Gauhati University 4th Semester Indian Economy Question Paper 2023
Paper: COM-HG-4016
(Indian Economy)
Full Marks: 80
Time: Three hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
1. Answer the following questions : 1×10=10
(a) Define economic growth.
(b) What is the rank of India in the Human Development Index Report 2021–22?
(c) What is the Quality of Life Index?
(d) Which is the major contributor to national income of India within the primary sector?
(e) Who is the chairperson of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) in India?
(f) What is industrial unemployment?
g) When was the MRTP Act adopted in India?
(h) The situation with increasing unemployment and inflation is termed as______. (Fill up the blanks)
(i) Mention one major cause of low rate of capital formation in India.
(j) In India, the last five year plan was in 2012-2017. (State True/False)
2. Answer the following questions :
(a) What are the equality and sustainability components of human development?
(b) Write two features of occupational structure in India at the time of independence.
(c) What are the two important objectives of disinvestment policy?
(d) Name the banks which are called ‘Domestic Systemically Important Banks' (D-SIBs) in India.
(e) Mention two objectives of WTO.
3. Write short notes on any four of the following: 5×4=20
(b) Role of NEDFI on the Economy of North-East India.
(c) Act East Policy and North-East Region.
(d) Policy of Import Substitution.
(e) Demographic Dividend in India.
4.(a) What is economic development? Explain the measures of development. 2+8=10
Discuss the composition of national income in India since 1951. 10
(b) Critically evaluate the impact of economic reforms on Indian economy. 10
Discuss the role of MSME industries in India. Briefly explain the initiatives of MSME's. 10
Discuss the role of MSME industries in India. Briefly explain the initiatives taken for promotion and development of MSME's. 5+5=10
(c) Explain various types of structural changes that took place in Indian agriculture after independence. How have these changes helped in poverty alleviation and food security in India? Discuss. 5+5=10
Sikkim is the first ‘Organic State' in India. What are the ecological and economical benefits of organic state? Discuss.
(d) Justify the need for FDI for the development of the Indian economy. Suggest remedial steps to be taken for increasing actual FDIs in India. 6+4=10
What are the major import items of India? What are the factors responsible for the increasing current account deficit in India? Discuss. 3+7=10