Human Resource Management Important Question Answer Unit 5 : Maintenance GU [Gauhati University Bcom 4th Sem]

Human Resource Management Important Question Answer Unit 5 : Maintenance GU [Gauhati University Bcom 4th Sem]


Human Resource Management Important Question Answer Unit 5 : Maintenance GU [Gauhati University Bcom 4th Sem]





1. the The main statute governing health and safety at work is ?

(a) The Health and Safety of Employees Act 1974.

(b) The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

(c) The Health and Safety of Workers Act 2011

(d) The Health and Safety of Independent Contractors Act 2005.

Ans: (b) The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

2. Which of the following is not a source of the law on health and safety at work?

(a) Guidance notes

(b) Regulations.

(c) Common law.

(d) Recent case law.

Ans: (d) Recent case law.

3. Which of the following does not form part of an employer's common law duty to take care?

(a) Safe work equipment.

(b) Safe work premises.

(c) Competent fellow employees.

(d) Reasonable salaries.

Ans: (d) Reasonable salaries.

4. Which of the following best describes 'contributory negligence'?

(a) The claimant had no responsibility for any injury/damage that occurred.

(b) The claimant blames the defendant for his negligent actions

(c) The claimant was partially responsible for the injury/damage that occurred.

(d) The claimant was fully responsible for any injury/damage that occurred.

Ans : (c) The claimant was partially responsible for the injury/ damage that occurred.

5. What is the general duty outlined under Section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974?

(a) To provide competent employees.

(b) To ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all his employees.

(c) To ensure that all employees are provided with adequate equipment to enable them to do their job.

(d) To ensure that all employees are paid a salary set at least at the level of the national minimum wage.

Ans : (b) To ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all his employees.


1. Explain Employee Health and Safety?

Ans: Employee Health is the state of well-being. It not only includes physical well-being, but also mental and emotional well-being

It is the responsibility of every employer to provide healthy work environment to his employees. If he is careful about their health, cost of disability payments, replace-ment of employees who are injured or killed could be avoided.

Through employee safety and health programs the company can enhance the emotional and physical well-being of the employees

2. Explain the need of Industrial Health?

Ans: Industrial Health is needed to

(a) Improve productivity of employees and the quality of their work. Healthy employees are more productive and give quality perfor-mance

(b) Protect workers against any health hazard arising out of work conditions.

(c) Preserve physical and mental health of all employees.

3. Explain two statutory provisions for Employee Safety in India?

Ans: Statutory Provisions for Safety in India-

The Factories Act contains specific provisions for the safety of workers. These are referred to in Sections 21 to 40. They are-

1. Fencing of the Machinery: It is obligatory on the part of the management to fence machinery with guards of a substantial construction, which shall be maintained and kept in position when any part of the machinery is in motion.

2. Work on or Near Machinery in Motion: Any examination, adjustment or lubrication of any part of an operating machine shall be effected or carried out by a specially trained male worker wearing tight-fitting clothing.

4. Give two important elements of a Comprehensive Industrial Health and Safety Program?

Ans: A comprehensive industrial health and safety program should include-

1. A professional staff of physicians and nurses.

2. Adequate facilities for emergency care and injuries sustained in the course of work and for the conduct of pre-employment and post-employment medical check-ups.

5. Give two benefits of Safety?

Ans: (a) Controls number of accidents. (b) Minimizes personal injuries

6. Give the steps involved in safety programme ?

Ans: Following steps are involved in safety programme

(a) Formulation of safety policy.

(b) Establishment of safety programme.

(c) Setting up of safety programme

(d) Implementation of safety policy-

(i) Safety education 

(ii) Safety training 

(iii) Arrangement of safety devices 

(iv) Records of accidents

(e) Review of safety policy: In safety planning and programming the following principles are fundamental-

(i) Safety is primarily the legal and moral obligation of employer

(ii) Cooperation is the moral obligation of each employee in safety programme.

(iii) Labour organisation must cooperate in prevention of accidents.

(iv) Accidents can be controlled but cannot be reduced to zero.

7. Give two components of Safety Management Programme?

Ans: 1. Safety Organisation: A safety committee should be set up by top management and appoint or nominate some person as a chairman or secretary of the safety committees. As a rule one full time safety director should be appoint for each 2,000 employees.

