AHSEC Class 12 Alternative English Model Question Paper for 2024 (New Syllabus)

In this post, we have provided the AHSEC Class 12 Alternative English Model Question Paper for the 2024 AHSEC Examination. The significance of this..

AHSEC Class 12 Alternative English Model Question Paper for 2024 (New Syllabus)

In this post, we have provided the AHSEC Class 12 Alternative English Model Question Paper for the 2024 AHSEC Examination. The significance of this paper lies in being the first exam of Alternative English based on the new syllabus. Due to the absence of previous year question papers, this model paper serves as a valuable resource for your upcoming examination. Use it as a reference, considering that the question paper pattern and mark distribution are likely to resemble the provided model.

AHSEC H.S 2nd Year/Class 12

Model Question paper for 2024

Subject: Alternative English

Pass Marks: 30

Full Marks: 100

Time: 3 Hours

Figures in the margin indicate full mark for the questions

1. Give very brief answers to the following questions: (any sixteen) ½x16 = 8

a. In which year was Katherine Mansfield born?

b. What is the meaning of "odious?

c.What is "The Milliner's Gazette?

d. Who is the writer of "The Voyage"?

e. Who was Robert Brown?

f. What was the fare from Guwahati to Dumdum by air according to Bhupen Hazarika in 19492

g. Name one novel written by William Somerset Maugham.

h. What is Christening?

i. What is 'refectory"?

j. Who is the writer of 'The Martyr's Corner'?

k. Where did Rama sleep every night?

l. Where did Rama work as a waiter?

m. What did Rama give free with every item?

n. Who is Saurav Kumar Chaliha?

o. Is Bina Kutir an RCC building?

p. In which city is Mr. Mehta's office located?

q. What is motley assembly'?

2. Give brief answers to the following questions: 1x5=5

a. Who is the central character of 'A Cup of Tea'?

b. Which Russian author influenced Katherine Mansfield?

c. Who was the Governor of Assam during the inauguration of the airport in Guwahati?

d. From where did the new Vicar hail?

e. For how long had the verger been at St. Peter's?

f. What did Rama sell?

g. Who is Brajen Kalita?

h. Mention one feature in the writings of Saurav Kumar Chaliha?

3. Answer any five of the following questions: 2 x 5=10

a. What are the names of the two women characters in the story 'A Cup of Tea"?

b. Who was Miss Smith? Why did Rosemary send her back?

c. Name the two locations that Bhupen Hazarika recollects in 'The Voyage'?

d. What did Bhupen Hazarika consider to be his only aim?

e. What was the attitude of the Verger towards his gowns?

f. Why did Rama's customers like him?

g. Briefly write about Rama's attitude towards the boot-polish boys.

h. Name the places from Arunachal Pradesh and Mizoram as mentioned in the story "Bina Kutir'.

4. Answer any two of the following questions: 3x2=6

a. Write about Rosemary's encounter with Miss Smith.

b. Write briefly about Hazarika's stopover in Sri Lanka

c. How did the manager react upon his discovery that Mr. Foreman could neither read nor write?

d. What did Rama's wife do upon his arrival at night?

5. Answer any two of the following questions: 5x2=10

a. Examine in detail the various themes explored by Katherine Mansfield in her story "A Cup of Tea

b. Give a character-sketch of Rosemary Fell.

c. Write in detail about Bhupen Hazarika's experience during the course of his journey abroad from your reading of "The Voyage"

d. Write in detail about how Albert Edward Foreman lost the job of the verger

c. Do you think that R. K. Narayan has depicted many aspects of typical Indian way of life in "The Martyr's Corner"? Write a detailed answer.

6. Give very brief answers to the following questions: (any 10) 2x10=5

a. Mention the name of one prose essay of P. B. Shelley.

b. What type of a poem is "Ozymandias of Egypt"? c. In which year was Emily Dickinson born?

d. What is 'tippet'?

e. Which country does Emily Dickinson belong to?

f. Who is the speaker of the poem "Strange Meeting"?

g. What is the meaning of chariot wheels"?

h. From which country does William Cowper hail?

i. Mention one poetic device used in the poem "The Solitude of Alexander Selkirk"?

j. What is cricket as mentioned in "The Lake Isle of Innisfree"?

k. How many rows of beans does W. B. Yeats desire to have?

l. Who is the evil one" in the poem "Night of the Scorpion"?

7. Give brief answers to the following questions: (any five) 1x5=5

a. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem "Ozymandias of Egypt"?

b. Who was Ozymandias?

c. What do you mean by war poetry?

d. What does Wilfred Owen mean by "titanic wars"?

e Who was Alexander Selkirk?

f. What do you understand by the words 'sweet music of speech'?

g. What is lake Isle?

h. In which volume of poetry was the poem "Night of the Scorpion" published?

