AHSEC: Class 12 Alternative English Solved Question Paper 2024

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[AHSEC Class 12 Alternative English Solved Question Paper 2024 | HS 2nd Year Alternative English Solved Question paper 2024, Assam Board Alternative English Solution 🔥]





Full Marks: 100

Pass Marks: 30

Time: Three hours

 GROUP-A (Prose: 40 Marks)

Figures in the margin indicate full marks for the Questions.

1. Give brief answers to any five of the following question in full sentence: 1×5=5

(a) Who is Miss Smith?

Ans: Miss Smith was a poor young girl. Rosemary sent her back because she got jealous of Miss Smith when Philip called her pretty and lovely.

(b) With which dance form of Kamrupa was Yakuma Natum compared?

Ans: Yakuma Natum was compared with deodhani nritya of Kamrupa.

(c) Where did Hazarika buy his Rolleiflex camera?

Ans: Hazarika bought a rolleiflex camera during the ship's stop in Aden.

(d) What is vestry?

Ans: Vestry is a room in a church where sacred vessels and vestments are kept or meetings are held.

(e) What was the only thing Foreman could write ?

Ans: Foreman could write his name only.

(f) Whose arm searched for the perfect duck's egg?

Ans: The wrestler's arm searched for the perfect duck's egg.

(g) Name the restaurant Rama worked in after his business was over.

Ans: After his business was over Rama worked in Restaurant Kohinoor.

(h) Who translated the Assamese story 'Bina Kutir' into English?

Ans: Bibhash Choudhury translated the story 'Bina Kutir' into English

(i) For which exam was the young man in 'Bina Kutir' preparing?

Ans: The young man in 'Bina Kutir' was preparing for the B.A. examination.

2. Answer any five of the following questions: 2×5= 10

(a) How does Philip react towards Miss Smith?

Ans: Philip immediately understands the situation when he sees the hat and coat lying on the floor. He wants to send Miss Smith away, as she belongs to a poor class. 

(b) Write a short note on the significance of the title, 'A Cup of Tea'.

Ans: The title of the story 'A Cup of Tea' symbolizes a seem- ingly simple act of hospitality and kindness. As the story unfolds, the title takes on a deeper meaning. The cup of tea becomes a metaphorical representation of the social and emotional barriers that exist between people of differ- ent classes. It signifies the bridging of these barriers and the crossing of boundaries, as Rosemary invites Miss Smith into her privileged world. Ultimately the title encapsulates the larger themes of story, including compassion, self- reflection and the complexities of human relationships.

(c) Name the two places associated with Buddhism as mentioned by Dr. Hazarika. 

Ans: The two places associated with Buddhism mentioned by Bhupen Hazarika in 'The Voyage' are Bodhgaya and Sarnath.

(d) What is the 'lamentable ignorance' discovered by the new vicar?

Ans: The new vecar discovered that the verger could neither read nor write, which he considered as lamentable ignorance. So, he did not take the risk and terminated the verger.

(e) Make a list of the regular customers visiting Rama's Install.

Ans: Rama's regular customers include the jutka drivers, the boot polish boy, the wrestler, the waifs, the blind beggar, the grass-selling women, the cinema crowd coming out after the evening show and the population swarming the pavement.

(f) Why did Rama say, 'Gently, brother. I was once a hote- owner myself?

Ans: While working as a waiter in Kohinoor restaurant Rama was dealt with very rudely by some customers. He submissively gulped the insult but never forgot to inform them that once he himself was a hotel owner and this piece of reminiscence gave him great satisfaction.

(g) Who enquired about the monthly shipment of a product?

Ans: A couple enquired about the monthly shipment of a product.

(h) Present your impression of the neighborhood where Bina Kutir is located.

Ans: The product was glaxo.

3. Give answer in any two of the following questions : 3×2=6

(a) Who, according to you, is the Martyr in 'The Martyr's Corner'?

Ans: According to me, Rama is the martyr in 'The Martyur's corner'. Although in conventional manner the spot had emerged out to the a 'Martyr's corner', but ironically it was Rama only who paid the price by losing his business, i.e. means of livelihood.

