AHSEC Class 12 Education Question Paper 2020: HS 2nd Year Education Question Paper 2020
AHSEC Class 12 Education Question Paper 2020
Education Question Paper' 2020 AHSEC Class 12 Education Question Paper 2020
Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 30
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. Answer the following questions: 1x12=12
Fill in the blanks:
(a) The Indira Gandhi National Open University was established in _______.
(b) The name of the first secondary school Assam is _______.
(c) The concept of ‘Population Education’ was developed by the American Sociologist _______.
(d) Gestalt is a _______ word which means ‘whole’ or ‘total pattern’.
(e) The attention which is paid by an individual without any outside interference or force is known as _______ attention.
(f) In a polygon, frequencies are plotted on _______.
Give short answer in one sentence:
(g) Which Education Commission suggested the 10+2+3 structure of education?
(h) Who first introduced the concept of Correspondence Education system?
(i) Write the name of the first Open University in India.
(j) What is logical memory?
(k) “Interest is latent attention and attention is interest in action.” Who said this statement?
(l) Write the formula for finding out third quartile from group data.
2. Write two aims of secondary education recommended by Secondary Education Commission of 1952-53. 2
3. Write two importance of Vocationalisation of secondary education. 2
4. Mention two salient features of Non-formal Education. 2
5. Why distance education is important for the present society? 2
6. ‘Physical education leads to a healthy life.’ Give two reasons. 2
7. Write two importance of women empowerment. 2
8. Write two subjective factors of learning. 2
9. Write briefly the two types of law of exercise in learning. 2
10. Write two marks of good memory. 2
11. Mention two points showing the relationship between education and mental hygiene. 2
12. Mention two importances of statistics in education. 2
13. Find the mean and median from the following data: 1+1=2
42, 28, 34, 52, 65, 71, 50, 56
14. Write briefly the suggestions given by Kothari Commission regarding structure of secondary education. 4
15. Write four provisions of the Secondary Education Act of Assam (1961). 4
16. Discuss four merits of Open Education. 4
17. What is Environmental Education? Write three principles of Environmental Education. 1+3=4
18. Discuss four characteristics of learning. 4
19. Discuss the four stages involved in the process of memory. 4
20. Discuss four characteristics of a mentally healthy person. 4
21. Discuss the role of school in promoting proper mental health of students. 4
“A mentally healthy person is also in need of mental hygiene.” Give reasons. 4
22. What is histogram? Draw a histogram from the following distribution table: (Use graph paper) 1+3=4
What is Bar Diagram? Discuss the different types of Bar Diagram with examples. 1+3=4
23. What is Quartile Deviation? Write three advantages of measure of Quartile Deviation. 1+3=4
24. What is Population Education? Suggest four measures for imparting Population Education in educational institution. 2+4=6
What is Value Education? Discuss the need and importance of Value Education. 2+4=6
25. What is meant by insightful method of learning? Write the educational significance of insightful method of learning. 2+4=6
What do you mean by Learning by Conditioning? Write four educational implications of conditioning method of learning. 2+4=6
26. What is forgetting? Discuss four physical causes of forgetting. 2+4=6
What is Attention? Discuss the importance of Attention and Interest in education. 2+4=6
27. What is Median? Compute Median from the following distribution table: 1+5=6