Are you searching for 1st Semester Information Technology in Business FYUGP Syllabus If you want to know about FYUGP First Semester Information Technology in Business Syllabus, then In this post we have discussed First Semester FYUGP Information Technology in Business latest Syllabus according to FYUGP BCom 1st Sem.
This FYUGP Information Technology is Business Syllabus also helpful all college and university of Assam.
Information Technology in Business Syllabus 1st Sem (FYUGP) Syllabus As Per New NEP Pettern
B.Com., Semester-1,
Credit: 3, Marks-100
Information Technology in Business
Unit 1:- Fundamentals of Computers and Information Technology
Definition of a computer system, hardware, software, I/O devices, storage devices, other peripheral devices, CPU and its functions, communication among various parts of a computer system, memory measurement units, Data Information and knowledge, role of IT in information generation, management and decision making.
Unit2:-Introduction to the system software
Definition, different types of system software, different functions, introduction to resource management, memory management, I/O management, process management, deadlock, deadlock avoidance and prevention.
Unit 3:-Introduction to the computer networks
Fundamentals of computer networks and the internet, brief introduction to the OSI and the TCP/IP model, different layers and protocols, routing, different devices in different layers, network topologies, introduction to wireless technologies, security in computer networks, computer virus, the world wide web, search engines and their business prospective.
Unit 4:- Introduction to MS-Office 2010/11
Different MS-Office tools, working with MS-word, creating, editing, formatting and printing documents, working with MS-Excel, data sorting, formulas and functions, graph creation, creating simple and animated presentations with MS- PowerPoint, using MS-Access to create small databases and the respective forms to enter, edit, and delete data.
Unit 5:-Database fundamentals
Definition, table, field, record, data types, different types of key, metadata, entity, attributes, different types of relationships, database management system, advantages of DBMS approach, 3-layred database architecture, data independence, different database languages, structured query language(SQL).
Unit 6:-Introduction to web resource creation
Introduction to Hypertext markup language (HTML), Extensible hypertext markup language (XHTML), Extensible markup language (XML), Extensible business reporting language (XBRL). Client side and server side programming, fundamentals of creating dynamic, interactive web pages: An introduction to Active Server Pages technology, introduction to VB script.
Unit 7:-Introduction to Management Information System
Transaction processing System, Decision support System, Expert Systems.
1. Introduction to different hardware components and their functions.
3. Web resource creation.