As per S. Dale Beach, "the safety director serves in a staff, not in line, capacity. He serves as an innovator, organiser, creator, adviser, teacher, analysts, stimulator and producer. He must organise the safety programme throughout plant, collect accident data, investigate accidents, conduct safety training and information meetings, analyses jobs to develop safe working procedures, and prepare instructional material for safety foremen when they conduct meeting with their men.”

severity can be controlled by providing safe and proper working conditions, avoid of risks and hazards. All dangerous parts of the machinery in a factory must be adequately fenced. The colour shade can play a very important role in preventing accidents

The American Standards Association adopted a safety colour code as 'red' for danger or stop. 'Yellow' for cautions or hazards 'green' for safety or first aid equipment, and 'white' for house beeping and traffic working Floor should not be slippery. The protective equipments and clothing should be provided to the employee if necessary without charging.

8. Explain two features of Safety Awareness Programs?

Ans: Effective safety awareness programs have the following features-

1. To use records to identify the most common unsafe acts that lead to accidents

2. To establish committees and ensure participation by all departments within the company.

9. Mention the appraisal of Employee Attitude to Safety Programmes?

Ans: A knowledge of the attitude of the employees to the safety programmes developed for them and the specific measures adopted for that purpose such as the setting up of bulletin boards, displays of safety measures, pamphlets booklets, posters, magazines and motion pictures which highlight them-would help the safety director in presenting safety information to the employees of an organisation The direction may discuss the problems of Safety with the employees get and act on their suggestions and undertake attitude surveys.

10. Mention two requirements of safety programme?

Ans: Basically the requirements of safety programme are (1) To provide a safe work environment. This includes a safe and a clean plant, safe and well maintained equipment and safe materials (iii) Employees must be taught a safe way of doing their jobs. It should also be impressed upon an employee that he has a duty to his fellow workers and to the company to do his role in a safe-way, so that he may not endanger the lives of others or cause damage to or bring about a loss in material value of company property.

11. Explain Health Management Programmes?

Ans: They are very important in every organization. Various health maintenance measures may be grouped into two categories preventive and curative.

Preventive measures include pre-employment and periodic examination, removal of health hazards to the extent possible. surveillance over certain classes of workers like women, children and persons vulnerable to special risks, emergency treatment for accidents. training of first-aid personnel, education of workers in health, hygienic and curative measures.

12. Mention two important roles of a supervisor?

Ans: Given below are some of the important roles of a supervisor-

i. Ensuring that safety and health issues brought to their attention are resolved in a timely manner.

iii. Communicating to employees the status of safety items, that is, the results of inspections, of incident investigations, trending data. resolution of safety concerns, upcoming events, etc.


1. Explain five statutory provisions for safety in India?

Ans: 1. Fencing of the Machinery: It is obligatory on the part of the management to fence machinery with guards of a substantial construction, which shall be maintained and kept in position when any part of the machinery is in motion.

2. Work on or Near Machinery in Motion: Any examination, adjustment or lubrication of any part of an operating machine shall be effected or carried out by a specially trained male worker wearing tight-fitting clothing.

This worker, however, shall not handle a belt on a moving pulley-

(a) If the belt is more than fifteen centimeters in width;

(b) Unless the belt joint is either laced or flushed with the belt,

(c) Unless the pulley is normal for the purpose of a drive and not a fly-wheel or a balance wheel

3. Employment of adolescents on dangerous machines : No adolescent shall be allowed to work on any machine which poses a danger to him unless-

(a) He has been fully instructed to be aware of the particular danger that is likely to arise from the machine and to observe the necessary precautions, and (b) He has received training on that machine or is under the supervision of a person who has a thorough knowledge of, and experience in working on, the machine

4. Striking Gear or Device for Cutting off Power: In every factory, a suitable striking ear or other efficient mechanical appliance shall be provided and maintained. Driving belts, when not in use, shall not be allowed to rest or ride on a shaft in motion. Suitable devices for cutting off power in an emergency shall be provided and maintained in every work room.

