AHSEC Class 12 Political Science Solved Question Paper 2023 [HS 2nd Year Political Science Solved Paper 2023]

Are you a student gearing up for the AHSEC Class 12 Political Science examination? Are you looking for the Class 12 Political Science Solved papers
AHSEC Class 12 Political Science Solved Question Paper 2023 [HS 2nd Year Political Science Solved Paper 2023]

Are you a student gearing up for the AHSEC Class 12 Political Science examination? Are you looking for the AHSEC Class 12 Political Science Solved Question Paper for the year 2023? Well, your search now come to an end. In this article, where you will get a comprehensive overview of the AHSEC H.S 2nd Year Political Science Solved Question Paper for 2023. This examination was orchestrated by the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council (AHSEC), rendering this solved question paper an invaluable asset in your arsenal 🔥 for effective exam preparation.

Overview of AHSEC Class 12 Political Science Solved Question Paper 2023



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12th  (HS 2nd Year)



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AHSEC Class 12 Political Science (English Medium) Solved Question Paper 2023


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Must Read: Class 12 Political Science Solved paper 2023

Get ready to embark on an insightful journey as we uncover the contents of the AHSEC HS 2nd Year Political Science Solved Question Paper for the year 2023.





AHSEC HS 2nd Year Political Science Solved Question Paper 2023 



Full Marks: 100

Pass Marks: 30

Time: Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.


(Contemporary World Politics)

1. Answer any six from the following questions:     1x6=6

(a) In the Second World War, a member of the Axis Powers was the US/ Soviet Union/Germany. (Choose the correct answer)

Ans:-  In the Second World War, a member of the Axis Powers was Germany.

(b) How many independent states emerged from the disintegration of the Soviet Union?

Ans:- During the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1990, all fifteen republics of the former Soviet Union followed Russia's lead, and one by one they declared themselves sovereign states.

(c) In which year 9/11 terrorist attack on the United States was carried out?

Ans:- September 11, 2001.

(d) In which year was Bangladesh born as an independent country?

Ans:- 1971.

(e) In which country was the Earth Summit held in 1992?

Ans:- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

(f) Write the full form of UNEP.

Ans:- United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

(g) Who is the present Secretary General of U.N.O?

Ans:- António Guterres.

(h) When did Cuban Missile crisis occur?

Ans:- 16 October 1962.

(i) Berlin Wall was demolished in the year_____. (Fill in the blank)

Ans:- 1994

(j) The collapse of which country is known as the collapse of the “Second World”?

Ans:- The Soviet Union.

2. Answer any six questions from the following:         2x6=12

(a) Mention two consequences of the end of the Cold War.

Ans:- The consequences of the end of the Cold War were:

(i) Hostilities between the US and the Soviet Union ceased.

(ii) The Soviet Union disintegrated.

(iii) The end of the Cold War meant the 'end of bipolarity' in the world.

(b) Which were the member countries of ASEAN when it was formed in 1967?

Ans:- The Association of Southeast Asian Nations or ASEAN was established on 8 August 1967 in Bangkok by the five original member states, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.

(c) What is the difference between Deterrence and Defence?

Ans:- Deterrence means prevention of war; Defense means to limit or end the war; Balance of power means that there should be a balance between big and small countries and coalition building means alliance of states.

Advantages of AHSEC Class 12 Political Science Solved Question Papers

AHSEC Class 12 Political Science Solved Question Papers from previous years serve as valuable study material for students. Here are some advantages:

1. Understanding Exam Pattern: Solved question papers give you insight into the exam pattern, types of questions, and marking schemes used by AHSEC. This understanding helps you structure your preparation effectively.

2. Practice: Regular practice with solved papers enhances your problem-solving skills and time management, crucial for the actual exam.

3. Identifying Weaknesses: By reviewing the solutions, you can identify your strengths and weaknesses in different topics, allowing you to focus on areas that need improvement.

4. Boosting Confidence: Solving previous year's papers successfully boosts your confidence and reduces exam anxiety.

How to Download AHSEC Class 12 Political Science Solved Question Paper 2013?

Follow these simple steps to download the AHSEC Class 12 Political Science Solved Question Paper for 2023 from The Treasure Notes:

1.Visit The Treasure Notes Website: Open your browser and navigate to the Ths Treasure Notes website.

2.Search for the Paper: Click on the search bar icon on the website and enter "AHSEC Class 12 Political Science Solved Question Paper 2023."

3.Find the Post: Look for the relevant post containing the complete solution. You will find the download link or button at the end of the post.

4.Click Download: Click on the download link or button. So you will be redirected to the download page i.e redirected to our Online ebook Store.

5.Download the Paper: Make Payment as it mentioned in our store after Successful Payment you will able to Download or we will also send you the pdf link in your email.


Q1: Are these solved question papers helpful for the current year's exam preparation?

Ans:- Yes, while exam patterns may change slightly, practicing with solved papers gives you a strong foundation in concepts and problem-solving.

Q2: Can I rely solely on solved papers for my exam preparation?

Ans:- While solved papers are excellent resources, complement them with textbooks, notes, and other study materials for comprehensive preparation.


In conclusion, AHSEC Class 12 Political Science Solved Question Paper 2023 is an Important resource for your exam preparation. It provides you with insights into the exam pattern, helps you practice effectively, and boosts your confidence. Utilize The Treasure Notes to easily access and download this valuable resource, enhancing your chances of achieving excellent results in your AHSEC Class 12 Political Science exam. Remember, diligent preparation paves the way for success!

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