GU Indian Financial System Syllabus [Gauhati University BCom 1st Sem FYUGP Syllabus]

Indian Financial System Syllabus 1st sem FYUGP Syllabus As Per New NEP Pettern


Guahati University Indian Financial System Syllabus 1st  sem FYUGP Syllabus As Per New NEP Pettern

Semester I 

Course Name: Indian Financial System 

Existing based syllabus: UGCBCS 

Course level: 100 to 199 


Total Marks: 100 

Unit 1: Introduction (12 Classes) (20 Marks) 

Financial System-Meaning, Components of Financial system, Functions of Financial System, Financial System  and Economic Development, Overview of Indian Financial System. 


Unit 2: Financial markets (12 Classes) (20 Marks) 

Financial Market- Classifications of Financial Markets; Money market- its constitutions, functions and 

significance; Capital Market- Primary and secondary market of capital market and its significance. 


Unit 3: Financial Institutions (12 Classes) (20 Marks) 

Banking Financial Institutions- Types of Banks, Functions of Banks, Structure of Indian Banking System; Non-Banking Financial institutions, types and structure; Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies and Pension Funds. 


Unit 4: Financial Services (12 Classes) (20 Marks) 

Meaning, features and importance, Types of Financial Services- Factoring, Leasing, Venture Capital, 

Consumer Finance and Housing Finance. 


Unit 5: Regulatory Institutions (12 Classes) (20 Marks) 

Reserve Bank of India- organization, objectives, Role and Functions; Securities and Exchange Board of India-Organization and objectives; Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India; Pension Fund 

Regulatory and Development Authority. 

Suggested Readings: 

1. The Indian Financial System by Bharati Pathak, Pearson Education. 

2. Financial Institutions and Markets by L M Bhole, Tata MC Graw Hill. 

3. Dynamics of Financial Markets and Institutions in India by R M Srivastava and Divya Nigam, Excel 


4. Indian Financial System by H R Machiraju, Vikas Publishing House. 

5. The Indian Financial System and Development by Vasant Desai, Himalaya Publishing House. 

6. Indian Financial System by P N Varshney and D K Mittal, Sultan Chand & Sons. 


To provide students the basic knowledge of Indian Financial System and its components, institutions and their functions. 

Course Outcome: 

The learning outcomes of the Indian financial system include understanding the diverse components and functions of the system, the role of regulatory bodies, the impact of policies on economic growth, and the development of analytical skills to evaluate and navigate financial markets effectively 

No. of Contact Classes: 60 

Course Designer: Prof. S.K. Mahapatra, Gauhati University,


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