GU B.Ed Entrance Exam 2025 – Current Issues in Indian Education, NEP, MCQs & Notes

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GU B.Ed Entrance Exam 2025 – Current Issues in Indian Education, NEP, MCQs & Notes


The short note on  National Policy on Education (NPE), 1986:

1. Decentralization of education and establishment of District Institute of  Education and Training.

2. Making sufficient funds available for  education by increasing the expenditure up to 6% of GDP. 

3. The uniform pattern of 10+2+3 pattern of  education for all over the Country was recommended for immediate  implementation.

4. Reorganization of educational programs  at Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary level. Also, the reorganization of  school curriculum was recommended. 

5. Early Childhood Care and Education was emphasized, recommending proper availability of food and a healthy environment.

6. Free and compulsory education was advocated until the completion of the elementary level.

7. The reorganization of secondary schools was suggested.

8. Compulsory school subjects, such as languages, mathematics, science, social science, statistics, humanities, and history, as well as concepts such as national and constitutional responsibility of citizens, were to be given prime importance in teaching.

9. The expansion of higher education was to be facilitated through the establishment of Open Universities and Distance Education Institutions, with this mode of education receiving equal status and recognition by the UGC.

10. Recognition was to be given to the role of technical and management education.

11. The evaluation system was to be improved by incorporating Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation.

12. There was a recommendation to delink degrees from jobs and place more emphasis on skill-based learning.

13. Improvements in teacher education programs were recommended, including giving NCTE constitutional status and establishing DIET and CTEs.

14. For the improvement in education, it was recommended to implement Educational Technology in Indian classrooms.

15. For making the education system more effective, Minimum Level of Learning (MLL) was decided.

16. Equal Opportunity for all was managed by giving special space to women, SCs, STs, OBCs, and Physically weaker sections of society.

17. More schools were to be opened, and resources made available for students located in remote areas.

18. The IEDS scheme was launched for students from the Physically weaker sections.


National Policy on Education (NPE) 1986:

– Decentralization: Introduced decentralization of education.

– Funding: Made sufficient funds available for education.

– Uniformity: Established a uniform pattern of education across the country.

– Reorganization: Reorganized educational programs and school curriculum.

– Early Childhood: Focused on early childhood care and education.

– Compulsory Education: Ensured free and compulsory education.

– Secondary Schools: Reorganized secondary schools.

– Core Subjects: Emphasized compulsory school subjects.

– Higher Education: Introduced Open University and distance education.

– Technical and Management Recognition: Gave recognition to technical and management education.


Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) is a centrally sponsored scheme launched by the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development in March 2009. It aims to enhance secondary education in government schools across India, focusing on quality improvement and increasing enrollment rates. The scheme targets universal education for children aged 15-16 years and is implemented through state governments with separate agencies for funding and execution.

Objectives of RMSA:

1. Improve the quality of secondary education by ensuring all secondary schools meet prescribed norms.

2. Remove barriers based on gender, socio-economic status, and disabilities.

3. Achieve universal access to secondary education by 2017.

4. Ensure universal retention of students by 2020.

Components of RMSA:

1. Quality Improvement: Enhancing infrastructure, teacher training, and curriculum development.

2. ICT (Information Communication Technologies) Access and Equity: Promoting digital literacy and bridging educational gaps.

3. Integrated Education for Disabled Children (IEDC): Ensuring inclusive education for children with disabilities.

4. Mid-Day Meal Scheme: Providing nutritious meals to enhance attendance and nutritional levels among students.

Mid-Day Meal Scheme (MDMS):

The Mid-Day Meal Scheme (MDMS) was initiated in 1995 to provide free meals to students of government schools across India. It became a cooked meal program in 2001, offering a daily meal with a minimum of 300 calories and 8-10 grams of protein. By October 2007, it was extended to upper primary levels in backward blocks, contributing to improved nutritional status and school attendance.

