Principles of Marketing Notes, Important Questions 2024 [Gauahti University BCom 5th Sem]

In this page, we will provide Complete Notes of Gauhati University BCom 5th Sem Principles of Marketing 2023.

Guwahati University BCom 5th Sem Marketing Notes, Important Questions 2023

Marketing is the Heartbeat of any business, playing a pivotal role in connecting products or services to consumers. The 5th-semester BCom course at Guwahati University delves into the intricacies of marketing, equipping students with essential knowledge to navigate the ever-evolving world of commerce. In this page, we will provide Complete Notes of Gauhati University BCom 5th Sem Principles of Marketing 2024.

Guwahati University BCom 5th Sem

Marketing Complete Notes 2024

Unit – I: Introduction To Marketing.

Unit – II: Consumer Behaviour And Marketing Segmentation.

Unit – III: Product Planning And Pricing.

Unit – IV: Pricing, Distribution Channels And Physical Distribution.

Unit – V: Promotion And Recent Developments in Marketing.



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About Gauhati University BCom 5th Sem Principles Marketing Notes 2023

Unit I: Introduction to Marketing

The foundation of marketing begins with an understanding of its core concepts and principles. In the first unit, students are introduced to the fundamentals of marketing, which include the 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion) and their significance in crafting a successful marketing strategy. They learn how businesses identify customer needs and create value through effective marketing efforts.

Unit II: Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Segmentation

Unit II focuses on one of the critical aspects of marketing—understanding consumer behavior. Students explore the psychology behind consumer choices and decisions. They also delve into the concept of market segmentation, learning how to divide the market into distinct groups based on demographics, psychographics, and behavior. This knowledge is vital for tailoring marketing strategies to target specific consumer segments effectively.

Unit III: Product Planning and Pricing

This unit  is all about the products and services that businesses offer. Students learn how to plan, develop, and manage products effectively. They also delve into the intricacies of pricing, understanding the factors that influence pricing decisions. By the end of this unit, students are equipped with the skills to create compelling product offerings and set competitive prices.

Unit IV: Pricing, Distribution Channels, and Physical Distribution 

In this unit, students take a deeper dive into pricing strategies, exploring various pricing models and techniques. They also learn about distribution channels, which play a crucial role in getting products from manufacturers to consumers. Understanding how goods flow through these channels, including transportation and logistics, is essential for efficient market reach and customer satisfaction.

Unit V: Promotion and Recent Developments in Marketing

The final unit focuses on the promotional aspects of marketing. Students explore various advertising and promotional tools and strategies, including digital marketing, social media, and traditional advertising channels. Additionally, this unit keeps students updated on recent developments in marketing, which is essential in today's dynamic business landscape.

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