Albert Einstein at School Imp. Questions & Answers 2025 [AHSEC Class 11 English Snapshot Solution, HS First Year]

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AHSEC Class 11 English Important Questions & Answers – Supplementary Reader (Snapshots)[HS 1st year English important questions answer]

Unit 2: Albert Einstein at School


Albert Einstein at School by Patrick Pringle is an insightful chapter from the AHSEC Class 11 English Supplementary Reader (Snapshots). This story provides a glimpse into Einstein’s school life, showcasing his struggles with traditional education and rigid teaching methods. Understanding this chapter is essential for exams, as it highlights important themes like individuality, creativity, and the flaws of the education system. In this post, we provide a summary, insights into the author, and key questions and answers to help with your preparation.

About the Author – Patrick Pringle

Patrick Pringle was a British writer known for his works on science and history. He wrote extensively about the lives of famous scientists, making their journeys more relatable and accessible to readers. In Albert Einstein at School, Pringle presents a fictionalized account of Einstein’s school life, depicting the challenges he faced in a rigid academic environment.

Summary of Albert Einstein at School

The story is set in Einstein’s school days in Munich, Germany. It portrays him as an intelligent but rebellious student who dislikes the strict and outdated teaching methods of his school. His teachers see him as a troublemaker, especially his history teacher, who criticizes him for not memorizing dates and facts. Einstein, however, believes that education should focus on understanding concepts rather than rote learning.

Feeling suffocated by the rigid education system, Einstein expresses his unhappiness to his friend Yuri. Yuri introduces him to a doctor who helps him get a medical certificate stating that school is affecting his mental health. This allows Einstein to leave school and pursue education in a more suitable environment, leading to his future success as a great scientist.

The story highlights Einstein’s independent thinking, his struggles against a conventional system, and his determination to follow his passion for science. It serves as an inspiration for students to think beyond textbooks and develop a deeper understanding of their subjects.

Albert Einstein at School Imp. Questions & Answers 2025 [AHSEC Class 11 English Snapshot Solution, HS First Year]


Short Answer Questions (1-2 Marks)

(1). Who is the author of the story Albert Einstein at School? (AHSEC 2019)
Answer: The author of the story Albert Einstein at School is Patrick Pringle.

(2). Why did Einstein hate the school in Munich? (AHSEC 2018, 2021, 2023)
Answer: Einstein hated the school in Munich because he found the teaching methods dull and rigid. The school emphasized rote learning and memorization, which did not stimulate his intellectual curiosity. He also disliked the authoritarian attitude of the teachers and the lack of freedom in the school system.

(3). What was Albert’s opinion of the educational system in his school? (AHSEC 2022)
Answer: Albert believed the educational system in his school was oppressive and outdated. He felt that it focused too much on memorizing facts and not enough on developing critical thinking or nurturing creativity. This system did not align with his way of thinking, which made him feel disconnected from his education.

(4). What made Albert feel miserable at school?
Answer: Albert felt miserable at school due to the rigid teaching methods, strict discipline, and the lack of freedom in expressing his thoughts. He was also frustrated by the school’s emphasis on rote learning, which made it difficult for him to pursue his intellectual interests.

(5). Why was Albert summoned to the head teacher’s office? (AHSEC 2020, 2023)
Answer: Albert was summoned to the head teacher’s office because he had been openly critical of the school’s teaching methods and had expressed his desire to leave the school. The head teacher wanted to discuss his behavior and possibly reprimand him for his nonconformity.

(6). How did the history teacher, Mr. Braun, embarrass Einstein in the classroom?
Answer: Mr. Braun embarrassed Einstein in the classroom by scolding him for not memorizing facts about history as expected. When Einstein gave a thoughtful but unconventional answer to a question, Mr. Braun ridiculed him in front of the class, which made Albert feel humiliated.

(7). What was Albert’s argument about learning facts from history?
Answer: Albert argued that learning facts from history without understanding the underlying principles or the context behind them was pointless. He believed that history should be studied for its meaning and lessons, not just for memorization of dates and events.

(8). How did Yuri help Albert in getting a medical certificate?
Answer: Yuri helped Albert by convincing Dr. Ernst Weil, a physician, to provide Albert with a medical certificate. The certificate would allow Albert to avoid attending school and help him in his plan to leave Munich and escape the restrictive school system.

