IGNOU MCO-04: Business Environment Question Paper 2023 (December)
Attempt any five questions.
All questions carry equal marks.
(b) Environmental Threat and Opportunities Profile (ETOP) is an internal evaluation of an organization. Give your views on the above remark. (8)
2. (a) "Listing of securities in the capital markets is a long and difficult process." Comment on the statement, citing the process of listing of securities. (7+6)
(b) Explain the role of SEBI in facilitating the above listing process. (7)
3. (a) What is 'Economic Planning'? Explain its importance. (6+6)
(b) Discuss the role of the Public Sector in the National Economy of India. (8)
4. "The Industrial Policy is the backbone of the Indian industrial sector." Critically comment on the statement, appraising the various industrial policies of India. (12+8)
5. (a) Describe the importance of small-scale industries to a country. (10)
(b) Explain the role played by national-level institutions in promoting these small-scale industries. (10)
6. Foreign investments have an increasingly important role in the economic development of a country. Explain its impact on GDP growth, employment generation, and infrastructure development. (20)
7. (a) Why was WTO formed? Why is it important for our country's future? (6+6)
(b) What are TRIPS and TRIMS? How do they impact business? (8)
8. Distinguish between any two of the following: (10+10)
(a) Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles
(b) MRTP Act and Competition Commission of India (CCI)
(c) Money Market and Capital Market
(d) Economic Growth and Economic Development
9. Write short notes on any two of the following: (10+10)
(a) Significance of the Demographic Environment to Business
(b) Social Reporting
(c) SICA (Sick Industrial Companies) (Special Provisions Act), 1985
(d) Corporate Governance
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