(b) What was the new vicar's talent?

Ans: The new vicar had a special taken for dealing with infants. He could almost always calm a whimpering infant with the way he held it. He cold easily fit the baby into the crook of his surplice arm, which gave him a quiet sense of pride.

(c) How does Hazarika recount his feeling about being an Indian as he moves forward in his journey?

Ans: As Hazarika moves forward in his journey, he recounts his evolving sense of identity. He recounts that as he moves beyond India's boundaries, he begins to see himself more as an Indian student rather than solely identifying with his Assamese or Bengali origin. The experience broadens his perspective and deepens his love for all of India, blurring the distinction between being an Assamese or an Indian. Hazarika's journey helps him embrace a larger national identity and see himself as part of a diverse and united India.

(d) How does the narrator use the Cola-Cola bottle to facilitate the flight of his imagination in the story "Bina Kutir'?

Ans: The narrator uses the Coca-Cola bottle to facilitate his imagination swift and interesting. To give the story more alive inspiration Coca-Cola has been used continuously in each and every step. It starts when the author goes to inspect the house where the shop-keeper offered him Coca-Cola. Again the speaker made a conversation with the shop-keeper where he advised the shop-keeper to keep a refrigerator to increase the demand of the drink. In the next visit the speaker saw two Punjabi men drinking Coca-Cola. He also took a sip of Coca-Cola. So, from the beginning to the ending of the story the author gave a vivid imagery by adding Coca-Cola.

4. Answer any two of the questions given below: 5×2= 10

(a) Comment on the significance of the title of the story, 'Bina Kutir'.

Ans: The narrator for his own imaginative purpose gave the title 'Bina Kutir' to the story. The word 'Kutir' implies that the house is small in size and is therefore seen as cottage. The protagonist of the story sets out in search of a rent house, but he discovers himself in an extraordinary situation in which he becomes aware of the existence of several curi- ous characters with diverse mentality. The owner of the house was a teacher. Being a studious person and a writer, he was of steady and firm nature. Out in the mission for a rented house, the protagonist takes Coca-Cola at a shop and comes to know from the shop boy the history of the house 'Bina Kutir' and the family of its owner.

(b) Describe, in detail, how Rama's business was finished.

Ans: Rama's business was finished as a result of a series of events.

Firstly, the municipality moved his foodstall two hun- dred yards away from its original spot due to the construc- tion of a memorial. The new location was less favourable which resulted in a significant drop in customers.

Secondly, a new shop opened nearby, offering similar goods at lower prices, further diminishing Rama's cus- tomer base.

Thirdly, Rama became dispirited and started neglecting his stall, resulting in poor maintenance and a decline in the quality of his goods. As a result, his already dwindling customer base dwindled even further.

Lastly, Rama's customers started vanishing gradually. Some of them moved away, while others found alternative options closer to their new homes. The remaining custom- ers were not enough to sustain Rama's business, and the lack of demand eventually led to its downfall.

(c) Give a brief account of Bhupen Hazarika's experience of visiting a Sri Lankan family home.

Ans: Hazarika had an opportunity of visiting the drawing room of a modern Lankan family. He says that the experience of visiting the Sri Lankan family home was a unique one. He found a piano and a Madonna painting by a European artist in the drawing room of the family. The children were singing English songs. Hazarika was surprised by the simi- larities between the Lankan home and his own experiences in Shillong. Despite being far away from Assam, Hazarika felt a sense of familiarity and connection, emphasizing the universality of certain cultural aspects.

(d) Describe the character development of Rosemary Fell throughout the story, 'A Cup of Tea'.

Ans: Rosemary Fell is the main character in the story 'A cup of Tea'. She is a wealthy and privileged woman who enjoys a comfortable lifestyle. She is described as attractive and fashionable, with a taste for luxury. She is also portrayed as impulsive. She is easily influenced by her emotions. She belongs to the upper strata of society and is well-informed about the latest happenings. Her readings of the great writers have made her an imaginative person with a touch of sensitivity.

