planning meals, individuals can ensure they are consuming the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fats.
Reduces food waste: Meal planning can also help reduce food waste by using up ingredients that would otherwise go to waste. By planning meals, individuals can purchase only the ingredients they need and use up leftovers for future meals.
In summary, meal planning is an important aspect of maintaining a healthy lifestyle as it can help save time and money, promote healthier eating habits, and reduce food waste.
(d) Placket 3
Ans: A placket is an opening or slit in the front of a garment, typically with buttons or fasteners, used to facilitate putting it on and taking it off. It is often found in shirts, blouses, and dresses, and can also be used in jackets and coats. The placket can be centered or offset, and the shape and size can vary depending on the design of the garment.
The placket serves a functional purpose, allowing the wearer to easily put on and remove the garment. It also adds a decorative element, as the buttons or fasteners can be chosen to complement the fabric and style of the garment. Additionally, the placket can be used to create different looks, such as a more relaxed or casual feel with an open placket, or a more formal appearance with a fully buttoned or zippered placket.
In addition to being used in clothing, plackets are also commonly found in bedding, such as duvet covers and pillowcases, as well as in accessories like bags and wallets. The versatility and practicality of the placket make it a popular design element in a wide range of products.
AHSEC Class 12 Home Science Question Paper Solution 2022
(e) Self employment and Home Science
স্বনিয়োজন আৰু গৃহ-বিজ্ঞান
Ans: Home Science provides ample opportunities for self-employment. Self-employment refers to running one's own business and taking full responsibility for its success or failure. Home Science graduates can start their own ventures in various fields such as food and nutrition, textile and apparel designing, beauty and wellness, childcare, and home-based services.
In the field of food and nutrition, home science graduates can start their own catering services, food processing, bakery, or confectionery units. They can also conduct cooking classes or start a diet and nutrition consultancy. In the textile and apparel industry, they can start their own fashion boutique, tailoring unit, or textile designing business. In the beauty and wellness sector, they can open their own beauty parlours, spas, or salons.
Home Science also offers scope for various home-based services like laundry services, home cleaning services, housekeeping services, and daycare services. Home Science graduates can also work as freelance writers, bloggers, or content creators, sharing their knowledge and expertise in the field.
Thus, Home Science provides a vast scope for self-employment, and with the right skills, knowledge, and passion, one can become a successful entrepreneur in this field.
(f) Socialization
সামাজিকীকৰণ 3
Ans: Socialization is a process through which an individual learns and acquires social norms, values, and behaviors that are necessary to live and function in society. It is a lifelong process that begins from childhood and continues throughout an individual's life.
Socialization is critical in shaping an individual's personality, attitudes, and beliefs. It allows people to learn how to interact with others, develop a sense of self, and acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to function effectively in society.
Home and family are the primary agents of socialization, where children learn values, norms, and behaviors from their parents and other family members. Schools, peers, religious institutions, and the media are also important agents of socialization.
The process of socialization can be positive or negative depending on the agents involved and the values, norms, and behaviors that are learned. For example, positive socialization can lead to healthy relationships, positive self-esteem, and a strong sense of identity, while negative socialization can lead to social and emotional problems, deviant behavior, and low self-esteem.
(g) Real Income 3
প্রকৃত আয়
Ans: Real income refers to the actual purchasing power of an individual's income, which takes into account the effects of inflation on the value of money. In other words, it is the income that can be used to purchase goods and services after accounting for changes in the cost of living over time. Real income is calculated by adjusting nominal income (the actual amount earned) for inflation. By considering the purchasing power of income, individuals and households can better plan and budget their expenses to ensure they can maintain their standard of living. Increases in real income can also lead to improved economic well-being for individuals, families, and societies as a whole
5. Define Pre-natal period. Mention the stages of pre-natal period. Explain any one of the stages. 1+2+2=5
প্ৰাক-প্ৰসূতি কালৰ সংজ্ঞা দিয়া আৰু স্তৰ কেইটা উল্লেখ কৰা। যিকোনো এটা স্তৰ ব্যাখ্যা কৰা।
Ans: Pre-natal period refers to the period of development that occurs from conception to birth. It is the period during which the fertilized egg develops into a fetus.