When a device, which is likely to be inadvertently shifted from the "off to the "on" position, is provided in a factory to cut off power, arrangements should be made to lock it in a safe position with a view to preventing any accidental starting of the transmission machinery or any other machines to which the device is fitted

5. Self-Acting Machines: No transverse part of self-acting machine and no material carried thereon shall be allowed to run on its outward or inward transverse within a distance of 45 centimeters from any fixed structure which is not a part of the machine

2. Explain the important elements of a Comprehensive Industrial Health and Safety Program?

Ans: A comprehensive industrial health and safety program should include

1. A professional staff of physicians and nurses.

2. Adequate facilities for emergency care and injuries sustained in the course of work and for the conduct of pre-employment and post-employment medical check-ups.

3. Proper first aid treatment for occupational injuries and diseases.

4. A careful post-employment medical examination of those who are exposed to particular occupational hazards.

5. Reasonable first-aid treatment of employees for non- occupational ailments.

6. Information and educational services, which aim at promoting the health of employees.

7. The maintenance of adequate and confidential medical records.

8. Cooperation of the organization's medical officer with those who are responsible for accident prevention and control of environment with a view to achieving an integrated employee health program.

9. Cooperation with public health authorities in implementing mass inoculation program and other measures for the prevention of communicable diseases.

10. Advice on and supervision of, with provision and maintenance of satisfactory sanitary conditions in the factory premises.

3. Explain five Components of Safety Management Programme?

Ans: 1. Safety Organisation: A safety committee should be set up by top management and appoint or nominate some person as a chairman or secretary of the safety committees. As a rule one full time safety director should be appoint for each 2,000 employees.

As per S. Dale Beach, "the safety director serves in a staff. not in line, capacity. He serves as an innovator, organiser, creator, adviser, teacher, analysts, stimulator and producer. He must organise the safety programme throughout plant, collect accident data, investigate accidents, conduct safety training and information meetings, analyses jobs to develop safe working procedures, and prepare instructional material for safety foremen when they conduct meeting with their men.".

2. Good Working Conditions: The accidents frequency and severity can be controlled by providing safe and proper working conditions, avoid of risks and hazards. All dangerous parts of the machinery in a factory must be adequately fenced. The colour shade can play a very important role in preventing accidents. The American Standards Association adopted a safety colour code as 'red' for danger or stop, 'Yellow' for cautions or hazards, 'green' for safety or first aid equipment, and white' for house beeping and traffic working. Floor should not be slippery. The protective equipments and clothing should be provided to the employee if necessary without charging

3. Safety Educations and Training: Safety education and training for all levels of management and for employees is a vital ingredient for any successful safety management programme Workers should be educated in safety precautions, rules and advised about the safety devices. Posters, leaflets, bulletins, films and talk are all effective method of safety education of workers. He should also teach the principles of first aid, the need for avoiding active hazards, for taking precautions to prevent the outbreak of a fires. and for protecting eyes. A safety code for worker in necessary in all undertaking. This can be done in conjunction with the Safety First Association of India and National Productivity Council. The supervisors must understand their key role in the safety effort because they are primarily responsible for preventing accidents. They must conduct safety training programmes for their employees who are directly under their supervision.

4. Safety Culture: Every organisation has its own culture, simply described as "the way things are done around". As a part of industry culture, safety should start, at the top' from the senior management and pervade the whole organisation. Safety is unfortunately seen as a cost item and a necessary evil demanded by law. An unsafe plant can prove far too expensive in the long run for everyone. It is people who cause accidents and it is only people who can protect them. In the absence of a safety culture no amount of sophisticated gadgetry, full proof safety devices and alarms will ensure a safe plant operation

5. Worker's Cooperation: A knowledge of the attitude of the employees to the safety programmes developed for them and the specific measures adopted for that purpose. The cooperation of the workers in accidents preventive measures should be enlisted. When co-operation is offered, they should be advised about the type of cooperation required in a particular event or accident. When the workers cooperate the management should respond and properly make use of such cooperation.

Safety schemes cannot be successful without the full understanding, appreciation and cooperation of the employees. The safety committee may discuss the problems of safety with the employees, get and act on their suggestions

4. Explain the features of effective safety awareness programs?

Ans: Effective safety awareness programs have the following features

1. To use records to identify the most common unsafe acts that lead to accidents

2. To establish committees and ensure participation by all departments within the company

3. To communicate about safety in a variety of ways eg posters, pamphlets, demonstrations at departmental meetings.

4. To instruct supervisors as how to communicate, demonstrate and train employees in the safe use of equipments

5. To use incentives, rewards and positive reinforcement to encourage safe behaviours.

6. To encourage widespread communication and enforcement of safety rules.

5. Explain the requirements of Safety Programme?

Ans: Basically the requirements of safety programme are

(i) To provide a safe work environment. This includes a safe and a clean plant, safe and well maintained equipment and safe materials.

