Alternative English Syllabus (FYUGP) [B.A,BCom,B.Sc Ability Enhancement Course Syllabus]

FYUGP First Semester Alternate English Syllabus (Ability Enhancement Course) (NEP Program) 2023 Question Paper Pdf If you want to know about B.A,


 Alternative English Syllabus 1st  Sem (FYUGP) (AEC) Syllabus As Per New NEP Pettern

Ability Enhancement Course: This is an 8-credit course covering Modern Indian Languages (MIL) and English Usage (Communication). Each student needs to complete two papers of 4-credits each – one from English Usage and other from the group of MIL, especially designed for this purpose. Both these courses are further divided into two 2-credit courses each. The MIL course is to be completed during Semesters 1& 5 while the English Communication course is to be completed during Semesters 2 & 6.

Are you searching for,Gauhati  B.A , B.Sc FYUGP First Semester Alternate English Syllabus (Ability Enhancement Course) (NEP Program)  If you want to know about B.A,,B.Sc (NEP) 1st Semester Alternate English Syllabus  2023  FYUGP , then In this post we have discussed what was asked in B.A, B.Sc, (NEP) First Semester Alternate English Syllabus 2023  FYUGP B.A,BCom,B.Sc.

AEC (Ability Enhancement Course)

Alternative English I (In lieu of MIL)

Semester 1

Credits 2

(30 External + 20 Internal = 50 Marks)

Course Outcome: 

This paper would seek to acquaint students with the literary practices and trends. It presents a sampling of poems and stories so as to enable students to engage with possibilities of reading and approaching English literature. 

Poetry: 30 Marks 

W. B. Yeats: No Second Troy 

Sarojini Naidu: The Palanquin Bearers 

Sujata Bhatt: So Many Oaks 

Margaret Atwood: This was a Photograph of Me 

Stories: 20 Marks 

Mahim Bora: Audition 

Bryan MacMahon: The Ring


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