Class 11 Finance 2024 Question Paper [HS 1st Year Assam Board]

Read the Class 11 Finance 2024 Question Paper for HS 1st Year Assam Board. Access detailed and accurate resources to prepare effectively.

The AHSEC Class 11 Finance Question Paper 2024 is now available for View and download. You can get the Assam Board HS 1st Year Finance Question Paper 2024 PDF from The Treasure Notes Website to help with your exam preparation. This question paper includes actual questions from previous years, giving you a clear idea of the type of questions, difficulty level, and topics covered in the HS 1st Year Finance syllabus. Studying these papers will help you understand the exam pattern better and improve your preparation.

Class 11 Finance 2024 Question Paper [HS 1st Year Assam Board]



Full Marks: 80

Pass Marks: 24

Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions


Q. No. 1 carries I mark each 1 x 6 = 6

Q. Nos. 2-6 carry 2 marks each 2  2 x 5 = 10

Q. Nos. 7-11 carry 3 marks each 3 x 5 = 15

Q. Nos. 12-16 carry 5 marks each 5 x 5 = 25

Q. Nos. 17-19 carry 8 marks each 8 x 3 = 24

underline Total = 80

1. Answer the following as directed : 1×6=6

(a) The Banking Regulation Act was passed in the year_______  (Fill in the blank)

(b) RRBs were started in the year 1967/1975/1976. (Choose the correct answer)

(c) Who is authorized to issue paper currency in India?

(d) Write the name of the Central Bank of our country.

(e) Write the full form of NABARD..

(f) EXIM bank was established in the year_____.(Fill in the blank)

2. What is savings bank? 2

3. Name any two public sector banks in India. 2

4. Write two functions of regional rural banks.

5. What is bank passbook?2

6. State any two differences between Commercial Bank and Reserve Bank. 2

7. State briefly the difficulties of barter system.3

8 Explain about retail banking.3

9. Give the meaning of credit card.3

10. Write a note on trade cycle. 3

11. What are the advantages of Internet banking? 3

12. Discuss the general utility functions of a bank. 5

13. Explain the principles of note issue followed by the RBI. 5

14. What are the main causes of inflation? 5

15. Write notes on: ⅔+⅔=5

(a) Development Bank

(b) Commercial Bank

16. Give the meaning and importance of cheque book. 5

17. What are the different types of account? Explain any three of them. 8


Discuss the procedure of opening a bank account in the name of a minor and married woman. 8

19. Write short notes on: 4+4=8

(a) E-banking

(b) Schedule and Non-Schedule Bank


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