This post explains about Gauhati University’s B.Com syllabus under the new NEP FYUGP system for 2024-25. It focuses on the 3rd-semester course, "Banking (Major 1)," which is part of the Finance specialization. The course is worth 4 credits and follows the UGCBCS system. If you're a student of GU BCom 3rd Sem, this syllabus will help you understand what to expect from this subject.
Guahati University Banking Syllabus 3rd sem FYUGP Syllabus As Per New NEP Pettern.
Specialization: Finance
Course Name: Banking (Major 1) Credit: 4 Total Marks: 100 3rd Semester
Existing based syllabus: UGCBCS
Course Level: 300 to 399.
(12 classes) (20 Marks) UNIT-I Introduction: Bank-Meaning and functions, Origin and development of banking in India, Types of banks, Structure of commercial banks in India public and private sector banks, Scheduled and Non-scheduled Banks: E-Banking- meaning, different types of services and products like ATM, debit and credit cards, phone banking, internet banking, EFT-RTGS and NEFT.
UNIT-II (12 classes) (20 Marks) Banker -customer relationship: Definition of banker and customer, general relationship, rights and obligations of a banker, Garnishee order. Banking Ombudsman Scheme.
Customers account with the banker fixed deposit account, savings account, current account- opening and operation of savings and current account, account facilities available for NRIs, KYC Guidelines Special types bank customers minor, illiterate persons, joint account, partnership account, Joint Stock Company.
UNIT-III (12 classes) (20 Marks) Employment of bank funds; Liquid assets- significance of liquidity in banking, cash balance. statutory reserve in the RBI: Loans and advances- principles of sound lending, types of credit, cash credit system, overdraft, loan system; Pledge, hypothecation and mortgage, collateral security.
UNIT-IV (12 classes) (20 Marks) Negotiable Instruments- Definition, features, types of negotiable instruments, holder and holder in due course, payment in due course; endorsements meaning, kinds; crossing of cheque types, significance, payment, collection of cheque, precautions, material alterations, statutory protection to paying and collecting banker.
UNIT-V (12 classes) (20 Marks) Banking Regulation Act; requirements as to minimum paid-up capital and reserves, constitution of Board of Directors, loans and advances, licensing of banking companies, accounts and audit, powers of the RBI, Banking Sector Reforms and Governance: prudential norms relating to capital adequacy, income recognition, asset classification.
1. D.M. Mithani and E. Gordon, Banking and Financial System, Himalaya Publishing House.
2. D. Muraleadharn, Modern Banking, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
3.Indian Institute of Banking and Finance, Principles of Banking, Macmillan. 4. K. C. Sekhar and L.Sekhar, Banking Theory and Finance, Vikas Publishing House.
5. P.N. Varshney, Banking Law & Practice, Sultan Chand & Sons
6. S. Natarajan and R. Parameswaram, Indian Banking, Sultan Chand & Sons.
7. S.N. Maheswari & S.K. Maheswari, Banking Law & Practice, Kalyani Publishers
Course objective: To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of banking principles. practices, and operations in the context of the financial system.
Learning outcome: By the end of the course, students will be able to analyze banking functions,evaluate risk management strategies, and comprehend the regulatory framework governing banking operations.
No. of Contact Classes: 60
Designer Name: Prof. S.K. Mahapatra, Gauhati University,