Advantages of Mid-Day Meal Scheme:

1. Mitigates classroom hunger.

2. Increases school enrollment and attendance.

3. Enhances social integration.

4. Addresses malnutrition.

5. Empowers women through employment opportunities.

Disadvantages of Mid-Day Meal Scheme:

1. Corruption in implementation.

2. Variability in food quality across different regions.

3. Operational challenges in some areas.

4. Potential misuse of resources intended for students.

In conclusion, both RMSA and the Mid-Day Meal Scheme are critical initiatives aimed at improving educational outcomes and nutritional status among school children in India, albeit facing challenges in implementation and sustainability.


The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 marks a significant overhaul of India’s education system, replacing the policy last updated in 1986. This revision acknowledges the substantial societal, economic, and global changes over the past three decades, aiming to align education with the demands of the 21st century.

New Structure of School Curriculum:

1. Foundational Stage: Includes three years of Anganwadi or pre-schooling followed by classes 1-2.

2. Preparatory Stage: Covers classes 3-5.

3. Middle Stage: Encompasses classes 6-8.

4. Secondary Stage: Includes classes 9-12.

Key Features of NEP 2020:

1. Structural Reform: Shifts from the 10+2 structure to a more flexible 5+3+3+4 structure.

2. Vocational Education: Introduces vocational courses from the 6th grade onwards.

3. Subject Flexibility: Allows students to choose subjects starting from class 8.

4. Major-Minor System: Offers flexibility in choosing majors and minors in higher education.

5. Regulatory Merger: Merges UGC (University Grants Commission) and AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) into a single higher education regulator.

6. Technological Integration: Establishes the National Educational Technology Forum (NETF) to promote technology-driven learning and administration.

7. Multilingual Education: Promotes multilingualism in both schools and higher education.

8. Public Investment: Aims to increase public investment in education to reach 6% of GDP.

Agenda of NEP 2020:

1. Inclusive Education: Establishes Gender Inclusion Fund and Special Education Zones for disadvantaged regions and groups.

2. Language Institutes: Sets up institutes for languages like Pali, Persian, and Prakrit, and Indian Institute of Translation and Interpretation.

3. Credit Transfer: Implements a credit transfer system and an Academic Bank of Credits to facilitate seamless education mobility.

4. Flexibility in Education: Introduces multiple entry and exit points in degree programs.

5. Holistic Approach: Focuses on multidisciplinary education and research.

6. Research and Teaching Focus: Classifies higher educational institutions into research-intensive and teaching-intensive categories.

7. Autonomous Colleges: Grants autonomy to colleges for better academic governance.

Reforms In Higher Education:

1. Enrolment Targets: Aims for a Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) of 50% by 2035.

2. Degree Structure: Offers flexibility in undergraduate (3 or 4 years) and postgraduate (1 or 2 years) programs.

3. M Phil Discontinuation: Discontinues M Phil programs to streamline academic pathways.

4. Unified Governance: Establishes unified governance for all universities and institutes.

5. Continuous Evaluation: Implements semester-wise exams and reduces syllabus to core concepts for practical application.

The NEP 2020 represents a comprehensive effort to modernize India’s education system, emphasizing flexibility, inclusivity, and relevance to meet the challenges of the 21st century.


1. According to the National Education Policy 2020, by how much percent the Gross Enrolment Ratio in higher education to be raised?

(A) 25%

(B) 30%

(C) 40%

(D) 50%

Answer: (D) 50%

2. Who was the first Chairman of University Grants Commission?

(A) Dr. Manmohan Singh

(B) Prof. Yash Pal

(C) Prof. S.S. Bhatnagar

(D) Prof. D.S. Kothari

Answer: (C) Prof. S.S. Bhatnagar

3. Distance education is not:

(A) Telemetric teaching

(B) Distance study

(C) Work-oriented education

(D) De-schooling

Answer: (C) Work-oriented education

4. In which models of Integrated Education Programme is being implemented in large scale by governmental and non-governmental agencies in India?