The stages of pre-natal period are:
Germinal stage: This stage lasts from conception to around the 2nd week of pregnancy. During this stage, the fertilized egg undergoes cell division and forms a blastocyst which then implants in the uterus lining.
Embryonic stage: This stage lasts from the 3rd week of pregnancy to the end of the 8th week. During this stage, the embryo develops major organs and structures such as the nervous system, heart, limbs, and digestive system.
Fetal stage: This stage lasts from the 9th week of pregnancy until birth. During this stage, the fetus grows in size and weight, and its organs mature.
One of the stages of pre-natal period is the embryonic stage. During this stage, the embryo undergoes rapid development and differentiation. It is during this stage that the basic body structure of the fetus is formed. Major organs and structures such as the nervous system, heart, limbs, and digestive system are formed during this stage. The embryo is most vulnerable to teratogens (agents that can cause birth defects) during this stage. Therefore, it is important for the pregnant woman to avoid exposure to harmful substances such as alcohol, tobacco, and certain medications during this stage. Adequate nutrition and prenatal care are also essential for the healthy development of the embryo during this stage.
Or / অথবা
What do you mean by motor development? Explain about some important skills from birth to two years. 1+4=5
প্রচেষ্টক বিকাশ বুলিলে কি বুজা ? জন্মৰ পৰা দুই বছৰৰ শিশুৰ কিছুমান গুৰুত্বপূৰ্ণ কৌশলৰ বিষয়ে বৰ্ণনা কৰা।
Ans: Motor development refers to the growth and maturation of a child's physical abilities, including their ability to control their muscles and movements. It encompasses the development of both fine motor skills, such as grasping and manipulating objects, and gross motor skills, such as crawling, walking, and jumping.
During the first two years of life, infants and toddlers develop a range of important motor skills. Some of these skills include:
1/Head control: Infants gradually gain control of their neck muscles, allowing them to lift and turn their head while lying on their stomach or back.
2/Rolling over: At around 4-6 months, babies start to roll from their stomach to their back, and then later from their back to their stomach.
3/Sitting: By about 6-8 months, most babies can sit unsupported for short periods of time.
4/Crawling: Some babies begin to crawl on their hands and knees between 6-10 months.
5/Walking: Most children take their first steps between 9-15 months, and are typically walking independently by 12-14 months.
These motor milestones are important markers of a child's physical development and can provide parents and caregivers with important insights into their overall growth and well-being.
It is worth noting that motor development is influenced by a range of factors, including genetics, nutrition, and environmental factors such as access to safe and stimulating play spaces. By providing infants and toddlers with ample opportunities for exploration and movement, caregivers can support their development of these important motor skills.
Or / অথবা
What is a handicap ? What are the causes of physical disability ? 1+4=5
বিকলাংগতা কি ? শাৰীৰিক অসমৰ্থতাৰ কাৰণসমূহ কি কি ?
Ans: Handicap refers to any limitation or disadvantage in performing daily activities and tasks, which is caused by a physical or mental impairment. Physical disability can result from a variety of factors, including congenital disabilities, accidents, injuries, illnesses, and aging.
The causes of physical disability can be broadly classified into the following categories:
A/Congenital: Physical disabilities can be present at birth due to genetic factors, developmental abnormalities, or exposure to harmful substances during pregnancy.
B/Acquired: Physical disabilities can also occur later in life due to accidents, injuries, infections, or chronic medical conditions.
C/Environmental: Environmental factors such as inadequate access to medical care, poor nutrition, and exposure to toxins can also contribute to physical disability.
D/Aging: As the body ages, it becomes more susceptible to various physical disabilities, such as arthritis, osteoporosis, and impaired vision or hearing.
6. What type of meal will you suggest for a pregnant woman? Explain. 5
এগৰাকী প্রসূতি মাতৃৰ বাবে কেনেধৰণৰ আহাৰৰ পৰামৰ্শ দিবা ? বৰ্ণনা কৰা।
Ans: A pregnant woman requires a well-balanced diet that provides all the necessary nutrients for the growth and development of the fetus, as well as the mother's health. The meal should include the following components:
1.Proteins: Proteins are essential for the growth and development of the fetus and to support the mother's increased blood volume. Good sources of protein include lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy products, and legumes.