(e) Does the verger regret his inability to read and write? Is it impacting his life anyway?

Ans: The verger said that the last vicar also knew that. He said that there would be no difference whether he knew or did not know about how to read and write. The verger said that he had gone into service when he was twelve years old. At first, the cook tried to teach him how to read and write. But the verger thought that he did not have the ability to learn it. He was also busy with things one after another and so he even had not time to do it. Edward said that he never felt the necessity of knowing how to read and write. He even says that trying to learn reading and writing is only a wastage of time.

5. Explain with reference to context any one of the following extracts: 5×1=5

(a) And suddenly it seemed to Rosemary such an adventure. It was like something out of novel by Dostoevsky, this meeting in the dust.

Ans: The quoted lines are extracted from Katherine Mansfield's short story' A cup of Tea'.

Through the quoted lines the written symbolizes a seemingly simple act of hospitality and kindness.

One winter evening Rosemary unexpectedly meets a poor young girl named Miss Smith. The girl is storing and begging for the price of cup of tea to keep her warm. Rosemary is struck by the chance encounter with the girl. It appears to her as something out of a Dostoevsky novel. She romanticizes Miss Smith's suffering as she believes that roboldy could be so poor that could not even afford a cup of the. She takes the girl with the intention of giving her a better life.

(b) He always said there was a great deal too much education in the world for is taste.

Ans: The quoted lines are extracted from william Somerset Maughnis short story 'The Verger'

Through the quoted lines the author gives importance on acquiring education by an individual.

The new vicar came to the verger. Foreman one day in a state of amazement. He was shocked to learn that the verger of his parish could 'neither read nor write. He was embarrassed by this fact and had felt compelled to share that NO with the church wardens. The verger replied that the old vicar knew that. He said it didn't make any difference. He always said there was a great deal too much education in the world for is taste.

6. Give answers:

(a) Write the meaning of the words given below: 2×4=2

(i) dazed

(ii) fanciful

(iii) deportment

(iv) gratis

Ans: i) Dazed means unable to think or react properly. 

ii) fanciful means over imaginative and unrealistic.

iii) Deportment means the way a person stands and walks.

iv) grates means without charge.

(b) Write the antonym of the words given below: 2×2=1

(i) glib

(ii) odious

Ans: i) The antonym of glib is thoughtful. 

ii) The antonym of odious is delightful.

(c) Write the synonym of the words given below: 2×2=1

(i) dilapidate

(ii) mesmerizing

Ans: i) The synonym of dilapidated is decayed.

ii) The synonym of mesmerizing is enthralling.


(Poetry: 30 Marks)

7. Answer any five of the following questions in full sentences: 1×5=5

(a) Who did the narrator of 'Ozymandias of Egypt' meet?

Ans: The narrator of 'Ozymandias of Egypt' met a traveller. 

(b) Name the poet of 'Because I could not stop for death'.

Ans: The poet of the poem 'Because I could not Stop for Death' is Emily Dickinson.

(c) At which moment did the speaker realize that he was in hell?

Ans: The speaker realized that he was in hell when the other soldier he encountered in the underworld smiled with a 'deed smile', revealing the true nature of their surround- ings.

(d) Who is alexander Selkirk?

Ans: Alexander Selkirk was a Scottish sailor.

(e) "Society,______and love / Divinely bestow'd upon man." (Fill in the gap)

Ans: "Society, friendship and love / Divinely bestow'd upon man."

(f) Where is Innisfree located?

Ans: Innisfree is located within Lough Gill, located in the poet's home country Sligo, Ireland near which he spent his sum- mers as a child.

(g) With what will the poet build the cabin in the isle?

Ans: The poet will build a small cabin with clay and wattles in Innisfree.

(h) for how many hours did it rain in 'Night of the Scopon'.

Ans: It rained for ten hours in 'Night of the Scorpion'.

8. Answer briefly any five of the questions given below: 2×5=10

(a) What does 'wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command' signify?

Ans: "Wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command" signifies the pride and cruelty of king Ozymandias. The moods of ty- rants will survive on the visage of the statue of king Ozymandias. His tyranny, cruelty and boastfulness could clearly be seen in the face of the statue.