(A) Resource model

(B) Itinerant model

(C) Both (A) & (B)

(D) Dual Teaching Model

Answer: (C) Both (A) & (B)

5. Fair and free election means:

(A) Transparency

(B) To maintain law and order

(C) Regional considerations

(D) Role for pressure groups

Answer: (B) To maintain law and order

6. Which of the following institutions in the field of education is set up by the M Government of India?

(A) Indian council of world Affair, New Delhi

(B) Mythic Society, Bangalore

(C) National Bal Bhawan, New Delhi

(D) India International Centre, New Delhi

Answer: (C) National Bal Bhawan, New Delhi

7. Ministry of Human Resource Development (HRD) includes:

(A) Department of Elementary Education and Literacy

(B) Department of Secondary Education and Higher Education

(C) Department of Women and Child Development

(D) All the above

Answer: (D) All the above

8. Which of the following is/are minority institution(s)?

1. Punjabi University, Patiala

2. Osmania University, Hyderabad

3. Kashmir University, Srinagar

4. St. Stephens College, Delhi

Select the correct answer from the code given below:

(A) 1 and 2

(B) 2 and 4

(C) 2 only

(D) 4 only

Answer: (D) 4 only

9. Which of the following statements are correct about the National Advisory Council (NAC)?

1. The National Advisory Council is a statutory body.

2. It is headed by the Prime Minister of India.

3. It facilitates constant interaction with the leaders of civil society.

4. It provides policy and legislative inputs to the Government of India.

Select the correct answer from the code given below:

(A) 1, 2 and 3

(B) 2, 3 and 4

(C) 1, 3 and 4

(D) 3 and 4

Answer: (D) 3 and 4

11. CLASS stands for:

(A) Complete Literacy and Studies in Schools

(B) Computer Literates and Students in Schools

(C) Computer Literacy and Studies in Schools

(D) Centre for Literacy and Studies in Schools

Answer: (C) Computer Literacy and Studies in Schools

12. The main objective of teaching at Higher Education Level is:

(A) To prepare students to pass examination

(B) To develop the capacity to take decisions

(C) To give new information

(D) To motivate students to ask questions during lecture

Answer: (B) To develop the capacity to take decisions

13. The University Grants Commission was constituted on the recommendation of:

(A) Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Commission

(B) Mudaliar Commission

(C) Sargent Commission

(D) Kothari Commission

Answer: (A) Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Commission

14. The University which telecasts interactive educational programmes through its own channel is:

(A) B. R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad


(C) University of Pune

(D) Annamalai University

Answer: (B) IGNOU

15. The Government established the University Grants Commission by an Act of Parliament in the year:

(A) 1980

(B) 1948

(C) 1950

(D) 1956

Answer: (D) 1956

16. Universities having central campus for imparting education are called:

(A) Central Universities

(B) Deemed Universities

(C) Residential Universities

(D) Open Universities

Answer: (A) Central Universities

17. The policy recommended by the Kothari Commission vis-à-vis language is:

(A) Three language formula

(B) Two language formula

(C) Hindi

(D) Mother Tongue

Answer: (A) Three language formula

18. Which of the following State does not have State Open University?

(A) Odisha

(B) Bihar

(C) Assam

(D) West Bengal

Answer: (A) Odisha

19. RTE Act was implemented in India with effect from:

(A) 1st April 2009

(B) 1st May 2010

(C) 1st April 2008

(D) 1st April 2010

Answer: (B) 1st May 2010

20. The first National Policy on Education in free India was launched in the year:

(A) 1947

(B) 1964

(C) 1968

(D) 1986

Answer: (C) 1968

21. Why is Sharda Act important in the  Indian context? 

(A) It recommends free education for all children up to the age of fourteen. 

(B) It recommends supply of study materials  to girls free of cost. 

(C) It prohibits child marriage of girls. 

(D) It prohibits child labour. 

