Are you searching for,Assam College B.A , B.Sc FYUGP First Semester ALTERNATIVE ENGLISH (NEP Program) 2023 Question Paper Pdf If you want to know about B.A,,B.Sc (NEP) 1st Semester ALTERNATIVE ENGLISH 2023 question paper FYUGP , then In this post we have discussed what was asked in B.A, B.Sc, (NEP) First Semester Alternative English Question Paper 2023 PDF FYUGP BCom.
This FYUGP Alternative English Question Paper 2023 is Helpful For B.A,BCom,B.Sc (NEP) Students.
You read this post from beginning to end, after that you will get to know about First Semester Alternative English FYUGP Question Paper 2023. First Semester Alternative English FYUGP 2023 previous year question paper in pdf.
Paper Code: AEC0100402
(Alternative English)
Full Marks: 30
Time: 1½ hours
The figures in the margin indicate
full marks for the questions.
1. Answer the following questions:
(a) Which mythological figure does W.B. Yeats allude to in 'No Second Troy"?
(b) What are Oak trees known for?
(c) What was Profulla's greatest ambition?
(d) Why was the grandmother 'eyeing the stack with enmity?
(e) 'Lightly, O lightly we bear her along..?_Who are the 'we' here?
2. Answer the following questions (any five): 2x5=10
(a) Why does the poet, use colour symbols in 'So Many Oaks?
(b) What are the qualities attributed to Maud Gonne by Yeats?
(c) How does the Photograph look?
(d) What is visible on the left-hand corner of the photograph?
(e) What was the mother's reaction when she heard Prafulla singing once while bathing near the well?
(f)Why did the radio authorties never invite any artiste froen Guwahati?
(g) Why does Sujata Bhatt use the analogy of birds and mammals?
(h) What were the usual working hours at the Dermody farm? When was this rule broken?
(i) Why didn't the grandmother want Uncle Con and the others to help her in the search for the ring?
(j) What is Maud Gonne's association with the Irish Republican Brotherhood?
3. Attempt the following questions. (any three) 5x3=15
(a) How was Prafulla's 'Bhisma Pratigya to never ever sing again broken?
(b) Truth' is what we perceive, on an individual plane. Illustrate this concept in the context of "This is a Photograph of Me'.
(c) How does the Classical Period differ from the Modern Period? Base your answer on a reading of Year's No Second Troy'.
(d) Show, after Sujata Bhatt, the delicate relationship between humanity and nature.
(e) What are the poetic techniques used by Sarojini Naidu in "The Palanquin Bearers"?
(f) True, like crop and rod, she had an element of flexibility, but like them there was no trace of fragility -Elaborate.