(b) How do you assess the symbolism of the Carriage that Death brings for the poet?

Ans: The carriage in the poem is symbolic of the journey from life to death and the afterlife.

(c) What are Tipplet and Tulle?

Ans: Tipplet is scarf for next or shoulders. Tulle is a delicate thin fabric. It is a light weight. Very fine, stied netting.

(d) Define war poetry. Give an example.

Ans: War poetry refers to poetry that focuses on the experi- ences, emotions and consequences of war. It often reflects the realities of warfare 'Strange Meeting' by Wilfred Owen is an example of war poetry.

(e) Explain 'I'm the enemy you killed, my friend'.

Ans: When the speaker says, 'I am the enemy you killed, my friends it underscores the tragic iromy of war. The soldier they address was once considered an enemy and become a firende has now become a friends in the realm of death.

(f) Highlight the emotional state of Alexander Selkirk in the poem.

Ans: In the poem 'The Solitude of Alexander Selkirk' the emo- tional state of Alexander Selkirk fluctuates between initial happiness at his solitary rule, desperation for human com- pany and eventual acceptance and contentment with his situation.

(g) What is the significance of the bee-lud glade'?

Ans: The phrase 'bee-loud glade' represents the hive and honey bees humming all around. These honey bees form a glade.

(h) Mention any two wishes expressed by the presents to help the mother otlerate the pain.

Ans: To help the mother tolerate the pain of scorpion sting the peasant wished to chant prayers and perform rituals.

9. Answer any two of the following questions: 3×2=6 

(a) What poetic device does Yeats use in the poem? Name three. 

Ans: Yeats uses several poetic devices in 'The Lake Isle of Innisfree' to enhance the poem's meaning and create a particular effect.

The poem follows a consistent ABAB rhyme scheme in each stanza, with alternating end rhymes. The metre is predominantly iambic, with lines composed of two syl- lables, the first unstressed and the second stressed.

Yeats employs alliteration, the repeatation of consonant sounds to create pleasing sounds. Yeats also employs vivid imagery to bring the natural landscape of Innisfree to life. The repeatation of certain phrases or lines throughout the poem adds emphasis and reinforce the speaker's desires. The lake isle itself, Innisfree, serves as a powerful symbol throughout the poem.

(b) Summarize Selkirk's view about solitude. 

Ans: Selkirk's views about solitude evolves throughout the poem 'The Solitude of Alexander Selkirk'. Initially he reveals in the solitude, feeling like a monarch. There was none to dispute over his rights. However, as time passes he begins to feel the overwhelming weight of isolation. He longs for the company of other human beings. He feels the absence of human interaction to be distressing. He begins to value the importance of society, friendship and love. Selkirk realizes that solitude, when prolonged, can become un- bearable and that human connection is essential for one's well-being and happiness.

(c) How does 'Strange Meeting' challenge the traditional view of war as noble and heroic?

Ans: The poem 'Strange Meeting' by Wilfred Owen challenges the traditional view of war as noble and heroic. The poem exposes the true horrors and futility of armed conflict. Owen's portrayal of the soldiers as victims rather than heroes highlights the senselessness and waste of human life in war. The poem emphasizes the psychological and emo- tional toll war takes on individuals undermining the roman- ticized notions of bravery associated with warfare. Through the meeting of the two soldiers from opposite sides, the poem conveys a message of compassion, unity and the shared suffering of humanity. It ultimately challenges the glorification of war and advocates for peace.

(d) Is 'Ozymandias of Egypt' a proper sonnet? Srogue.

Ans: 'Ozymandias of Egypt' is a sonnet. It consists of 14 lines, although it doesn't have the same, simple rhyme scheme or punctuation that most sonnets have. Some line are split by full stops and the rhyme is irregular at times.

10. Answer any one of the following questions : 5×1=5

(a) What does the mother's reaction to the scorpion's sting suggest about her character?