2.Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates provide energy for the mother and the growing fetus. Whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes are good sources of carbohydrates.
3.Fats: Fats are essential for the development of the fetal nervous system and brain, as well as for the mother's health. Healthy sources of fat include nuts, seeds, avocado, fatty fish, and vegetable oils.
4.Vitamins and minerals: A variety of vitamins and minerals are necessary for a healthy pregnancy, including folic acid, iron, calcium, and vitamin D. These nutrients can be obtained through a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, dairy products, lean meats, and whole grains.
It is important for a pregnant woman to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, as well as avoiding alcohol, caffeine, and foods that may pose a risk of foodborne illness, such as undercooked meats, raw fish, and unpasteurized dairy products.
In addition to a balanced diet, pregnant women should consult with their healthcare provider to determine if they require any additional supplements or dietary modifications based on their individual needs and health conditions.
Or / অথবা
Define food adulteration. Write briefly about the ill effects of food adulteration on health. খাদ্য ভেজালকৰণৰ সংজ্ঞা দিয়া। ভেজাল খাদ্যৰ শৰীৰত কুপ্ৰভাৱৰ বিষয়ে চমুকৈ লিখা। 1+4=5
Ans: Food adulteration refers to the addition or removal of substances to or from food, which results in the food being contaminated, impure, or inferior in quality. The addition of non-food substances, harmful chemicals, or other substances to food is a common practice among unscrupulous food manufacturers or processors, with the aim of increasing the quantity, improving the appearance or taste, or prolonging the shelf life of food.
Food adulteration can have serious consequences for health. The ill effects of food adulteration on health may range from mild to severe and can lead to long-term health problems or even death. Some of the most common health effects of food adulteration include:
1.Gastrointestinal problems: Consumption of adulterated food can lead to gastrointestinal problems like stomach ache, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
2.Allergic reactions: Adulterated food may contain allergens that can trigger allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. This can cause symptoms like skin rashes, itching, and swelling.
3.Malnutrition: Adulterated food may lack the essential nutrients required by the body, leading to malnutrition and related health problems.
4.Chronic diseases: Consumption of adulterated food may increase the risk of developing chronic diseases like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
5.Neurological problems: Adulterated food may contain toxic chemicals or heavy metals that can affect the nervous system and lead to neurological problems like headaches, seizures, and tremors.
Therefore, it is important to be aware of the potential risks of food adulteration and to take steps to ensure that the food consumed is safe and healthy. This can be done by buying food from reputable sources, checking food labels for ingredients and nutritional information, and storing and preparing food properly.
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Why should we plan budget? Explain. 5
আমি কিয় বাজেট পৰিকল্পনা কৰিব লাগে ? বর্ণনা কৰা।
Ans: Budget planning is an essential financial management tool that helps individuals and households to manage their income and expenses effectively. A budget is a financial plan that estimates an individual's income and expenditures over a specific period, usually a month or a year. A well-planned budget helps individuals to identify their priorities, make informed financial decisions, and avoid overspending, thereby achieving their financial goals.
There are several reasons why individuals should plan a budget:
Effective management of income and expenses: Budgeting helps to monitor and control expenses and to balance income and expenses. It enables individuals to allocate their funds for essential needs like food, clothing, shelter, and other important expenses.
Helps to identify spending patterns: A budget helps to track spending habits and helps to identify areas where an individual may be overspending. This allows individuals to adjust their spending habits and create savings for the future.
Helps in setting financial goals: A budget helps to set financial goals such as saving for a down payment on a house, paying off debts, or saving for a child's education. It helps to allocate funds for these goals and track progress towards them.
Helps to avoid debt: Budgeting helps to avoid debt by allowing individuals to allocate funds for essential expenses and avoid overspending. It also helps to identify areas where individuals may be spending excessively and reduce or eliminate them.
Increases financial stability: Budgeting helps to create financial stability by ensuring that individuals have enough funds to cover essential expenses, pay off debts, and save for the future. This reduces financial stress and provides peace of mind.