8. Answer any five of the following questions:

2 x 5 = 10

a. How does P. B Shelley describe the expression on Ozymandias's face?

b. What is the significance of the "setting sun' in the poem "Because I could not stop for Death"?

c. Why does Emily Dickinson describe death as being kind and civil?

d. How does "Strange Meeting" challenge the traditional view of war as noble and heroic?

e. What is the mental state of Alexander Selkirk as revealed in "The Solitude of Alexander Selkirk"?

f. How is mercy seen by Alexander Selkirk?

g. Which times of the day are referred to in "The Lake isle of Innisfree" and why?

h. Which creatures are mentioned in "The Lake Isle of Innisfree"?

i. What led to the formation of giant scorpion shadows on the walls of the speaker's hut as mentioned in the poem "Night of the Scorpion?

9. Answer any two of the following questions: 3x2=6

a. What is the significance of the last two lines in "Strange Meeting"? b. What message does Alexander Selkirk want to convey to his friends?

c. What is the significance of the Lake Isle of Innisfree to the speaker?

d. Write a short note on the speaker's mother as portrayed in "Night of the Scorpion"

10. Answer any one of the following questions: 5x1=5

a. How is 'Death' personified in the poem 'Because I Could Not Stop for Death"?

b. Bring out the central idea of "Strange Meeting.

c. How does 'Night of the Scorpion bring forth the strong sense of solidarity among the village folk of India?

Group-B (Grammar Section)

11. Find out the errors in the following sentences and rewrite them correctly (any five): 1x5=5

a. She has submit the project on time.

b. One of the member has to take the responsibility.

c. She sings nice.

d. I have received this email a week ago.

e. He prefers coffee than tea.

f. We need some furnitures.

g. He is my cousin brother.

h. He is senior than me.

12. Add appropriate tags to any five of the following sentences: 1x5=5

a. She speaks German nicely.

b. He has hardly eaten anything.

c. Everything looked beautiful.

d. I am older than you.

e. No one appeared to be honest.

f. Let us go to the market.

g. His speech was well received.

h. He kept his promise.

Group- C (Composition)

13. Write an essay on any one of the following topics: 10 x 1 = 10

a. Games and Sports.

b. Impact of Social Media on the mental health of youths. 

c. India's Role in changing the global world order.

d. Role of scientific research in solving the global health crisis.

14. Read the following conversation and answer the questions that follow:-

Sandeep Sen: Hi Prayojita! Are you busy?

Prayojita Roy: Hi Sandeep...umm...kind of...

Sandeep Sen: I need some urgent help with my project. I am facing a deadline of 3 pm today and I'm not done with my budget sheets. Can you help me complete them?

Prayojita Roy: How many sheets do you need help with?

Sandeep Sen: Oh...there are plenty. I'm to submit the entire budget for the quarter! Eight or nine spreadsheets at least!

Prayojita Roy: Umm... Sandeep, any other time I would have gladly helped you, but today I'm facing a deadline myself.

Sandeep Sen: Oh! That's too bad. Can you not spare an hour at least?

Besides, I'm not too good with formulae on Excel sheets.

I'll be in deep trouble with my line manager if I miss my deadline.

Prayojita Roy: Sandeep, why don't you search online for some videos that can quickly help you with the formulae. You could just reach out to me if you are stuck somewhere. That way my own work can also go on.

Sandeep Sen: Good idea, Prayojita! Let me try that. Thanks for the suggestion.

Prayojita Roy: You're welcome... but please plan your time better to avoid such emergencies in future. We need to respect our colleagues' time as well (chuckles)!

Sandeep Sen: Yes, you're right. Will do that. Thanks once again for the suggestion.

Prayojita Roy: You're welcome. Good luck!

1. Where is the conversation taking place? Is the context social, academic or professional? 2

2. Who are the two people talking?1

3. What is Sandeep requesting Prayojita for? How help does he need?2

4. Do you think Prayojita is reluctant to give Sandeep all the time that he needs? How has she conveyed her reluctance in a positive way? 1+2=3

5. What is the alternative that Prayojita is suggesting? What is the advantage of her suggestion? 1+1=2


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Importance of Model Question Papers

Model question papers hold immense importance in exam preparation:

1. Familiarization with Exam Pattern: They offer insight into the structure and format of the actual examination, aiding in familiarizing students with the question paper design.

2. Practice and Preparation: These papers enable students to practice answering questions within the allocated time, enhancing their speed and accuracy.

3. Assessment of Readiness: By attempting model papers, students gauge their preparedness for the final exam, identifying areas that need more attention.

4.Building Confidence: Regular practice with model papers boosts confidence levels, reducing anxiety associated with the actual exam.

Utilize this model question paper diligently, incorporating it into your study routine to enhance your preparedness for the upcoming AHSEC Class 12 Alternative English Examination.

The provided question paper serves as a model and is not an official examination paper. It is intended to assist in understanding the question paper pattern. Remember, it's crucial to rely on official guidelines and syllabi for your exam preparation.

Feel free to use this model paper responsibly and share it with your peers to collectively prepare for the examination effectively. Good luck with your studies!

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