Fundamental of Investment Question Paper 2021 AUS [Assam University BCom 6th Sem CBCS]

In this post, we have Shared the Assam University Fundamentals of Investment Question Paper 2021, specifically designed for the 6th semester of the...

Assam University Fundamentals of Investment Question Paper 2021

In this post, we have Shared the Assam University Fundamentals of Investment Question Paper 2021, specifically designed for the 6th semester of the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) of the BCom program.

Assam University: Silchar 
Fundamentals of Investment
 Solved Paper Question Paper 2021
COMMERCE (6th Semester)

Course No. COMDSE-601T/602T

(Fundamentals of Investment)

Full Marks: 70

Pass Marks: 28

Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions


Answer Any Ten of the following questions:                          2x10=20

1. What is the expected return to an investor?

2. What is called systematic risk?

3. Who are the participants in securities market?

4. What is risk-return tradeoff?

5. What is interest rate risk?

6. What is called coupon rate?

7. What is yield to maturity?

8. What is default risk in bond?

9. What is industry analysis in context of investment management?

10. What is called intrinsic value of a share?

11. Define price earnings ratio.

12. What is called weak form of efficiency in relation to efficient market hypothesis?

13. What is portfolio analysis in relation to investment management?

14. What is a future contract?

15. What is open-ended mutual fund scheme?

16. What is a forward contract?

17. What are the objectives of SEBI?

18. Name the agencies for redressal of investors' grievances.

19 What is insider trading?

20. What is investors' activism?


Answer any five of the following questions:                          10x5=50

21. What are the basic information required to take an investment decision? Briefly discuss the different sources of financial information.   4+6=10

22. What is real return in investment? Do you think that taxes and inflation have an impact on return from investment? Justify your answer. 3+7=10

23. What is a bond? Discuss different types of bond and their features. 4+6=10

24. What is market interest rate? Do you think that bond price moves inversely to changes in market interest rate? Justify your answer. 3+7=10

25. What is technical analysis? Distinguish between technical analysis and fundamental analysis. 4+6=10

26. Discuss constant growth model used valuation of share. Also discuss the for advantages of this model.   7+3=10

27. What is portfolio return? Explain the process of computing the expected return of a portfolio with two securities with imaginary figures. 4+6=10

28. "Mutual fund investment is subject to market risk. Please read the offer documents carefully before investing." In light of this statement, discuss the nature of mutual fund investment and risk involved in it. 10

29. What is a stock exchange? Briefly discuss the functions of stock exchange.    3+7=10

30. What is investors' grievance? Discuss common investor’s grievances in security market.  3+7=10


Also Read: AUS Fundamental of Investment Solved Paper 2021

About AUS Fundamental of Investment Question paper 2021

The study of investments is an essential aspect of any commerce or business program. Assam University, known for its comprehensive curriculum, offers a course on Fundamentals of Investment as part of its BCom program. As students prepare for their exams, it is crucial to have access to previous years' question papers to enhance their understanding and practice.

Benefits of Assam University Fundamentals of Investment Question Paper 2021 for upcoming examination

1. Familiarity with Exam Format: The question paper from 2021 provides students with a clear understanding of the exam format, including the types of questions asked, the marking scheme, and the time allotted for each section. This familiarity helps students manage their time effectively during the actual examination.

2. Knowledge of Important Topics: By studying the previous year's question paper, students can identify the most important topics and areas of focus for the Fundamentals of Investment course. This allows them to prioritize their study efforts and allocate more time to topics that are likely to be covered in the upcoming examination.

3. Practice and Self-Assessment: The question paper serves as a valuable practice resource, enabling students to apply their knowledge and skills to solve problems similar to those that may appear in the actual exam. Regular practice with these questions helps students refine their understanding of concepts and build confidence in their abilities. Additionally, by attempting the question paper under exam-like conditions, students can assess their own performance and identify areas where they need improvement.

4. Understanding Marking Criteria: The question paper from the previous year provides insight into the marking criteria used by the examiners. By analyzing the solutions or model answers provided, students can understand the expectations of the examiners and learn how to structure their responses effectively to maximize their scores.

5. Revision and Reinforcement: The question paper can be used as a revision tool to consolidate the knowledge acquired throughout the course. By attempting the questions and reviewing the relevant concepts, students can reinforce their understanding and fill any gaps in their knowledge.

6. Reduced Exam Anxiety: Preparing with the previous year's question paper helps reduce exam anxiety and boosts students' confidence. Familiarity with the exam format and types of questions reduces uncertainty and allows students to approach the examination with a calmer mindset, enhancing their overall performance.

7. Time Management Skills: Practicing with the question paper helps students develop effective time management skills. They can learn to allocate time appropriately for each section, allowing them to complete the exam within the given time limit without rushing or leaving questions unanswered.

FAQs for Assam University Fundamentals of Investment Question Paper 2021:

1. Can I solely rely on the Assam University Fundamentals of Investment Question Paper 2021 for my upcoming examination?

Answer: While the question paper is a helpful resource for exam preparation, it is advisable to use it in conjunction with other study materials such as textbooks, lecture notes, and additional practice questions to ensure comprehensive preparation.

2. Are the questions in the Assam University Fundamentals of Investment Question Paper 2021 the exact questions that will be asked in the upcoming examination?

Answer: No, the questions in the previous year's question paper are meant to provide a general idea of the exam format and the types of questions that may be asked. The actual examination may have different questions, but studying the previous year's paper can help you understand the pattern and types of questions that could be asked.

3. Is it necessary to solve the entire question paper?

Answer: It is recommended to attempt as many questions as possible from the question paper to enhance your understanding of the subject and practice solving different types of problems. However, if you are pressed for time, focus on the questions that align with the topics emphasized in your coursework.

4. Can I use the Assam University Fundamentals of Investment Question Paper 2021 as a time management tool?

Answer: Yes, the question paper can be used as a time management tool. Set a time limit similar to the actual examination and attempt the questions accordingly. This practice will help you become familiar with the time constraints and develop effective time management skills.

5. How can I make the best use of the Assam University Fundamentals of Investment Question Paper 2021?

Answer: Start by studying the question paper thoroughly to understand the types of questions asked. Then, attempt the questions individually and try to solve them to the best of your abilities. Afterward, compare your solutions with the model answers or suggested solutions provided (if available) to identify areas for improvement and reinforce your understanding of the subject.


Assam University fundamental of investment question paper 2021, is available resource for students preparing for their examination. We hope you find this question paper helpful in your preparation, est wishes for your exams !

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