AHSEC H.S 2nd Year Home Science Solved Question Paper 2022
7. What are the principles of design used in clothing? Explain any one principle with examples. 1+4=5
সাজপোছাকত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা নমুনাৰ বিভিন্ন নীতিসমূহ কি কি? যিকোনো এটা নীতি উদাহৰণ সহ বৰ্ণনা কৰা।
Ans: The principles of design are the basic guidelines followed to achieve an aesthetically pleasing and well-balanced garment. The principles of design include balance, proportion, emphasis, rhythm, and harmony.
Balance is the distribution of visual weight in a garment. It can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. Symmetrical balance means that both sides of the garment are equal, while asymmetrical balance is achieved by creating a visual weight balance without being equal on both sides.
Proportion refers to the size relationship between various parts of a garment. It is important to maintain the right proportion to create an aesthetically pleasing garment.
Emphasis is the technique of drawing attention to a specific area of a garment. This can be achieved by using contrasting colors, textures, or patterns, or by using different shapes or details.
Rhythm is the repetition of visual elements in a garment. This creates a sense of movement and continuity throughout the garment.
Harmony is achieved by combining different design elements to create a cohesive and pleasing overall effect.
For example, the principle of balance can be applied in a saree by ensuring that the weight of the pallu is equal to the weight of the rest of the saree. This creates a symmetrical balance and gives a sense of stability to the garment.
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Enumerate the factors to be considered in purchasing clothes. Explain any two factors. 1+2+2=5
সাজপোছাক ক্ৰয় কৰোতে বিবেচনা কৰিব লগীয়া কাৰক সমূহৰ তালিকা দিয়া। যিকোনো দুটা কাৰক বৰ্ণনা কৰা।
Ans: Factors to be considered in purchasing clothes:
a.Purpose and occasion of wearing
b.Fabric quality and durability
c.Comfort and fit
d.Style and fashion trend
e.Cost and budget
f.Maintenance and care
Explanation of two factors:
1.Purpose and occasion of wearing: The purpose and occasion of wearing are important factors to consider when purchasing clothes. Clothes should be selected based on the purpose and occasion, such as formal wear for office meetings or casual wear for daily wear. For example, if one needs clothes for a job interview, they should choose formal wear such as a suit, while for a picnic or outing, casual wear such as jeans and t-shirts may be appropriate.
2.Fabric quality and durability: The quality of fabric used in clothes is an important factor to consider as it directly affects durability and comfort. Clothes made from high-quality fabrics like silk, cotton, and wool are durable and comfortable to wear. Synthetic fabrics like polyester and nylon, on the other hand, are less expensive but may not be as durable and comfortable. It is essential to choose clothes made from quality fabrics to ensure they last longer and provide maximum comfort.
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Enumerate any five problems of consumer.
ভোক্তাৰ যিকোনো পাঁচটা সমস্যাৰ তালিকা লিখা।
Ans: The following are the five problems faced by consumers:
1.Poor quality products: Consumers may encounter products that are defective, substandard, or fail to meet their expectations.
2.Unfair pricing: Consumers may face price discrimination, price gouging, or price fixing, where companies charge excessive prices for products or services.
3.Lack of product information: Consumers may not have adequate information about the products they are purchasing, such as ingredients, nutritional value, or potential side effects.
4.Inadequate customer service: Consumers may face problems with customer service, including long wait times, rude or unhelpful staff, or difficulty resolving issues with products or services.
5.Deceptive advertising: Companies may use false or misleading information in their advertisements to deceive consumers.
About AHSEC Class 12 Home Science Solved paper 2022
Practicing AHSEC Class 12 Home Science Solved Question Paper 2022 can also help students identify their strengths and weaknesses in different areas of the subject. This will enable them to focus their efforts on areas that need improvement and work towards improving their overall performance. Additionally, solving these papers within a time limit will also help students manage their time effectively during the actual exam.
In conclusion, preparing for the AHSEC Class 12 Home Science exam requires a combination of understanding the concepts, practicing regularly, and solving previous year question papers. The AHSEC Class 12 Home Science Solved Question Paper 2022 is an essential resource that students should use to achieve their best performance. By putting in dedicated efforts and using the right resources, students can excel in this subject and lay the foundation for a successful career in the future.
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