AHSEC Class 11 Logic & Philosophy Question Papers – Download & Prepare Smartly
Looking for AHSEC Class 11 Logic & Philosophy question paper 2024 to boost your exam preparation? You’re in the right place! The Treasure Notes provides a collection of Assam Board Class 11 Logic & Philosophy papers from 2024 in PDF format. These include previous years’ papers, model papers, and sample papers to help you understand the exam pattern and important topics. Whether you need the HS 1st Year Logic & Philosophy Question Paper 2024 or the latest ASSEB erstwhile AHSEC blueprint 2025, we’ve got you covered. Study smart with The Treasure Notes, your trusted learning partner!
LOGIC AND PHILOSOPHYFull Marks: 100Pass Marks: 30The figures in the margin indicate
full marks for the questions
1. Answer the following as directed: 1x12=12
(a) Logic is an art/ a science/ both science and art. (Choose the correct answer)
(b) The copula of a proposition is in the past/ present/ future tense. (Choose the correct answer)
(c) There is no distribution of term in _______proposition. (Fill in the blank)
(d) Either Radhakrishnan is a philosopher or a politician. It is an example of disjunctive proposition/ conjunctive proposition. (Choose the correct answer)
(e) In immediate inference, the conclusion is deduced from one/ two/ three premise(s). (Choose the correct answer)
(f) The predicate of the conclusion of a syllogism is called major term/ minor term/ middle term. (Choose the correct answer)
(g) Mention any one valid mood of second figure.
(h) What will be the truth-value of pvq, if both p and q are false?
(i) What is the derivative meaning of the word ‘epistemology’?
(j) Who is the founder of Samkhya Philosophy?
(k) State any one point of difference between Rationalism and Empiricism.
(l) How many Pramanas are accepted in Nyaya Philosophy?
2. Write the name of two logicians who have contributed in the development of modern logic. 2
3. State two advantages of the use of symbols in logic. 2
4. Classify proposition according to quality. 2
5. Define class membership proposition with example. 1+1=2
6. Convert the following propositions: 2
(a) All philosophers are wise.
(b) Some scientists are poets.
7. Define middle term with example. 1+1=2
8. Give an example of fallacy of four terms. 2
9. State two points of difference between logical constant and variables. 2
10. Define conjunctive function with example. 1+1=2
11. Write the name of two empiricist philosophers. 2
12. Define Purvavat Anumana with example. 1+1=2
13. What is realism? 2
14. What is symbolic logic? State two points of difference between traditional logic and symbolic logic. 2+2=4
15. Explain Four-fold Scheme of proposition. 4
16. Reduce the following sentences into strict logical form: 4
(a) Learned are honoured everywhere.
(b) Many persons are not present at the meeting.
(c) Nobody can do it.
(d) Only graduates are eligible for the post.
17. Define proposition according to traditional logic. Explain different part of a logical proposition. 1+3=4
18. State any four general rules of pure categorical syllogism. 4
19. Write a short note on figure of a syllogism. 4
20. Reduce any one of the following syllogistic arguments into strict logical form and test its validity: 4
(a) Aristotle was a great logician, because he was a philosopher and all great logicians are philosophers.
(b) He is not superstitious, because uneducated persons are superstitious and he is not uneducated.
21. Write a short note on metaphysics. 4
22. Explain any four characteristics of Indian philosophy. 4
23. Distinguish between Svarthanumana and Pararthanumana. 4
24. What is the derivative meaning of the word ‘logic’? Discuss the utility of the study of logic. 2+4=6
Define proposition according to modern logic. Explain different forms of compound proposition with example. 2+4=6
25. Define syllogism. Describe the structure of pure categorical syllogism. 2+4=6
Give example of each of the valid moods of the third figure. 6
26. Describe the characteristics of symbolic logic. 6
Construct truth table for any three of the following propositional forms and determine whether it is tautology, contradictory or contingent: 2+2+2=6
(a) (p•q)・(p⊃~q)
(b) ~ pv (q⊃~p)
(c) (p⊃q) ≡ (~ q⊃~p)
(d) p⊃(p•q)
27. What is Rationalism? How does Locke criticise Descartes’ innate ideas? Discuss. 1+5=6
What is Idealism? Explain any four characteristics of Idealism. 2+4=6
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