Advanced Financial Accounting Syllabus Accounting Major NEP [Gauhati University BCom 3rd Sem FYUGP]

Guahati University Advanced Financial Accounting Syllabus 3rd sem FYUGP Syllabus As Per New NEP Pettern


This post explains about Gauhati University’s B.Com syllabus under the new NEP FYUGP system for 2024-25. It focuses on the 3rd-semester course, "Advanced Financial Accounting (Major 1)," which is part of the "Accounting" specialization. The course is worth 4 credits and follows the UGCBCS system. If you're a student of GU BCom 3rd Sem, this syllabus will help you understand what to expect from this subject.

Guahati University Advanced Financial Accounting Syllabus 3rd  sem FYUGP Syllabus As Per New NEP Pettern. 

Specialization: Accounting

Course Name: Advanced Financial Accounting (Major 1)

3rd Semester

Credit: 4

Total Marks: 100

Existing based syllabus: UGCBCS

Course Level: 300 to 399

Unit 1: Royalty (12 Classes) (20 Classes) Royalty accounts: Meaning of Royalty. Minimum Rent and Short working. Accounting Treatment and preparation of Royalty Account including impact of Strikes & Lockouts, excluding Sub-lease.

Unit 2: Departmental Accounts: Meaning and objectives; allocation of common expenses; System of preparation of departmental trading and profit and loss accounts; inter-department transfer 

Unit 3: Accounting for Amalgamation and Dissolution of Partnership Firms (12 Classes) (20 Classes) Accounting for Dissolution of Partnership Firm including insolvency of partners. Sale to a limited company and piecemeal distribution. Accounting for Amalgamation of Partnership Firms

Unit 4: Insurance Claims (12 Classes) (20 Classes) Insurance policy for a business firm Procedure for taking up Insurance Policy for loss stock and loss of profit; Meaning of Insurance claims, procedure to lodge insurance claim; Average clause and indemnity period. Procedure of ascertaining loss of stock and loss of profit; Ascertainment of claims against loss of stock and loss of profit. 

Unit 5: Government Accounting (12 Classes) (20 Classes) Meaning, features and Objectives of Government Accounting; difference between Commercial Accounting and Government Accounting: General Principles of Government Accounting; Demand for Grant, Appropriation Accounts, Re-appropriation; System of financial administration and financial control in India; Accounts keeping of the Government; Classification of Accounts Consolidated Fund, Contingency Fund and Public Accounts; Government Accounting Standards Advisory Board.

Suggested Readings:

Anthony. R.. Hawkins, D., & Merchant, K. A. (2010). Accounting: Text and Cases. New York:

McGraw-Hill Education.

Goyal, B. K., & Tiwari, H. N. (2019). Financial Accounting. New Delhi: Taxmann Publication.

Jain, S. P., & Narang, K. L.. (2016). Advanced Accountancy. New Delhi: Kalyani Publishers, Horngren. C. T., Sundem, G. L., Elliott. J. A., & Philbrick, 

D. (2013). Introduction to Financial

Accounting. London: Pearson Education. Maheshwari, S. N., Maheshwari, S. K., & Maheshwari, S. K. (2018). Financial Accounting. New Delhi:

Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. Monga, J. R. (2017). Financial Accounting: Concepts and Applications. New Delhi: Mayur

Godwin, N., Alderman, W., & Sanyal, D. (2016). Financial Accounting. Boston: Cengage Learning. Shukla, M. C., Grewal, T. S., & Gupta, S. C. (2016). Advanced Accounts. Vol.-I. New Delhi: S. Chand Publishing.

Tulsian. P. C. (2007). Financial Accounting. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. Dam, B. B., & Gautam, H. C. (2019). Advanced Accounting. Gayatri Publications, Guwahati.

Objective: The course aims to impart advanced knowledge on financial accounting applicable in business of special nature and on Government accounting system.

Learning outcome: By the end of the course, students will be able to apply advanced financial accounting principles and techniques to analyze and interpret financial statements, make informed financial decisions, and comply with relevant accounting standards and regulations.

No. of Contact Classes: 60

Designer Name: Prof. Prashanta Sharma, Dr. Upasana Borpujari, Gauhati University.


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