(ii) To train employees to do their work in a safe and an efficient manner. Safety training must be an integral part of job training

(iii) Employees must be taught a safe way of doing their jobs. It should also be impressed upon an employee that he has a duty to his fellow workers and to the company to do his role in a safe-way, so that he may not endanger the lives of others or cause damage to or bring about a loss in material value of company property.

(iv) To promote participation in safety efforts. To be successful a safety programme should have the support of everyone for whom it is designed and developed.

(v) To comply with all the legal safety codes, rule or regulations.

6. Explain five Role of the Supervisor?

Ans: Given below are some of the important roles of a supervisor-

i. Ensuring that safety and health issues brought to their attention are resolved in a timely manner.

ii Walking routinely through their areas of responsibility and soliciting input from employees on safety and health issues.

iii. Communicating to employees the status of safety items, that is, the results of inspections, of incident investigations, trending data, resolution of safety concerns, upcoming events, etc.

iv. Allocating the necessary resources to ensure the appropriate integration of safety measures with work tasks.

v. Participating in the development and communication of unit safety, health goals, and action plans.

7. Explain the role of Safety Officer?

Ans: The role of a safety officer in an organisation should be-

1. To formulate safety procedure, safety policy, safety requirements and standard of the company.

2. To promote schemes to guarantee observance of legal requirements.

3. To act as chairman or secretary or, in any other capacity on the works safety committees.

4. To promote formation of such committees, where they do not exist

5. To administer safety suggestion schemes.

6. To organise safety education, training, publicity at various levels of company's operations.

8. Explain the Measures to be Taken by Industrial Houses for Healthy Work Environment?

Ans: The following steps should be taken for health programs

(a) Health education and information about unhealthy habits lead-ing to disease should be regularly told to employees. They should be told about the alcohol and drug abuses.

(b) Proper medical check ups should be done at regular intervals by doctors/specialists appointed by the employer. If any health prob-lem has been diagnosed, it should be treated medically there and then. Employer should also get medical insurance done for all his employees so that at times of need, the insurance company can come to their rescue.

(c) Maintenance of satisfactory sanitation and hygiene in the fac-tory/office premises. Maintenance cannot be done if supervisors are themselves not convinced or support the health programs.

(d) Public health agencies and accident prevention authorities should also be encouraged to get involved in the organization's health programs. As and when required, employees should be inocu-lated/ vaccinated for protection against communicable/contagious diseases.

(e) Regular check up of emotional disorders if any should be done. When an employee goes through a personal crisis, his tension may lead to his behavioural disorder. This may lend him to drug abuse or alcoholism. Supervisors have to play an active role in sympathising with the employee and giving him due attention. If nothing seems to work for him/her, a professional help should be arranged for the employee. Employees who are wanted to come out of their stress should put in rehabilitation programs etc.

9. Explain the basic features of employees' or Labour Welfare?

Ans: The basic features of employees' or labour welfare are as follows-

(i) Labour welfare includes various facilities, services and amenities provided to workers for improving their health, efficiency, economic betterment and social status.

(ii) Welfare measures are in addition to regular wages and other economic benefits available to workers due to legal provisions and collective bargaining

(iii) Labour welfare measures are flexible and ever-changing New welfare measures are added to the existing ones from time to time

(iv) Welfare measures may be introduced by the employers, government, employees or by any social or charitable agency

(v) The purpose of labour welfare is to bring about the development of the whole personality of the worker to make him a good worker and a good citizen.

10. Explain the objectives of Employee Welfare?

Ans: The objectives of employee welfare are discussed below-

(1) To enhance the level of morale of employees.

(ii) To create a loyal, contented workforce in organization.

(iii) To develop a better image of the company in the minds of the employees.

(iv) To enable the workers to live comfortably and happily

(v) To develop efficiency of the workers

(vi) To reduce influence of trade unions over the workers.

(vii) To expose philanthropic and benevolentactivities of the company

11. Explain the important of Employee welfare?

Ans: Employee welfare work assumes great importance because of the following reasons-

1. Lack of strong trade union movement: In the absence of strong trade unions and effective leaders, welfare work helps the workers in the industry to stand on their own feet, think properly and systematically of their interests, progress hand in hand and participate in the nation's development.

