Human Resource Management Syllabus HRM Major NEP [Gauhati University BCom 3rd Sem FYUGP]

Guahati University Human Resource Management Syllabus 3rd sem FYUGP Syllabus As Per New NEP Pettern.


This post explains about Gauhati University’s B.Com syllabus under the new NEP FYUGP system for 2024-25. It focuses on the 3rd-semester course, "Human Resource Management (Major 1)," which is part of the Human Resource Management (HRM) specialization. The course is worth 4 credits and follows the UGCBCS system. If you're a student of GU BCom 3rd Sem, this syllabus will help you understand what to expect from this subject.

Guahati University Human Resource Management Syllabus 3rd  sem FYUGP Syllabus As Per New NEP Pettern. 

Specialization: Human Resource Management

Course Name: Human Resource Management (Major 1) 

GU BCom 3rd Semester 

Credit: 4

Existing based syllabus: UGCBCS

Course Level: 300 to 399

Total Marks: 100

Unit 1: Introduction (12 Classes) (20 Marks)

: Human Resource Management: Concept, Activities and Functions, Concept of Human Capital, Role Status and competencies of HR Manager, HR Policies, HRM vs HRD. Emerging Challenges of Human Resource Management: Empowerment; Downsizing: Human Resource Information System and Human Resource Accounting. 

Unit 2: Acquisition of Human Resource(12 Classes) (20 Marks): Human Resource Planning- Quantitative and Qualitative dimensions; job analysis job description and job specification; Recruitment- Process, Methods, Sources, Selection Concept and process; test and interview: placement and induction (12 Classes) (20 Marks)

Unit 3: Training and Development (12 Classes) (20 Marks): Concept and Importance; Identifying Training and Development Needs; Training Programmes, Types, Evaluating Training Effectiveness; Training Process Outsourcing: Management Development; Career Development, Managing employee well being and concept of work life balance and quality of work life. 

Unit 4: Performance Appraisal    (12 Classes) (20 Marks)

Nature, objectives and importance; Modern techniques and systems of performance appraisal; potential appraisal and employee counseling; transfers and promotions; Compensation: concept and policies: job evaluation; methods of wage payments and incentive plans; fringe benefits.

Unit 5: Maintenance (12 Classes) (20 Marks): Employee health and safety; employee welfare; social security; Employer-Employee relations- an overview; concept of redeployment, redundancy, attrition, VRS, downsizing, layoffs and retrenchment, ethics and HRM. 

Suggested Readings:

1. Gary Dessler. A Framework for Human Resource Management. Pearson Education.

2 DeCenzo, D.A. and S.P. Robbins, Personnel/Human Resource Management. Pearson Education.

3. Bohlendar and Snell, Principles of Human Resource Management, Cengage Learning

4. Ivancevich, John M. Human 

5.Resource Management. McGraw Hill.

6. Robert L. Mathis and John H. Jackson. Human Resource Management. Cengage Learning.

7. TN Chhabra, Human Resource Management, Dhanpat Rai & Co., Delhi

8.  Biswajeet Patttanayak, Human Resource Management, PHI Learning Neeru Kapoor, Human Resource Management, Taxmann Publication

Wreather and Davis. 

9. Human Resource Management. Pearson Education.

Note: Latest edition of text books may be used.

Course objective: To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of managing human resources in organizations. Learning outcome: Students will be able to apply various HR strategies and techniques to effectively recruit, select, develop, and retain employees.

No. of Contact Classes: 60

Name of the Designer:: Dr. Tilak Ch. Das, Prof. Aparajeeta Borkakoty, Gauhati University,,


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