Class 12 Logic and Philosophy Question Paper 2024 AHSEC

Get AHSEC Class 12 Logic and Philosophy Question Paper 2024 [HS 2nd Year Logic and Philosophy Paper 2024], Conducted by Assam Board i.e AHSEC.

Get AHSEC Class 12 Logic and Philosophy Question Paper 2024 [HS 2nd Year Logic and Philosophy Paper 2024], Conducted by Assam Board i.e AHSEC (Assam Higher Secondary Education Council). It is a state education regulatory board under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Education, Government of Assam that is responsible to regulate, supervise and develop the system of Higher Secondary Education in the State of Assam.

AHSEC Class 12 Logic and Philosophy Question Paper 2024



Full Marks: 100

Pass Marks: 30

Time: Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

1. Give very short answers: 1x12=12

(a) "Logic is a normative science." Is the statement true?

(b) What kind of proposition does Scientific Induction establish?

(c) What is the ground of Unscientific Induction?

(d) Who is the propounder of Scientific Realism?

(e) Give on example of non-moral action.

(f) What word does Buddha use to mean 'Moksa' or 'Liberation'?

(g) Which theory of Truth does Naive Realism support?

(h) "Religion is faith in the conservation of values." Who said this?

(i) On which law is the quantitative marks of a cause based?

(j) How many instances are required for the method of difference?

(k) What is the meaning of the Greek word 'Ethos'?

(l) "Hypothesis is a provisional supposition." Is it true?

2. Give an example of Good Analogy. 2


Give the definition of Scientific Induction. 2

3. What do you mean by 'conjunction of causes'? 2


State two advantages of Simple Observation. 2

4. Mention two differences between Primary Quality and Secondary Quality. 2

5. "Esse est percipi" Give the meaning of the statement. 2


What is theory of 'Pre-established harmony'? 2

6. Give an example of Fallacy of Non-observation. 2

7. What are the postulates of Ethics? 2


What is the meaning of 'intention' in Ethics? 2

8. Write any two criticisms of Naive Realism. 2

9. Give a concrete example of method of difference. 2

10. Why is habitual action considered as an object of moral judgement? 2

11. What do you mean by 'vera cause'? 2


What is 'Working Hypothesis'? 2

12. Give a concrete example of direct variation. 2

13. What is 'hypothesis concerning law'? 2

14. What is Induction? State two differences between Induction and Deduction. 2+2=4


State four points of difference between Scientific Induction and Unscientific Induction. 4

15. What do you mean by the doctrine of 'Plurality of Causes'? Why is 'Plurality of Causes' not scientifically acceptable? 3+1=4


Mention four characteristics of experiment. 4

16. Write a brief note on 'Moksa' or 'Liberation' as explained in Indian philosophy. 4


Explain the concept of 'Dharma' as 'Purusartha'. 4

17. Define Idealism. Name two idealistic philosophers mentioning their theories. 2+2=4


Write a short note on Plato's idealism. 4

18. Write any four characteristics of Naive Realism. 4

19. Mention the names of different kinds of Hypothesis. 4


What do you mean by 'Crucial Instance'? 4

20. State two advantages and two disadvantages of the Method of Difference. 2+2=4

21. Briefly discuss the nature of Monads as described by Leibnitz. 4

22. Explain the mental stage of a voluntary action. 4


Define Ethics. Why is Ethics called a normative science? 2+2=4

23. "Religion is the source of morality." Explain the statement. 4


Write any four characteristics of religion. 4

24. Define Unscientific Induction and state its characteristics. 1+5=6


Define Analogy with an example. Mention its characteristics. 3+3=6

25. Explain the principle of Uniformity of Nature. Why is it called the formal ground of Induction? 4+2=6


What is Experiment? Describe the characteristics of Experiment. 1+5=6

26. What are the conditions of a valid hypothesis? Explain any two of them. 2+2+2=6


What are the stages of hypothesis? Explain with examples. 2+4=6

27. Explain the Method of Agreement with concrete examples. 6


Define the Joint Method of Agreement and Difference with an example. State two advantages of this method. 2+2+2=6


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