2. Poverty: Poverty is one of the main reasons behind the provisions of labour welfare activities. Indian workers in majority are poor, and are, therefore, unable to provide a healthy living for their families and good education for their children

3. Illiteracy: In India, the number of educated workers is low Being illiterate, they are unable to receive advanced industrial training. understand the problems in industries, and understand their own interests and those of nations.

4. Low level of health and nutrition: Due to poverty and illiteracy, the Indian workers remain unhealthy and ill fed. This reduces their productivity and efficiency.

5. Lack of healthy recreation : Due to lack of healthy recreation, the workers indulge in crime and other wrong activities. The employer should provide means of healthy recreation in order to maintain their efficiency.

6. Lack of training: The number of trained workers in India is very low. Thus, it is necessary to have training facilities for such a vast workforce.

12. Explain the employee Welfare Approaches?

Ans: A brief description of the various approaches to employee welfare is as follows-

1. Policing Approach: According to this theory, the factory owners exploit the employee in an unfair manner. Instances of exploitation are making the employees work for long hours, paying low wages, neglecting health and safety provisions, providing unhygienic conditions of work, etc. A welfare state enacts legislation under which managements are compelled to provide basic amenities to the workers. Thus, the state assumes the role of a policeman and compels the employers to provide welfare facilities and punishes the non-complier.

2. Religion Approach: The religion theory has two aspects namely, the investment aspect and atonement aspect. The investment aspect implies that the fruit of today's deeds will be reaped tomorrow. Any action, whether positive or negative, is thus, treated as an investment. Inspired by this belief, some employers plan and organize welfare facilities for the employees. The atonement aspect of the religion theory implies that the present disabilities of a person are the result of the sins committed by him previously. He should undertake to do good deeds on how to atone or compensate for his sins

3. Philanthropic Approach: Affection for mankind is the basis of philanthropic theory. This theory refers to the provision of good working conditions, creches and canteens out of pity on the part of the employers who want to remove the disabilities of the employees. The philanthropic theory is more common in social welfare rather than in industrial enterprises.

4. Paternalistic Approach: According to the paternalistic theory, the industrialist holds the entire industrial estate, properties and the profits accruing from them in trust. This trust is not actual and legal but it is moral. The employers provide for the well-being of their employees out of funds under their control. As, the whole enterprise is held in trust for the benefit of the employees, this theory is also called trusteeship theory

5. Placating Approach: When workers are organized and unions are strong, management has to appease them. As crying children are pacified by sweets, workers are pleased by welfare works. This theory is based on the assumption that management can bring peace in the organization by welfare measures.

6. Public Relations Approach: According to this theory, welfare facilities provided by the employers to the employees, create a good image of the employer in the mind of the general public. Some employers proudly take their visitors around the plant to show how well they have organized their welfare activities.

13. Explain the reasons for offering VRS by Employers?

Ans: Reasons for Offering VRS by Employers-

(a) Recession in the economy forces the organization to opt for VRS in order to survive.

(b) Globalization has brought intense competition in terms of inno-vation, knowledge of manpower, knowledge of technological and management systems. Every organization wants to recruit fresh management and techno-workers who can adapt to the latest developments easily. Thus, the old workforce is asked to retire.

(c) Intense competition has led to mergers and takeovers in the economy. Every organization wants to merge or amalgamate to others to become more powerful and sustainable. These ventures keep lean structure and want to be more cost competitive. They show doors to many old workers.

(d) At times, a constant decline in the productivity compels the orga-nization to get rid of the inefficient staff which is causing it.

14. Explain the reasons for offering VRS by Employee?

Ans: Reasons for Offering VRS by Employee-

(a) Employees may want a strategic shift in their careers at any time in life. When they want to go in for new career, they may ask for VRS

(b) Some employees can sense the threat of retrenchment coming in their organization very soon. In order to look for better opportunities, they may opt for VRS.

(c) At times, employees are not satisfied with their growth and ad-vancement in the organization. This triggers off their need to ask for VRS

(d) On account of bad health, some employees find it difficult to keep up with their responsibilities. They find it very fair to resign and live a comfortable retired life

(e) Very ambitious employees opt for VRS to start with their own enterprises eg Computer Engineers generally take up their own ventures after VRS.