Answer- (C) It prohibits child marriage of  girls. 

22. Operation Black-Board Programme was  introduced to improve 

(A) Teacher Education 

(B) Primary Education 

(C) Secondary Education 

(D) Higher Education 

Answer- (B) Primary Education 

23. The ceiling fixed by the Supreme Court for reservation for the socially and  economically disadvantaged sections is 

(A) 19% 

(B) 22% 

(C) 49% 

(D) 50% 

Answer- (D) 50% 

24. Teacher education is considered as a  technical education in 


(B) U.K. 

(C) U.S.S.R. 

(D) India 

Answer- (A) U.S.A. 

25. ….. will be created as an apex body for fostering a strong research culture and  building research capacity across higher  education as per NEP 2020.

(A) National Commission Foundation

(B) Higher Commission Education

(C) National Research Foundation

(D) None of the above

Anser. (C) National Research Foundation

26. Refresher courses for teacher education in secondary level are conducted by 

(A) State Institutes of Education 

(B) Academic Staff Colleges 

(C) National Institute of Education 

(D) National Council for Teacher Education 

Answer- (A) State Institutes of Education 

27. The objective of Inclusive Education is 

(A) to uncover and minimize barriers to  learning 

(B) to change attitudes, behaviours, teaching methods, curricular and environments to meet the needs of all children 

(C) to promote constantly the local cultures and contents of various communities of the society 

(D) All the above 

Answer- (D) All the above 

28. The South Asia University is situated in the city of 

(A) Colombo 

(B) Dhaka 

(C) New Delhi 

(D) Kathmandu 

Answer- (C) New Delhi 

29. Chancellor of Visva-Bharati University? 

(A) President of India 

(B) Prime Minister of India 

(C) Governor of West Bengal 

(D) Chief Minister of West Bengal 

Answer- (B) Prime Minister of India 

30. Indian Institute of Advanced Study is  located at 

(A) Dharamshala 

(B) Shimla 

(C) Solan 

(D) Chandigarh 

Answer- (B) Shimla 

31. Special Education Courses are controlled by 

(A) Special Education Council of India 

(B) Rehabilitation Council of India 

(C) National Council of Teacher Education 

(D) Medical Council of India 

Answer- (B) Rehabilitation Council of India 

32. National Knowledge Commission is headed by 

(A) D.S. Kothari 

(B) Amartya Sen 

(C) Sam Pitroda 

(D) Azim Premji 

Answer- (C) Sam Pitroda 

33. First Open University in India was established in the year 

(A) 1961 


(C) 1985 

(D) 2001 

Answer- (B) 1982 

34. Inclusive Education refers to 

(A) Special teaching to disabled students 

(B) Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan 

(C) Equal educational opportunities to 

disabled and normal students 

(D) Special education in special schools 

Answer- (C) Equal educational opportunities 

to disabled and normal students 

35. Which of the following is the apex body in the area of Teacher Education inindia? 





Answer- (C) NCTE 

36. Who have signed MOU for accreditation  of Teacher Education Institutions inIndia? 

(A) NAAC and UGC 

(B) NCTE and NAAC 

(C) UGC and NCTE 

(D) None of the above 

Answer- (B) NCTE and NAAC 

37. As per NCTE norms, what should be the pattern of teaching staff for a unit of 100, students at B.Ed. level? 

(A) 1+7 

(B) 1 +9 

(C) 1 + 10 

(D) 1 +5 

Answer- (A) 1+7 

38. Which of the following commissions suggested silent meditation as a part of moral values? 

(A) Secondary Education Commission 

(B) University Education Commission 

(C) National Education Commission 

(D) Indian Education Commission 

Answer- (B) University Education Commission.

