AHSEC Class 11 History Question Paper 2023 | HS 1st Year History Question paper 2023

In this article, we have Shared AHSEC Class 11 history Question Paper 2023 which help you in your preparation. To read this question paper Simply...
If you're a Class 11 student in the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC), you're probably familiar with the importance of question papers. History question papers provide an excellent opportunity to practice for exams, as they help you understand the format and types of questions that you're likely to encounter.

AHSEC Class 11 History Question Paper 2023 | HS 1st Year History Question paper 2023

AHSEC Class 11 history Question paper 2023

In this article, we have Shared AHSEC Class 11 history Question Paper 2023 which help you in your preparation. To read this question paper Simply scroll down. 



Full Marks: 100

Pass Marks: 30

Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. Answer the following questions (any twelve): 1x12=12

(a) To which sub-group do the Primates belong?

(b) Write the meaning of 'pithekos'.

(c) Who first made the stone tools?

(d) Name one Chinese traveller who visited ancient India.

(e) Who was Tacitus?

(f) Where was the Abbasid Uprising broke out?

(g) What is Maqamat?

(h) Who first wrote the Geography of Africa?

(i) Name the work of Marc Bloch.

(j) Who was the leader of the Protestant Movement?

(k) Name one thinker who showed knowledge is different from belief.

(l) Who developed the system of finger reading for the blinds?

(m) When did Mahatma Gandhi launch Non-Cooperation Movement?

2. Answer the following questions in brief (any twelve): 2x12=24

(a) What do you understand by adaptation?

(b) Mention two ways of obtaining food by the early human.

(c) Write any two characteristic of the Hominidae.

(d) Who were the main 'three players' of the Roman Empire?

(e) Name the two coins circulate in the Caliphate.

(f) Name the book of Ibn Sina on medicine. How many names of drug are enlisted in the book?

(g) Name two taxes paid by the travellers and traders to the Mongols.

(h) Mention two privileges enjoyed by the French nobles.

(i) Name two architects of Humanism.

(j) What are the two Houses of the British Parliament?

(k) What is classical style of architecture?

(l) Which two European scholars first used the term 'Industrial Revolution' in France and Germany?

(m) Why did London become the Global Trade Hub in the 18th century?

(n) Write any two clauses of the Combination Act of 1795.

3. Answer the following questions (any ten): 4x10=40

(a) Write a note on the urban life of Ur.

(b) Explain the significance of urbanization.

(c) Write an essay on the military organization of the Mongols.

(d) Discuss about the economic expansion in the Roman Empire.

(e) Write a note on Dona Marina.

(f) Was there a Renaissance in the 14th century in Europe? Discuss.

(g) What caused political changes in the 14th century Europe?

(h) Give a brief idea of Mutual Perception.

(i) Give a geographical description of China.

(j) Write a short note on the Meiji Restoration in Japan.

(k) Write a short note on the Incas of Peru.

4. Answer the following questions (any four): 6x4=24

(a) Discuss briefly about the evolution of human.

(b) What do you understand by Vrusades? What were its effects? 2+4=6

(c) Discuss about the characteristics of Humanism.

(d) What do you understand by the displacement of indigenous people with special reference to North America? Discuss.

(e) Discuss about the position of the Mongols in the history of the world.

(f) Draw a map of Britain and show three cotton textile manufacturing areas. 3+3=6


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