Alternative English Question Paper 2023 (FYUGP) [ BA, BCom ,B.Sc 1st Sem FYUGP]

B.A , B.Sc FYUGP First Semester ALTERNATIVE ENGLISH (NEP Program) 2023 Question Paper Pdf If you want to know about B.A,,B.Sc (NEP) 1st Sem

Are you searching for,Gauhati  B.A , B.Sc FYUGP First Semester ALTERNATIVE ENGLISH (NEP Program) 2023 Question Paper Pdf If you want to know about B.A,,B.Sc (NEP) 1st Semester ALTERNATIVE ENGLISH  2023 question paper FYUGP , then In this post we have discussed what was asked in B.A, B.Sc, (NEP) First Semester Alternative English Question Paper 2023 PDF FYUGP BCom.

Alternative English Question Paper 2023 (FYUGP) [ BA, BCom ,B.Sc 1st Sem FYUGP]

This FYUGP Alternative English Question Paper 2023 is Helpful For B.A,BCom,B.Sc (NEP) Students.

You read this post from beginning to end, after that you will get to know about First Semester Alternative English FYUGP Question Paper 2023. First Semester Alternative English FYUGP 2023  previous year question paper in pdf.

Name of the examination

B.Com  1st Semester (FYUGP)


B.A,B.COM,B.Sc (Honours)

Subject Name

Alternative English 

Subject /Paper Code


Full Marks





Alternative English 

Paper Code: AEC0100402

Full Marks: 30

Time: 1 hr. 30 minute


The figures in the margins indicate full marks for the questions

1. Answer all the questions in a word or a sentence: 1x5=5

a. Name the ancient tree mentioned in Bhatt's poem prescribed for your study.

b. The palanquin bearers sing gaily. True/False

c. Name the person referred to as 'her' in Yeats' poem, 'No Second Troy'.

d. What was Prafulla's greatest ambition?

e. Name the narrator's uncle in the story, 'The Ring'?

2. Answer any five of the following: 2x5=10

a. Where is the speaker, in the poem, "This is a photograph of Me"?

b. Explain-With beauty like a tightened bow' ('No Second Troy')

c. What is the significance of the title of Yeats' poem, 'No Second Troy"?

d. Mention any two comparisons used to describe the palanquin in Naidu's poem, "The Palanquin Bearers'.

e. What was Prafulla's Bhishma Pratigya?

f. Why did the radio authorities not invite artists from outside Guwahati?

g. What did the producer tell Dipak?

h. Where was the narrator's grandmother's farm and why did he like to visit it?

i. What were the two things that reminded the narrator of his grandmother in the story, 'The Ring'?

j. Why was the lost ring precious to the narrator's grandmother?

3. Answer any three of the following: 5X3=15

a. Write a short note on the symbols used in Bhatt's poem prescribed for your study ?

b. Attempt a critical appreciation of the poem, "The Palanquin Bearers',

c. Give a brief description of Prafulla's audition in your own words.

d. Describe the incident that led to Prafulla's Bheeshma Pratigya?

e. Write a short note on the character of the narrator's grandmother in the story, "The Ring'.

f. Give a brief account of the grandmother's search for her ring in the story, 'The Ring'


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