Information Technology in Business Question Paper 2023 PDF [Gauhati University BCom 1st Sem FYUGP]

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Are you searching for Gauhati University's 1st Semester Information Technology in Business 2023 FYUGP Question Paper If you want to know about Gauhati University First Semester Information Technology in Business 2023 question paper, then In this post we have discussed what was asked in Gauhati University First Semester FYUGP Information Technology in Business  2023 Question Paper.

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Gauahti University First Semester Information Technology in Business 2023  FYUGP previous year question paper.

Name of the examination

Gauhati University 1st Semester


B.COM (Honours)

Subject Name

Information Technology in Business 

Subject /Paper Code


Full Marks






Paper Code: BCM0100703

(Information Technology in Business)

Full Marks: 30

Time: 1½ hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

Answer either in English or in Assamese.

1. Choose the correct answer of the following: 1x5-5

তলত দিয়াবোৰৰ শুদ্ধ উত্তৰটো বাছি উলিওৱা:

(a) Which one of the following in an input device?

তলৰ কোনটো ইনপুট আঁহিলা হয়?

[a] MICR

[b] VDU

[e] Printer

[d] Speaker

(b) Which one of the following is a spreadsheet package?

তলৰ কোনটো স্প্রেডছিট্ পেকেজ?

[a] MS Word

[b] MS Excel

[c] MS Access

[d] MS Power Point

(c) The full form of SQL is SQL ব সম্পূর্ণ নামটো হ'ল

[a] Standard Query Language

[b] Standard Quantum Language

[c] Structural Query Language

[d] Structured Query Language

(d) Internet is based on______Protocol.

ইন্টাৰনেট_______প্রট'ক'লৰ ওপৰত প্রতিস্থিত।

[a] HTTP

[b] FTP

[c] TCP/IP

[d] OSI

(e) Which memory is directly accessible to CPU?

কোনটো মেমবি প্রত্যক্ষভাবে CPU য়ে সম্পাদন কবে?

[a] RAM

[b] Hard Disk

[c] Secondary Memory

[d] Floppy Disk

2. Answer the following questions: (any five) 2x5=10

তলত দিয়া প্রশ্নসমূহৰ চমু উত্তৰ দিয়া: (যিকোনো পাঁচটা)

(a) What is ALU?

ALU কি?

(b) What is search engine?

চার্চ ইঞ্জিন কি?

(c) What are the two types of software?

দুই ধৰণৰ চফটওবেৰ কি কি?

(d) What is a record in database?

ডাটাবেছত রেকর্ড কিং

(e) What is TCL?

TCL কি?

(f) Differentiate between HTTP and HTTPS .

HTTP আৰু HTTPS ব মাজত প্রভেদ বিস্তাৰ কৰা।

(g) What is Computer virus?

কম্পিউটাৰ ভাইৰাচ্ কি?

(h) How do you save a document in MS Word?

MS Word ত ডকুমেন্ট এটা কেনেকৈ 'save' কৰিবা?

(i) What is Web browser? Give example.

বেব ব্রাউজাৰ কি? উদাহৰণ দিয়া।

(j) What is MIS? 

MIS কি?

3. Answer the following questions (any three) 5x3=15

তলত দিয়া প্রশ্নসমূহৰউত্তৰ দিয়া: (যিকোনো তিনিটাৰ)

(a) Mention the differences between input and outpul devices

ইনপুট আৰু আউট্‌স্পুট আহিলা সমূহৰ মাজৰ প্রভেদ উল্লেখ কৰা।

(b) Explain database architecture.

ডাটাবেছ আর্হি ব্যাখ্যা করা।

(c) Differentiate between HTML and XHTML.

HTML আৰু XHTML ৰ মাজত প্রভেদ বিস্তাৰ কৰা।

(d) Explain the functions of opereting system.

অপাৰেটিং চিষ্টেমৰ কাৰ্য্যসমূহ ব্যাখ্যা কৰা।

(c) What is computer Network? Explain the types of network topologies.

কম্পিউটার নেটবর্ক কি? নেটৱার্ক ট'প'লজিৰ প্ৰকাৰ সমূহ ব্যাখ্যা কৰা।

(f) Briefly discuss the applications of Information Technology

তথ্য প্রযুক্তির ব্যবহাৰ চমুকৈ আলোচনা করা।


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