Environmental Studies Syllabus B.com 1st Sem (FYUGP) Syllabus As Per New NEP Pettern
Environmental Studies
Total marks: 50
Course level:100-199
No. of hours: 30.
Na. of Credits: 2
Unit1: Introduction to Environmental Studies 5 lectures
- Multidisciplinary nature of environmental stadies;
- Scope and importance;
- Basic concepts: Renewable resources, no renewable resources, Common Property resources, Tragedy of commons, Climate change, global warming
- Concept of sustainable development:
Unit 2: Ecosystems 10 lectures
What is an ecosystem? Difference between ecology and ecosystem. Structure and function of ecosystem: Energy flow in an ecosystem: food chains, food web and ecological saccession
Case studies on any one of the following
A) Forest ecosystem
B) Grassland ecosystem
C) Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers)
D) Mountain ecosystem
Unit 3: Environmental Pullution and laws 15 lectures
- Environmental pollution: types, causes, effects and controls, Air, water, soil and noise pollation.
- Solid waste management: Control measures of urhan and industrial waste.
- Environment Laws: Environment Protection Act, Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act; Water (Prevention and control of pollation) Act, Wildlife Protection Act, Forest Conservation Act. International agreersents, policies and treaties
Suggested Readings:
1. Bharucha, Erach: Text book on Environmental Studies, UGC, New Delhi.
2. Carson, R. 20002. Silent Spring, Houghton Mifflin Harcoun.
3. De A.K.: Environmental Chemistry, Wiley Eastern Lind.
4. Kaushik Anubha and C.P. Kaushik: Perspective in Environemental Studies, New Age International.
5. Rajagopalan, R. (2013). Environmental Susdies. Ord Edition) Osford University Press.
6. S. C. Santra (2011): Environmental Science, New Central Book Agency.
Graduate Attributes
1. Course Objective: The course objective is to develop an understanding of the basic concepts of environmental stadies. This course will help to know the environment around us. It also gives an idea of various laws to protect environment.
2. Leaming Outcome: After going through this course shudents can visualize the importance of envirorument for human mankind. This course will help to make an understanding of the various concepts which are frequently used by us. This course abo enable students to know the problems of a particular environmental event through case studies and also help them to go through the various available laws that can minimize the environmental problems.
Theory Credit: 2
No. of Required Clauses: 30
No. of Contact Classes: 30
No. of Non-Contact Classec
Course designer: Prof. Ratul Mahanta, Department of Economies, GU.
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