The AHSEC Class 11 Education Question Paper 2024 is now available for View and Download. You can get the Assam Board HS 1st Year Education Question Paper 2024 PDF from The Treasure Notes Website to help with your exam preparation. This question paper includes actual questions from previous years, giving you a clear idea of the type of questions, difficulty level, and topics covered in the HS 1st Year Education syllabus. Studying these papers will help you understand the exam pattern better and improve your preparation.
Full marks: 100
Pass marks: 30
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
No. 1 carries 1 marks each … 1 x 12 = 12
No. 2 carries 2 marks each.. . 2 x 12 = 24
No. 3 carries 4 marks each … 4 x 10 = 40
No. 4 carries 6 marks each … . 6 x 4 = 24
Total = 100
1. Give short answer as directed (any twelve) : 1x 12 = 12
Fill in the blanks :
(a) The Latin word ‘Duco’ means _____________ .
(b) John Dewey considered education as a ‘tri-polar’ process and these three poles are student, teacher and ___________.
(c) The chief advocator of individual aim of education was ___________ .
(d) Hero-worshipping is the characteristics of ___________ period.
(e) Animism is an important characteristics of period.
(f) Computer was the first invented by _____________ between 1791 to 1871.
(g) The English word ‘psychology’ is derived from ____________ language.
(h) The English word ‘emotion’ is derived from the Latin word ____________ .
2. Answer in one word or sentence :
(i) “Education is the natural, harmonious and progressive development of man’s innate powers.” Who said this statement ?
(j) “Destiny of the nation is being shaped in her classroom.” Which Education Commission remarked this statement ?
(k) What is the full form of CD-ROM ?
(l) In which year was the University Grants Commission established ?
(m) Write the full form of NCERT.
(n) Who first developed the sociometric method ?
(o) What is illusion ?
2. Answer any twelve of the following questions : 2 x 12= 24
(a) What do you mean by formal education ?
(b) “Education is a life long process.” Explain.
(c) What is infancy ?
(d) Write two differences between growth and development.
(e) Write two important conditions of a science laboratory established in school.
(f) Write two characteristics of computer.
(g) What is experience curriculum ?
(h) Write two functions of District Institute of Education and Training (DIET).
(i) What is educational psychology ?
(j) Write two merits of experimental method.
(k) Write two differences between psychology and Educational Psychology.
(l) Write two functions of spinal cord.
(m) What is stimulus ?
(n) Write two functions of pituitary gland.
(o) What is Serampore Trio ?
3. Answer any ten of the following questions : 4 x 10 = 40
(a) Write four strengths of individual aim of education.
(b) Discuss the relation between Education and Philosophy.
(c) Write four important characteristics of childhood.
(d) Write four psycho-physical needs of adolescent.
(e) Write four advantages of E-mail.
(f) Discuss the role of teacher as a motivator.
(g) Write four objectives of co-curricular activities.
(h) Discuss the scope of educational psychology.
(i) Why should a teacher study psychology ? Discuss.
(j) Discuss the main parts of a brain.
(k) Write four educational significance of drives.
(l) Write four characteristics of habit.
(m) Write a short note on Gurukul system.
(n) Write a short note on the Charter Act of 1813.
(o) Write four characteristics of basic education.
4. Answer any four of the following questions : 6 x 4=24
(a) What is non-formal education ? Discuss the difference between formal and non-formal education. 2+4=6
(b) What is vocational education ? Discuss the importance of vocational aim of education. 2+4=6
(c) Write two personal qualities of a teacher. Discuss the challenges before a teacher in the new context. 2+4=6
(d) Write two objectives of the University Grants Commission. Discuss the power and functions of the University Grants Commission. 2+4=6
(e) What is instinct ? Discuss the common methods or devices of modification of instinct. 1+5=6
(f) In which year was the Wood’s Despatch published ? Discuss the recommendations of Wood’s Despatch. 1+5=6
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