(9). What role did Dr. Ernst Weil play in Albert’s escape plan?
Answer: Dr. Ernst Weil played a crucial role in Albert’s escape plan by providing him with a medical certificate that excused him from attending school. This certificate was part of Albert’s plan to leave Munich and pursue his own path, free from the constraints of the formal education system.

(10). What were Albert’s plans after leaving school?
Answer: After leaving school, Albert planned to move to a more liberal environment where he could pursue his interests in science without the constraints of the rigid school system. He hoped to enroll in a university in Switzerland and eventually become a scientist, continuing his education in a way that better suited his intellectual curiosity.

Long Answer Questions (4-6 Marks)

(1). Discuss the central idea of Albert Einstein at School. (AHSEC 2017, 2023)
Answer: The central idea of Albert Einstein at School revolves around Albert Einstein’s struggles with the rigid and traditional education system in Munich. The story explores his intellectual curiosity, which is stifled by the school’s emphasis on rote learning and strict discipline. It also highlights his desire for freedom and self-expression, as well as his eventual plan to leave the oppressive environment. The story portrays his early struggles to find a system that nurtures his creative and independent thinking.

(2). How does the story portray Albert Einstein’s dislike for rote learning? (AHSEC 2020, 2022)
Answer: The story portrays Albert Einstein’s dislike for rote learning through his frustration with the school’s emphasis on memorizing facts without understanding their deeper meaning. Albert questions the value of learning historical facts simply for the sake of memorization, rather than for gaining a true understanding of the subject. This is evident in his argument with the history teacher, Mr. Braun, where he criticizes the shallow nature of learning facts without considering the broader context.

(3). What kind of education did Einstein wish to receive, and how does this contrast with the education system at his school?
Answer: Einstein wished to receive an education that fostered critical thinking, creativity, and an understanding of concepts rather than just memorizing facts. He wanted a system where he could explore his intellectual interests and engage with subjects more deeply. This contrasted sharply with the education system at his school, which was rigid, focused on rote memorization, and lacked encouragement for independent thinking. The system emphasized discipline over intellectual freedom, which frustrated Einstein.

(4). Describe Yuri’s role in helping Albert leave the school.
Answer: Yuri plays a crucial role in helping Albert leave the school by supporting him in his plan to escape the oppressive environment. Yuri convinces Dr. Ernst Weil to provide Albert with a medical certificate, which would excuse him from attending school. This certificate helps Albert avoid further conflict with the school authorities and provides him with a means to leave Munich to pursue a different path in life.

(5). How does the story reflect Einstein’s early struggles with the rigid education system? (AHSEC 2021)
Answer: The story reflects Einstein’s early struggles with the rigid education system through his constant dissatisfaction with the school’s teaching methods and the pressure he faced to conform. The story illustrates his rebellion against the conventional way of teaching, particularly through the history teacher’s criticism and the strict discipline at the school. Einstein’s frustration with the system highlights his desire for a more flexible and progressive approach to education that encourages curiosity and independent thought.

(6). What traits of Albert Einstein’s personality are revealed in the story?
Answer: The story reveals several traits of Albert Einstein’s personality, including his intellectual curiosity, rebellious nature, and determination to follow his own path. He is portrayed as independent-minded, questioning the value of traditional education, and unwilling to accept an education system that stifles his creativity. His resourcefulness is also evident in his plan to escape the school, with the help of Yuri and the medical certificate. Einstein’s humility and earnestness are shown through his conversations with others, as he seeks understanding rather than mere conformity.

(7). Discuss the significance of the conversation between Albert and his history teacher, Mr. Braun.
Answer: The conversation between Albert and his history teacher, Mr. Braun, is significant because it highlights Albert’s frustration with the rote-learning system and his desire for a more meaningful approach to education. Mr. Braun’s insistence on memorizing historical facts without context clashes with Albert’s belief that history should be understood in terms of its deeper meaning. This conversation reflects the intellectual divide between Albert’s independent thinking and the traditional, authoritarian teaching methods of the school.

(8). How does the author use humor and irony to depict Albert’s school life?
Answer: The author uses humor and irony to depict Albert’s school life by showing the absurdity of the rigid educational system through Albert’s witty remarks and his interactions with teachers. The humor often comes from Albert’s calm, logical responses to the nonsensical aspects of the school’s approach to education. Irony is used to emphasize the contrast between Albert’s intellectual capabilities and the shallow, uninspiring curriculum. The humor lightens the tone of the story while still conveying a critique of the education system.