Ans: The poet's mother's reaction to the scorpion's sting sug- gests her resilience and selflessness. Despite enduring im- mense pain and agony, her immediate concern is for her children's sefety. She expresses gratitude that the scorpion chose her instead of her children. The mother's response reveals her sacrificial nature and unconditional love for her family. Her character is portrayed as strong, enduring and self-sacrificing. She was willing to bear the suffering herself to protect her loved ones.

(b) He always said there was a great dal too much education in the world for is taste.

Ans: The central idea of Wilfred Owen's poem 'Strange Meet- ing' is to depict the devastating psychological and emo- tional impact of war and to highlight the futility and sense- lessness of conflicts. The poem explores the shared hu- manity through the encounter between two dead soldiers who were enemies on the battlefield.

The poem suggests that war separates individuals and notions, leading to a cycle of violence and destruction. The soldier's realization that they were both victims of the war emphasizes the point that war is ultimately futile and that the division and enmity it creates are artificial. They express a desire for peace and reconciliation, acknowl- edging that the pursuit of war leads to suffering and loss only.

(c) Explain with reference to the context: "O solitude! where are the charms That sages have seen in thy face?”

Ans: The quoted lines are extracted from William Cowper's poem 'The Solitude of Alexander Selkirk'.

In the quoted line, the poet addresses solitude which is not a person, but an emotion.

The solitude refers to a state of being alone or isolated The poem explores the various dimensions of solitude, highlighting its impact on Selkirk's psyche and his relationship with the natural world. It reflects on the initial sense of power and dominion that Selkirk feels as the sole ruler of his surroundings.

11. Give answer:

(a) Write the meaning of the words given below: ½×4= 2

(i) visage

(ii) recess

(iii) titanic

(iv) desolate

Ans: i) Visage means a person's facial expression.

ii) recess means the action of receding.

iii) titanic means having great magnitude or power. 

iv) desolate means devoid of warmth, comfort or hope.

(b) Give antonyms of the following words: ½×2=1

(i) slow

(ii) diabolic

Ans: i) The antonym of slow is fast.

ii) The antonym of diabolic is excellent.

(c) Give synonyms of the following words: ½ x 2= 1

(i) lantern

(ii) antique

Ans: 1) The synonym of lantern is lamp. The synonym of antique is ancient.


(Grammar: 10 Marks)

12. Add question tage to any five of the following sentences: 1x5 = 5

(a) You like a lot of sugar in the milk,______.

Ans: You like a lot of sugar in the milk, don't you?

(b) She does not speak Spanish,_______.

Ans: She does not speak Spanish, does she?

(c) Every dog has its day,_______.

Ans: Every dog has its day, hasn't they?

(d) Don't ignore your parents,

Ans: Don't ignore your parents, will you?

(e) There will be a strike tomorrow,

Ans: There will be a strike tomorrow, won't there?

(f) They will not come here soon,

Ans: They will not come here soon, will they?

(g) He hit me,

Ans: He hit me, didn't he?

(h) Nobody came forward to help here,

Ans: Nobody came forward to help here, did they?

13. Correct the errors in there sentences and rewrite them : (any five) 1x5 = 5

(a) Don't make noise.

Ans: Don't make a noise.

(b) Furnitures were bought.

Ans: Furnitures was bought.

(c) She sings delightful.

Ans: She sings delightfully.

(d) He had a strong headache.

Ans: He had a severe headache.

(e) Hemingway is one of my favourite author.

Ans: Hemingway is one of my favourite authors.

(f) Whom, according to you, will the prize?

Ans: Who, according to you, will win the prize?

(g) He is much younger than me.

Ans: He is younger than.

(h) At last the detective founded the clue.

Ans: At last the detective found the clue.


(Writing & Comprehension: 20 Marks)

14. A Choose any one of topics listed below and write an essay on it: 10

(a) Your favourite Science Fiction Film

Ans: The science fiction film genre has been around almost as long as movies have, but like the cinema it is still a fairly young art form. this genre came into existence shortly after the invention of the movie camera in 1888 and has entered for over one hundred years.

Science fiction movies are movies which tell stories about the future, outer space, robots or alliances, Science fiction movies often use special effects to show images of alien worlds or other planets for away. It like to watch most of the science fiction films.

