
Guwahati University B.Com 4th Sem Human Resource Management (HRM) Notes 2024

In this Page, we will provide you the notes for the HRM course for the BCom 4th semester at Guwahati University.

Human Resource Management (HRM) is one of the core subjects for the Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) program at Guwahati University. HRM deals with the management of people within an organization, from recruitment to retention, training to development, performance to appraisal, and compensation to maintenance. HRM aims to achieve organizational goals by ensuring the effective and efficient utilization of human resources.

Guwahati University B.Com 4th Sem Human Resource Management (HRM) Notes 2024

In this Page, we will provide you the notes for the HRM course for the BCom 4th semester at Guwahati University. The notes are divided into five units, each covering a different aspect of HRM. The notes are based on the latest syllabus and exam pattern of the university. The notes are also supplemented with solved question papers, examples, and case studies to help you prepare for the exams.

GU Human Resource Management Notes 2024

Human Resource Management (HRM) 





Acquisition of Human Resource


Training and Development


Performance Appraisal




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We hope that these notes will help you understand and learn the HRM course for the BCom 4th semester at Guwahati University. Thank you for visiting our website please share with your friends and if you have any suggestion or feedback please comment or contact us at

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