GU Computer Applications in Business Question Paper 2023 | Gauhati University BCom 3rd Sem CBCS

Q1.(i) Which of the following shortcut command is used to print the active document? (a) Ctrl + P (b) Alt + P (c) Ctrl + Shift + P (d) Ctrl + Alt + D

Gauhati University, located in Guwahati, Assam, is one of the prominent educational institutions in Northeast India. It offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses to students across various disciplines. The Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) program at Gauhati University is highly regarded for its comprehensive curriculum and focus on practical applications in the business world. 

GU Computer Applications in Business Question Paper 2023 | Gauhati University BCom 3rd Sem CBCS

In this page, we will explore the Gauhati University BCom 3rd Sem Computer Applications in Business Question Paper for the year 2023, shedding light on its importance and the Questions asked in Examinations.



(Honours Core)

Paper: COM-HC-3016

(Computer Applications in Business)

Full Marks: 40

Time: Two hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Choose the right alternative: 1×4=4

(i) Which of the following shortcut command is used to print the active document?

(a) Ctrl + P

(b) Alt + P

(c) Ctrl + Shift + P

(d) Ctrl + Alt + Del

(ii) Portrait and Landscape are at

(a) Paper Size

(b) Page Layout

(c) Page Orientation

(d) None of the above

(iii) Which view of PowerPoint is mainly used for rearranging slides?

(a) Slide Sorter

(b) Notes pages

(c) Outline

(d) Normal

(iv) Which of the following is the basic unit of data entry in Excel?

(a) Spreadsheet

(b) Cell

(c) Column

(d) Row

2. Answer the following questions in brief: 2×3=6

(i) What do you mean by transition in MS PowerPoint?

(ii) What do you mean by ratio analysis?

(iii) What is Field and Record of a database table?

3. Answer the following questions: (any two) 5×2=10

(i) What are Header and Footer? Write the steps to add header and footer on a page.

(ii) Write about the Home tab in MS Word.

(iii) What is database? Describe its utility.

(iv) Define cell referencing. What is relative and absolute cell referencing?

4. Answer the following questions: (any two) 10×2=20

(i) What do you mean by a digital presentation? Describe different parts of the PowerPoint Window.

(ii) What is word processing? Describe the advantages of using word processing software.

(iii) Describe about the Entity- Relationship Model (E-R Model).

(iv) Describe how to prepare payroll statement using spreadsheet.


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