My favourite science fiction film is '2001: A Space odyssey'. It is a landmark film in the history of cinema. It is a work of extraordinary imagination that hs transcended film history to become something of a cultural marker. It is not an exaggeration to say that '2021: A peace odyssey' single handedly reinvented the science fiction genre. The visuals music and theme of the film left an inedible mark on subsequent science fiction that is still evident today.

2001: A space odyssey' was an experiment in film form and content. It exploded the conventional narrative form, restruturing the conventions of the three act drama. The narrative was linear, but radically spanning owns and ending in timeless realm, all without a conventional movies score. The film is noted for its scientifically accurate depiction of space flight, pioneerig special effects and ambiguous imagery.

Beyond its technical prowess '2001: A Space Odyssey' is lauded for its commentary on bit themes, technology, extraterrestrial life, human evolution and more. It is also a great example of hard scientific film in that it eschews cool concepts in favour of being scientifically accurate, '2001: A Space Odyssey' is Standley Kufirck's timeless masterpiece. Embarking on an epic space journey to Jupiter, Ok Dave Bowman and his team encounter the enigmatic super computer HAL, culminating in a gripping man versus-machme showdown. The film set the bench mark for all subsequent movies in the genre and consistently ranks among the top 10 movies ever made.

(b) Social Media & Society

Ans: Social media refers to the means of interactions among people in which they create, share information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. In the age of rapid technological advancements, social media has emerged as a powerful force, shopping the fabric of our society. Its influence extends to nearly every aspect of our daily lives, impacting communication, relationships and even societal structures.

Social media has revolutionized communication, prodding platforms for instrument interaction and information sharing. the ease with which people can connect across distances has transformed relationship making the world feel more interconnected. Furthermore, the influence of social media on mental health cannot be overlooked. The pressure to conforms to societal expectations perpetuated by social media can lead to anxiety and depression, particularly among the young generation.

In addition to its impact on individuals social media has played a pivotal role in stopping societal narratives. It serves as catalyst for social movements, providing a platform for marginalized voices to be heard. However, the echo-chamber effect can also intensify polarization and hinder constructive dealaque, leading to the formation of isolated communities with limited exposure to diverse perspectives.

In conclusion, the impact of social media on society is profound and complex. While it facilitates unprecedented connectivity and has the potential to drive positive social change, it also poses challenges to mental health and contributes to the pulverization of communities, It is essential to strike a balances between leveraging the benefits of social media and mitigating its adverse effects. Society must evolue with a conscious awareness of the role social media plays, festering responsible usage and promoting a healthy online environment for the well-being of individuals and collective whole.

(c) Benefits of G-20

Ans: The G-20 or Group of Twenty is an international forum comprising 19 sovereign countries and the European Union. It was established in 1999 after the Asian financial crisis and its purpose is to promote international financial crisis and its purpose is to promote international financial stability and sustainable economic growth.

The G-20 is composed of most of the world's largest economics finance ministries, including both industrialized and developing countries. It accounts for around 89% of groups world product, 75% of international trade, two thirds of the global population, and 60% of the world's land area. Since 2008, it has convened at least once a year, with summits involving each member's head of government or state finance minister or foreign minister and other high ranking officials.

In its 2009 summit, the G-20 declared itself the primary venue for international economic and financial co-operation. The group's stature has risen during the subsequent debate, and it is recognized by analysis as exercising considerable global influence. After the 2008 debate summit in Washington DC. G-20 leaders met twice a year-in London and Pittsburgh in 2009, and in Toronto and Seoul in 2010. Thereafter the G-20 summits held once every year. India hosts its first G- 20 summit in 2023. The 18th G-20 summit was successfully conducted at Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi during 9-10 September.

The G-20 has helped to increase foreign investment in India by providing a forum for dialogue between governments and businesses. The G-20 has also helped to improve the investment climate in India by promoting reforms such as the introduction of a bankruptcy law. The benefits of G-20 summit are as follows:

  • Limiting climate change issues.

  • Opening up gateways for renewable energy...

