Alternative English Syllabus 1st Sem (FYUGP) (AEC) Syllabus As Per New NEP Pettern
Ability Enhancement Course: This is an 8-credit course covering Modern Indian Languages (MIL) and English Usage (Communication). Each student needs to complete two papers of 4-credits each – one from English Usage and other from the group of MIL, especially designed for this purpose. Both these courses are further divided into two 2-credit courses each. The MIL course is to be completed during Semesters 1& 5 while the English Communication course is to be completed during Semesters 2 & 6.
Are you searching for,Gauhati B.A , B.Sc FYUGP First Semester Alternate English Syllabus (Ability Enhancement Course) (NEP Program) If you want to know about B.A,,B.Sc (NEP) 1st Semester Alternate English Syllabus 2023 FYUGP , then In this post we have discussed what was asked in B.A, B.Sc, (NEP) First Semester Alternate English Syllabus 2023 FYUGP B.A,BCom,B.Sc.
AEC (Ability Enhancement Course)
Alternative English I (In lieu of MIL)
Semester 1
Credits 2
(30 External + 20 Internal = 50 Marks)
Course Outcome:
This paper would seek to acquaint students with the literary practices and trends. It presents a sampling of poems and stories so as to enable students to engage with possibilities of reading and approaching English literature.
Poetry: 30 Marks
W. B. Yeats: No Second Troy
Sarojini Naidu: The Palanquin Bearers
Sujata Bhatt: So Many Oaks
Margaret Atwood: This was a Photograph of Me
Stories: 20 Marks
Mahim Bora: Audition
Bryan MacMahon: The Ring
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