Computer Applications in Business Question Paper 2022
Dibrugarh University BCOM 4th Sem Question Paper
(Computer Applications in Business)
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 32
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. Fill in the blanks/Answer (in one word or one sentence each): 1×5=5
(a) The intersection of a row and a column in MS-Excel is known as _______.
(b) One difference between copy and cut is _______.
(c) The full form of DDL is _______.
(d) Define the word ‘query’.
(e) When we click on the file tab, the _______ appears on the screen.
2. Answer any five in brief: 2×5=10
(a) Write the differences between Formulas and Functions in MS-Excel.
(b) Explain entities and attributes.
(c) What are the database reports?
(d) Write the applications of MS-Word.
(e) Write the differences between Delete and Truncate.
(f) Write any two advantages of nested queries.
(g) Mention the various objects that can be inserted in PowerPoint presentation.
3. Write the syntax to perform the following functions in SQL: 2×5=10
(a) Select.
(b) Delete.
(c) ORDER BY clause.
(d) Create table.
(e) Insert values into tables.
Write the syntax to perform the following functions in MS-Excel:
(c) Declining balance method.
(d) Square root.
(e) Average of values in a field of database list.
4. Write the steps to perform the following in MS-Word 2010: 3×4=12
(a) To use bullets and numbering.
(b) To change case of a sentence.
(c) To print selected number of pages.
(d) Find and replace.
Write the steps to perform the following in MS-Excel 2010:
(a) To use conditional formatting.
(b) Sporting of records.
(c) Freezing rows and columns.
(d) Inserting charts and graphs.
5. Define MS-PowerPoint. Explain the basic features of MS-PowerPoint 2010. 2+6=8
Define DBMS. Explain how DBMS is helping in the advancement in various fields of commerce. 8
6. What is ratio analysis? Explain the types of ratio analysis with formulas. 2+8=10
Explain the differences between the following: 5×2=10
(a) SQL and SQL*plus.
(b) DML and DDL.
7. What do you understand by Depreciation Accounting? Describe how depreciation can be calculated in MS-Excel 2010. 2+8=10
Briefly explain MS-Word along with its features. 2+8=10
8. Write short notes on any three of the following: 3×5=15
(a) Cell referencing.
(b) Capital budgeting.
(c) Mail-Merge.
(d) Nested queries.
(e) Cardinality.
(f) Loan and lease statement.
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