AHSEC Class 11 Geography Question paper 2023 | H.S 1st Year Geography Question paper 2023

In this article, we have Shared AHSEC Class 11 Geography Question Paper 2023 which help you in your preparation. To read this question paper Simply...

AHSEC Class 11 Geography Question paper 2023 | H.S 1st Year Geography Question paper 2023

If you're a Class 11 student in the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC), you're probably familiar with the importance of question papers. Geography question papers provide an excellent opportunity to practice for exams, as they help you understand the format and types of questions that you're likely to encounter.

AHSEC Class 11 Geography Question paper 2023

In this article, we have Shared AHSEC Class 11 Geography Question Paper 2023 which help you in your preparation. To read this question paper Simply scroll down. 

Full Marks: 70
Pass Marks: 21
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. Find out the correct answer of the following (Any seven): 1x7=7

(a) Who among the following geographers developed the regional geography approach?

(i) Alexander von Humboldt

(ii) Karl Ritter

(iii) Aristotle

(iv) Galileo

(b) Which one of the following is not a physical feature?

(i) Mountain

(ii) Lake

(iii) Port

(iv) Plateau

(c) Which one of the following earthquake waves considered as most damaging?

(i) P wave

(ii) S wave

(iii) Body wave

(iv) Surface wave

(d) Which one of the following is the northernmost range of the Himalayas?

(i) Ladakh

(ii) Zaskar

(iii) Shivalik

(iv) Karakoram

(e) Which one of the following provides detail picture of the layers of the earth's interior?

(i) Volcanoes

(ii) Earthquake waves

(iii) Gravitational force

(iv) Earth magnetism

(f) Which one of the following is a sedimentary rock?

(i) Granite

(ii) Gabbro

(iii) Limestone

(iv) Quartzite

(g) In which of the following States the Loktak Lake is situated?

(i) Nagaland

(ii) Mizoram

(iii) Meghalaya

(iv) Manipur

(h) Which one of the following is the largest peninsular river system of India?

(i) Mahanadi

(ii) Godavari

(iii) Narmada

(iv) Kaveri

2. Give short answers of the following (any eight): 2x8=16

(a) Mention the names of two plates as mentioned in the theory of Plate Tectonics.

(b) Mention any two groups of weathering processes.

(c) Write the names of the lowermost and the uppermost layers of the earth's atmosphere.

(d) Mention two types of moraine deposits in glacial valleys.

(e) Mention two factors which cause variations in insolation.

(f) Name two factors affecting the velocity and direction of wind.

(g) Write the names of two Biosphere Reserves of India.

(h) Mention two types of terrestrial natural disasters.

(i) Name two States of India mostly covered with black soils.

(j) Mention two westward flowing rivers of the peninsular drainage system.

3. Write short notes on the following (any five): 3x5=15

(a) Big Bang theory

(b) Structure of the earth

(c) Non-metallic minerals

(d) Soil forming factors

(e) Factors determining the climate of India

(f) Tropical deciduous forests of India

4. Distinguish the following in brief (any three): 4x3=12

(a) Physical geography and Human geography

(b) Sedimentary rocks and Metamorphic rocks

(c) Stalactites and Stalagmites

(d) Spring tides and Neap tides

5. What do you understand by climate change? Briefly explain the causes of climate change. 2+3=5


Discuss the impact of monsoons on the economic life in India. 5

6. Mention the primary forces that influence the ocean currents. Briefly explain the types of ocean currents. 2+3=5


What do you understand by ecology? Explain briefly the types of ecosystem. 2+3=5

7. What is a disaster? Write a brief note on the natural disasters in India. 2+3=5


What do you understand by soil erosion? Suggest some measures to conserve soil. 2+3=5

(a) Jammu and Kashmir State

(b) Mumbai

(c) River Brahmaputra

(d) Garo Hills

(e) Malabar Coast


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