Comprehension-Based Questions

(1). Why did Albert feel suffocated in the school atmosphere?
Answer: Albert felt suffocated in the school atmosphere because the rigid structure of the education system left no room for independent thought or creativity. The emphasis on rote learning, strict discipline, and authoritarian teachers made it difficult for him to express his intellectual curiosity. He found the traditional methods stifling and oppressive, preventing him from fully engaging with his studies in a way that suited his thinking style.

(2). How does the head teacher’s behavior reflect the school’s strict and outdated methods?
Answer: The head teacher’s behavior reflects the school’s strict and outdated methods by showing a lack of tolerance for individual expression and intellectual freedom. His summoning of Albert to the office and his authoritarian attitude towards him demonstrate the rigid control the school had over students. The head teacher’s refusal to understand Albert’s dissatisfaction with the system underscores the traditional, conservative approach to education that stifled creativity and independent thinking.

(3). Explain the significance of Dr. Weil’s diagnosis in Albert’s escape plan.
Answer: Dr. Weil’s diagnosis plays a significant role in Albert’s escape plan because it provides him with the medical certificate he needs to avoid attending school. This certificate serves as an official excuse for Albert’s absence, allowing him to escape the suffocating school environment and take the first step towards pursuing his intellectual interests outside of the restrictive educational system.

(4). How does the story emphasize the importance of following one’s passions?
Answer: The story emphasizes the importance of following one’s passions through Albert’s journey of seeking intellectual freedom. His dissatisfaction with the traditional education system stems from his desire to pursue subjects that genuinely interest him, rather than merely conforming to the rote learning prescribed by the school. Albert’s decision to leave the oppressive atmosphere and his search for a more fulfilling education reflect his drive to follow his passions and engage in learning that stimulates his curiosity.

(5). What message does the story convey about the flaws in the traditional education system?
Answer: The story conveys the message that the traditional education system is flawed because it prioritizes conformity, rote memorization, and obedience over creativity, critical thinking, and intellectual freedom. The rigid and authoritarian methods stifle students’ natural curiosity and prevent them from fully developing their potential. Through Albert’s dissatisfaction, the story critiques a system that limits the growth of independent thought and personal expression.

Likely Important Questions for Exams

(6). How does the story depict Albert Einstein’s dissatisfaction with formal education?
Answer: The story depicts Albert Einstein’s dissatisfaction with formal education through his constant frustration with the rote-learning methods and the lack of intellectual freedom at his school. He feels disconnected from the conventional system that values memorization over understanding and critical thinking. His interactions with teachers, especially his argument with Mr. Braun, and his plan to leave school highlight his discontent with the formal education system.

(7). What is the role of Yuri in shaping Albert’s future?
Answer: Yuri plays a crucial role in shaping Albert’s future by helping him execute his escape plan. He supports Albert in obtaining the medical certificate from Dr. Weil, which allows Albert to leave the school and avoid further conflict. Yuri’s assistance helps Albert take the first step toward a more independent and fulfilling education, away from the constraints of the traditional schooling system.

(8). Discuss the importance of creativity and independent thinking as highlighted in the story.
Answer: The story highlights the importance of creativity and independent thinking by showing how Albert’s curiosity and intellectual freedom are stifled by the rigid education system. Throughout the story, Albert is portrayed as someone who values deep understanding and innovative thinking, rather than simply memorizing facts. His desire for a more creative and independent approach to education contrasts with the traditional methods at his school, emphasizing how crucial these qualities are for intellectual growth.

(9). How does Albert’s interaction with Mr. Braun reveal his frustration with rote learning?
Answer: Albert’s interaction with Mr. Braun reveals his frustration with rote learning when he criticizes the method of memorizing facts without understanding their context or meaning. When Mr. Braun scolds him for not remembering historical facts, Albert argues that simply learning dates and events is meaningless without grasping the underlying principles and reasons behind them. This exchange highlights Albert’s desire for a deeper, more thoughtful approach to learning, rather than the superficial method of rote memorization.

(10). How does Patrick Pringle use Einstein’s school life to critique the education system of the time?
Answer: Patrick Pringle uses Einstein’s school life to critique the education system of the time by illustrating how it suppressed creativity and independent thinking. Through Albert’s dissatisfaction with the authoritarian teachers, the rigid structure of the curriculum, and the emphasis on memorization, the story critiques an education system that prioritizes conformity over intellectual freedom. Pringle uses Albert’s character to demonstrate the flaws of an outdated system that failed to nurture students’ curiosity and critical thinking.


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