  • Development in technological knowhow.

  • Channelizing the sources of power generation.

  • creating a mechanism to withstand sudden challenges.

15. Read the following passage carefully:

Pupil: Oh, I do hope so, Sir I'm thirsty for knowledge. And then my parents too, they want most awfully for me to preserver in my studies. They would like me to specialize. They believe that nowadays a little general culture, however soundly taught, just doesn't go fare enough.

Professor: Mademoiselle, you parents are perfectly right. You must continue your studies. I apologize for saying so, but it is really quite essential. Modern life has become very complex.

Pupil And so complicate! Of course, I'm lucky, my parents aren't badly off. They'll be able to help me in my work, so that I can take the highest degrees there are.

Professor: And you would like to apply for an interview.

Pupil: As soon as possible. To start working for my Doctor's

Degree It's in three weeks.

Professor: Let's see, now, if you'll allow me to put the question you already have you school leaving certificate?

Pupil: Yes, Sir. For Arts and Science.

Professor: Oh, but yours well-developed for your age. and what Doctorate do you wish to read for? Material Science or normal philosophy?

Pupil My parents would really prefer to read for all the Doctorates if you think it's possible in such short a time.

Professor: All the Doctorates? You are a very courageous young lady. I really must cogratualate you most sincerely. Well, we'll try, Mademoiselle, we'll do our best for you. Besides, you are most knowledgeable already. And so young. too. Pupil Oh, Sir!

Professor: All right, then! We've hardly any time to lose. If you'll

forgive me,. if you'll be so kind ... perhaps we should make a start.

Pupil Not at all, Sir. Please, don't applogize. I'm anxious to start. [The maid comes in]

Professor: Well no, mademoiselle, what do you say to doing a little arithmetic... that is, if you don't mind ...

Pupil: Of course, Sir. Willingly. I could not ask for anything better.

Professor: It's faily new science, a modern science strictly speaking I suppose one should call it a method rather that an science. ... It is also a therapy. [To the maid] Maries, have you finished?

Maid: Yes, Sir I've found the plate I was looking for. I'm just going.

Professor: Hurry up, please, and go back to the kitchen.

Maid: Yes, Sir, I'm going. I beg pardon. Sir, but please be careful. Not too much excitement.

Professor: Don't be so rdiculous. Marie, Noting whatever to worry about.

Maid: But that's what you always say.

Professor: Your insinuations are entrirely without foundation. I'm perfectly capable of behaving myself. After all, I'm old enough. 

Maid: That's just it, Sir. You'd much better not start Mademoiselle off with arithmetic. It makes you tired and upsets you.

Professor: I'm too old for that now. And what business is it of yours anyway? It's my concern and I know what I am doing. You've no right to be her, anyway.

Maid: Very well, Sir. But don't you go telling me I didn't warn you.

Professor: I'm not interested in your warnings, Marie.

16. Answer the following questions based on your reading and understanding :

(a) Outline, after the passages, the personality traits of the professor. 3

Ans: The personality traits of the professor are:

(i) He is perfectly capable of behaving himself.

(ii) He is sincerity and aware of his duties.

(iii) He is encouraging.

(b) What was the professor’s opinion on arithmetic? 

Ans: According to the professor, arithmetic is fairly new science, a modern science. One should call it a method rather than a science. It is also a therapy.

(c) Why, do you think, the maid dissuaded the professor from teaching arithmetic?

Ans: The maid dissuasded the professor from teaching arithmetic. It is because she felt that it would make him tired and upset.

(d) Who is ‘Mademoiselle’ referred to in the passage?

Ans: Mademoiselle’ is referred to a pupil in the passage.

(e) Find a word in the passage which means ‘wise’ and another which means ‘a suggestion of something bad’.

Ans: The word that means ‘wise’ is ‘knowledgeable’, and the word that means ‘a suggestion of something bad’ is ‘insinuations’.

(f) Give the noun of ‘perseveres’ and adjective of ‘philosophy’. 

Ans: The noun form of persevere is ‘perseverance’ and the adjective of philosophy is philosophic.


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