(f) Monetary benefits of VRS allow you to meet your family respon-sibilities easily, eg. construction of house, settling dependents etc. Many employees take VRS and meet their liabilities and join other organizations in the evening of their careers.


1. Why workplace safety is important? Explain?

Ans: All the industries do have safety risks but the management should devote their time to think and strategize the things that what safety precautions are required in their company to make sure that their workers are safe enough for all the time. Also, the management should confirm with all the workers related to their daily work and comfort. So, that the management can take the same step according to the desired aspects of workers. This helps them in improving the productivity and quality of the products and lot more.

1. Aware about the surroundings: There are many employees who doesn't bother about their surrounding hazards. But, it is important to observe your co-employees working circumstances. Once you get to know about the particular hazards that occur at your workplace, then it will help you in reducing the risk and allow you to take the precautionary steps.

2. Reduce workplace stress: Most of the employees are not fit and healthy because of their busy schedule, which includes long working hours, work-pressure and conflicts occur with co- workers or with the boss of the organization. And, all these can lead to some illness or depression to the employees. Also, this not only affects their professional life but also creates the nuisance in their personal lives too. So, instead of waiting to get unfit, it is better that you start take care of your health, by taking regular breaks, sit in an appropriate posture with appropriate diet. It will be better for you to schedule your work accordingly and manage the things to reduce your workplace stress.

3. Use tools appropriately : Take appropriate precautions while using machinery or any other tool, instead of taking any shortcuts Taking shortcuts is one of the biggest reason behind workplace loss. It's a biggest safety risk to use scaffolding as a ladder or one tool instead of another for a particular job. So, it is always recommended to use the correct tools and reduce the opportunity of workplace injury.

4. Keep crisis exits which are easily accessible: In case there is an emergency, you will need quick access to the exits. It is also advised to keep clear usage of equipment shutoffs which might stop you from performing at emergency.

5. Update Your Supervisor about the unsafe conditions : It is important that you keep updating your supervisor about the hazards or risks occur at workplace. They should be legally obligated to ensure that their employees are working a safe environment or not. And, in case, if the employees are not working in safe conditions, then it is the responsibility of the supervisor to listen and understand their condition and create safe working environment for employees.

6. Use mechanical assistance: Whenever, you want to carry or lift up some heavy equipment's then you should use a conveyor belt, crank or forklift. There are lot of risks involved, if you try to lift something which is heavier, it can affect your weighing capability and can lead to some muscle displacement. So, make sure that use the appropriate tools for not harming yourself.

7. Stay Alert: There are many employees who usually compromise or ignore the alerts of advance warning and due to this, a number of workplace injuries or fatalities occur.

8. Reduce Workplace Environment Stress: Stress to any employee or to any co-worker, can lead into depression and into concentration problems. And the main reason includes, extended working hours, excess of work, insecurity of job and issues which occur at co-workers or professionals. So, instead of taking stress on your shoulders, you should discuss it with your supervisor and ask him/her to look after your problems which you are facing in the organization.

9. Wear the right safety equipment's: It is essential that you wear the right protection equipment tools during your work. And, the equipment's can be in any form like, earplugs, earmuffs, hard hats, gloves, full-face masks, safety gloves and any other equipment which is required to wear while working. These tools will prevent the workers from the incidents that occur at workplace.

10. Sit in a proper posture: If have a sitting job, then it is essential than keep your posture correct, while working on a desk. You need to keep your shoulders in line and straight back to avoid any spine problem. Try to ignore stooping and twisting regularly and if possible, then try to use the comfort designed furniture and the safety equipment's, so that the desired things will be in your reach.

Safety is one of the biggest issue and it is completely the responsibility of the mangers and the business owners to make sure that their employees are working in safe environment or not. The management should make sure that they keep on motivating and boosting the employees to make them active in the working process.

There should be an appropriate discussions done about the work and the culture of the office on regular intervals, so that the management remain aware that how they simplify the things for the employee's comfort. Also, to motivate the workers, management should provide rewards as an appreciation towards their work. Thus, these only steps will make your workplace very secure and safe for the employees to work.

3. Explain Employee Welfare? Explain the objectives of Employee Welfare?

Ans: Employee welfare means anything done for the comfort and (intellectual or social) improvement of the employees, over and above the wages paid.

