Customer Relationship and Retail Management 2016 Question Paper [Gauhati University BCom Marketing Management Major]

Gauhati University Customer Relationship Management and

In this post, we have shared the Gauhati University Customer Relationship Management and Retail Management Question Paper 2016 (Non-CBCS Pattern). While Customer Relationship and Retail Management are two separate subjects under the FYUGP NEP syllabus, the Non-CBCS pattern combined both topics into a single paper.

This question paper is highly beneficial for FYUGP NEP 4th Semester students of Marketing Management Major, as it covers key concepts relevant to both subjects. We strongly recommend studying this Gauhati University FYUGP NEP B.Com 4th Semester Customer Relationship and Retail Management question paper from 2016 Marketing Management Major thoroughly to enhance your preparation. This resource will help you master important topics under both Customer Relationship and Retail Management, ensuring a comprehensive understanding for your Marketing Honours Course.

Customer Relationship and Retail Management 2016 Question Paper [Gauhati University BCom Marketing Management Major]

Full Marks: 80
Time: 3 hours
(The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions)

1. Answer the following questions as directed: (1x10=10)
a) In case of _______ marketing, the salesperson contacts the customer from time to time with suggestions about improved product use or new products. (Fill in the blank)

b) Which of the following is not an element of the retailing concept?

  1. Customer orientation

  2. Cost cutting

  3. Value driven

  4. Goal orientation (Choose the correct answer)

c) State one benefit of customer retention.

d) Vending machines are useful for selling products differing in size and weight. (State true or false)

e) A _______ customer is one who has purchased something to fulfill a specific need and has subsequently stopped buying from that particular organization. (Fill in the blank)

f) Which of the following is not a retail image dimension?

  1. Locational convenience

  2. Merchandise unsuitability

  3. Value for price

  4. Sales effort and store services

g) What are convenience goods?

h) _______ pricing is based on the customer’s perception of the monetary worth of a product or service. (Fill in the blank)

i) Mention one advantage of a public warehouse.

j) Which of the following is a requisite for effective customer acquisition?

  1. An unfocused effort

  2. Provision of a win-lose platform

  3. Projection of benefits and products

  4. Initiation of a forum for interactive miscommunication

2. Answer the following questions: (2x5=10)

  1. What is meant by category killers?

  2. Define customer portfolio management.

  3. State two bases for the classification of a retail unit.

  4. What are ‘virtual customer communities’?

  5. Mention two distinctive features of a good tenant mix plan.

3. Write short notes on any four of the following: (5x4=20)
a) Mobile retailing
b) Total care programme
c) The wheel of retailing
d) Maximizing customer lifetime value
e) Retail banking
f) Logistics management
g) Problems in implementing CRM strategies in organizations

4. Describe the analytical and collaborative components of a CRM programme. (10)

What is meant by emotional engagement? Describe the manner in which CRM manages customer interaction and customer service. (5+5=10)

5. Describe the benefits of the CRM process. Explain the CRM process for a marketing organization. (4+6=10)

Describe the main elements of an e-CRM programme. Also highlight the necessity for adopting e-CRM by companies. (5+5=10)

6. Explain the drivers of the changing face of retail structures in India. (10)

Explain the components of a retail mix. (10)

7. Describe how a retail unit is classified on the basis of the nature of interaction between retailers and customers. (10)

What are the distinctive features of departmental stores? Describe their relative merits and demerits. (5+5=10)


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