GU Business Organisation Management Syllabus [Gauhati University BCom 1st Sem FYUGP Syllabus]

Business Organisation Management Syllabus 1st sem FYUGP Syllabus As Per New NEP Pettern


Guahati University Business Organisation Management Syllabus 1st  sem FYUGP Syllabus As Per New NEP Pettern

Semester I 

Course Name: Business Organization and Management 

Existing based syllabus: UGCBCS 

Course level: 100 to 199 


Total Marks: 100 

Unit 1: Introduction: Nature and Purpose of Business, Factors to be considered for starting a business, 

Forms of Business Organization; Business formats- Brick & Mortar; Brick & Click; E-commerce; Franchising; 

Outsourcing Nature and Functions of Management (An overview); Managerial Competencies-concept. 

16 Classes (20 Marks) 

Unit 2: Business Environment: Meaning and layers of Business Environment- (micro/immediate, 

meso/intermediate, macro and international); Business ethics and social responsibility.   

8 Classes (12 Marks) 

Unit 3: Planning and Organizing: Strategic Planning (concepts), Decision-making- process and techniques; Organizing: -Formal and Informal Organizations, Centralization and Decentralization, Delegation, Factors 

affecting organizational design Organizational structures & Organograms – Divisional, Product, Matrix, Project and Virtual Organization.   

12 Classes (20 Marks) 

Unit 4: Directing and Controlling: Motivation- meaning, importance and factors affecting motivation, 

Leadership- meaning, importance, trait and leadership styles, Communication – New trends and directions (Role of IT and social media); Controlling–Principles of controlling; Measures of controlling, Relationship between planning and controlling. 

12 Classes (24 Marks) 

Unit 5: Contemporary Issues in Management: Business Process Reengineering (BPR), Learning 

Organization, Six Sigma, Supply Chain Management, Work-life Balance; Freelancing; Flexi-time and work from home; Co-sharing/co-working. 

12 Classes (24 Marks) 

Suggested Readings: 

● Basu, C. (2017). Business Organisation and Management. McGraw Hill Education. New 


● Drucker, P. F. (1954). The Practice of Management. Newyork: Harper & Row. 

● Kaul, V. K. (2012). Business Organisation Management. Pearson Education. 

● Koontz, H., &Weihrich, H. (2012). Essentials of Management: An International and 

Leadership Perspective. Paperback. 

● Laasch, O. (2022). Principles of Management, 2e, Sage Textbook

● Sherlekar, S. A. (2016). Modern Business Organisation and Management. Himalaya Publishing House 


The course aims to provide basic knowledge to the students about the organization and management 

of a business enterprise. 

Learning outcome: On successful completion of the paper students will be able to understand about organization structure and its process; develop knowledge and skills regarding management principles and functions required to run an organization. 

No. of Contact Classes: 60 

Course Designer: Dr. Tilak Ch. Das, Gauhati University,


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