In simple words, it means "the efforts to make life worth living for workmen." It includes various services, facilities and amenities provided to employees for their betterment. These facilities may be provided voluntarily by progressive entrepreneurs, or statutory provisions may compel them to provide these amenities; or these may be undertaken by the government or trade unions, if they have the required funds.

such service, facilities and amenities which may be established in or in the vicinity of undertakings to enable the persons employed in them to perform their work in healthy and peaceful surroundings and to avail of facilities which improve their health and bring high morale".

Employee welfare means anything done for the comfort and (intellectual or social) improvement of the employees, over and above the wages paid. In simple words, it means "the efforts to make life worth living for workmen." It includes various services, facilities and amenities provided to employees for their betterment. These facilities may be provided voluntarily by progressive entrepreneurs, or statutory provisions may compel them to provide these amenities; or these may be undertaken by the government or trade unions, if they have the required funds.

The terms 'employees' welfare' and 'workers' welfare' are used interchangeably to denote various services provided by the employers to the employees in addition to wages. According to Arthur James Todd, "Employee welfare means anything done for the comfort and improvement, intellectual or social of the employees over and above the wages paid which is not a necessity of the industry".

Employee welfare is a dynamic concept as new welfare measures are added to the existing ones along with social changes. It is also a comprehensive concept. The modern concept of employee welfare entails all those activities of the employers which are directed towards providing the employees with certain facilities and services in addition to wages or salaries.

These are not a form of employers' goodwill or charity to the workers, but are facilitative services to build and maintain the morale of the workers to achieve the objectives of the organisation. It is not only in the interest of the employees to provide them with necessary medical benefits, recreation facilities, retirement benefits, etc., but also in the interest of the organisation itself.

5. Explain essential features of Employer-Employee relations.

Ans: Some of the major features of employer-employee relations are as follows-

1. Employer-employee relations are the outcome of the employment relationship in industry. These relations cannot exist without the two parties-employer and employees." It is the industry which provides the setting for employer-employee relations.

2. Employer-employee relations include both individual relations as well as collective relations. Individual relations imply relations between employer and employees. Collective relations mean, relations between employers' associations and trade unions as well as the role of the State in regulating these relations.

3. The concept of employer-employee relations is complex and multi-dimensional. The concept is not limited to relations between trade unions and employer but also extends to the general web of relationships between employers, employees and the Government. It covers regulated as well as unregulated, institutionalised as well as individual relations. These multi-pronged relationships may be in organised or unorganised sector.

4. Employer-employee relations is a dynamic and developing concept. It undergoes change with changing structure and environment of industry. It is not a static concept. It flourishes or stagnates or decays along with the economic and social institutions that exist in a society. The institutional forces give content and shape to employer- employee relations in a country.

5. Strictly speaking a distinction can be made between human resource management and employer-employee relations. Human resource management deals mainly with executive policies and activities regarding the human resource aspects to the enterprise while employer-employee relations are mainly concerned with employer- employee relationship. Human resource management refers to that part of employment relations which is concerned with employees as individuals, collective or group relationship of employees and employers constitute the subject matter of employer-employee relations.

6. Employer-employee relations do not function in a vacuum. These are rather the composite result of the attitudes and approaches of employers and employees towards each other. Employer-employee relations are an integral part of social relations. According to Dr. Singh (Climate for Industrial Relations, 1968) the employer-employee relations system in a country is conditioned by economic and institutional factors. Economic factors include economic organisations (capitalist, socialist, individual ownership, company ownership, and Government ownership), capital structure and technology, nature and composition of labour force, demand and supply of labour. Institutional factors refer to state policy, labour legislation, employers' organisations, trade unions, social institutions (community, caste, joint family, and religions), attitudes to work, power and status systems, motivation and influence, etc.

7. Several parties are involved in the employer-employee relations system. The main parties are employers and their associations, employees and their unions, and the Government. These three groups interact within the economic and social environment to shape the employer-employee relations system.

8. The main purpose of employer-employee relations is to maintain harmonious relationships between management and labour. The focus in these relationships is on accommodation. The parties involved develop skills and methods of adjusting to or cooperating with each other. They also attempt to solve their problems through collective bargaining. Every employer-employee relations system creates a complex set of rules, regulations and procedures to govern the workplace.


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