39. Which of the following is described as Magna-Carta of Indian Education? 

(A) Sargent Commission 

(B) Wood’s Despatch 

(C) Macaulay Minutes 

(D) Hunter Commission 

Answer-(B) Wood’s Despatch 

40. District Primary Education Programme 

(DPEP) was started in 

(A) 1990 

(B) 1994 

(C) 1998 

(D) 1996 

Answer- (B) 1994 

41. University Education Commission constituted in 1948 was appointed by 

(A) Ministry of Human Resource 


(B) Ministry of Education 



Answer- (B) Ministry of Education 

42. Education falls under the 

(A) Concurrent List 

(B) Fundamental Rights 

(C) Constitution of India 

(D) State List 

Answer- (A) Concurrent List

43. Which part of Indian Constitution allows every citizen to impart education as per ones own religion ? 

(A) Directive Principles 

(B) Concurrent list of centre and the States 

(C) Democratic rights 

(D)Fundamental Rights 

Answer- (D) Fundamental Rights 

44. Which of the following Commission first decentralized the primary education? 

(A)Hunter Commission 

(B) Mudaliar Commission 

(C) Kothari Commission 

(D) Sadler Commission 

Answer- (A) Hunter Commission 

45. According to 2011 Census Report, the difference between literacy rates of men and women in India is about 

(A) 10% 

(B) 17% 

(C) 21% 

(D) 27% 

Answer-(B) 17% 

46. The main purpose of Navodaya Vidyalayas is to give education to 

(A) Rural talented students 

(B) Urban students 

(C) Girls students only 

(D) Rural students 

Answer- (A) Rural talented students 

47. The idea of Four Pillars of Education was suggested by 




(D) UGC 

Answer- (B) UNESCO

48. Selection Test for admission to teacher training program was suggested by 





Answer- (C) NPERC 

49. NCTE was established by an act of Parliament in 

(A) 1975 

(B) 1995 

(C) 1996 

(D) 1986 

Answer-(B) 1995 

50. In which country the first Open University was established in the world? 

(A) U.S.A.

(B) U.K. 

(C) India 

(D) Australia 

Answer- (B) U.K. 

51. Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation 

in school education was started by 


(B) UGC 



Answer- (A) CBSE 

52. Equality of Educational opportunities is possible by 

(A) Extending portals of educational institutions to all without any discrimination 

(B) Opening more educational institutions 

(C) Privatizing the education system in thecountry 

(D) Public funding of Education 

Answer-(A) Extending portals of educational institutions to all without any discrimination 

53. Inclusive education is about 

(A) making provision for all children 

(B) welcoming and celebrating diversity 

(C) both (A) and (B) are true 

(D) none of the above 

Answer- (C) both (A) and (B) are true 

54. The Right to Education Act recently passed by our Parliament is an extension of the a1992 following article of our Constitution 

(A) 13 

(B) 15, 

(C) 45 

(D) 55 

Answer- (C) 45 

55. The title of the Report of Education Commission (1964-66) is 

(A) Learning without Burden 

(B) An Enlightened and Humane Society 

(C) Education and the People of India 

(D) Éducation and National Development 

Answer- (D) Éducation and National Development 

56. The principal function of the NCERT is an extension work with the State Education departments centering around the improvement of 

(A) higher education 

(B) school education 

(C) secondary education 

(D) technical education 

Answer- (B) school education 

57. I.A.S.Es in teacher education were started in 

(A) 1964 

(B) 1968 

(C) 1986 

(D) 1992 

Answer- (D) 1992 

58. International Institute of Educational Planning is at 

(A) London 

(B) Paris 

(C) New York 

(D) New Delhi 

Answer- (B) Paris 

59. Internship Programme of teacher education provides 

(A) Content courses 

(B) Practical courses 

(C) Complete school environment 

(D) Research courses 

Answer-(C) Complete school environment 

60. Which is the following agency regulates and monitors special education programme in India? 

(A) Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment 

(B) Ministry of Human Resource and Development 

(C)Rehabilitation Council of India 

(D) National Council of Teacher Education 

Answer- (C) Rehabilitation Council of India


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