Are you searching for 1st Semester Information Technology in Business 2023 FYUGP Question Paper If you want to know about First Semester Information Technology in Business 2023 question paper, then In this post we have discussed what was asked in First Semester FYUGP Information Technology in Business 2023 Question Paper.
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PAPER: BCM0100703
Information Technology in Business(SEC)
Full Marks: 30
Time: 1½ hr
1. Choose the correct alternative 1x5=5
i) The unit that performs calculation on the inputted numbers is known as
a) Arithmetic Logic Unit
b) Control Unit
c) Memory Unit
d) Both (a) and (b)
ii) Which of the following is not a computer memory?
a) RAM
b) Hard disk
c) SSD
d) Slip Disk
iii) Which of the following is not an example of system software?
a) Windows
b) Android
c) Google
d) Linuxi
v) Primary key in a database
a) Uniquely indentify records
b) Delete records
c) Needs modification
d) None of these
v) Which of the following is not a computer network topology?
a) Star
b) Bus
c) Tree
d) Cylinder
2) Answer the following questions (any five)2x5=10
i) Define Software
ii) What do you mean by peripheral devices?
iii) What is operating system?
iv) Define computer network.
v) What is a computer virus?
vi) What are the two data transmissions medium?
vii) What do you mean by a database entity?
viii) What are the two page orientations in MS word?
ix) What is SQL?
x) What is HTML?
3) Answer the following questions (Any three) 5x3=15
i) Write different functions of an operating system.
ii) Draw a diagram of a computer system showing different parts and their interconnection.
iii) Describe any one network topology with suitable diagram.
iv) Describe about computer memory.
v) Draw the diagram for process life cycle.
vi) Write the advantages of using database management software.
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