Customer Relationship and Retail Management 2017 Question Paper [Gauhati University BCom Marketing Management Major]

Gauhati University Customer Relationship Management and Retail Management Question Paper 2017

In this post, we have shared the Gauhati University Customer Relationship Management and Retail Management Question Paper 2017 (Non-CBCS Pattern). While Customer Relationship and Retail Management are two separate subjects under the FYUGP NEP syllabus, the Non-CBCS pattern combined both topics into a single paper.

This question paper is highly beneficial for FYUGP NEP 4th Semester students of Marketing Management Major, as it covers key concepts relevant to both subjects. We strongly recommend studying this Gauhati University FYUGP NEP B.Com 4th Semester Customer Relationship and Retail Management question paper from 2017 Marketing Management Major thoroughly to enhance your preparation. This resource will help you master important topics under both Customer Relationship and Retail Management, ensuring a comprehensive understanding for your Marketing Honours Course.

Customer Relationship and Retail Management 2017 Question Paper [Gauhati University BCom Marketing Management Major]

Full Marks: 80
Time: Three Hours
(The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions)

1. Answer the following questions as directed: (1×10=10)

(a) Which of the following is not a modern and improved form of retailing?
(i) Dominos
(ii) Big Bazaar
(iii) Hyper Market
(iv) Kirana Stores (Choose the correct answer)

(b) The marketing system in which almost all the members of the distribution channel such as manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers, and retailers work together to satisfy human needs and wants by ensuring a smooth flow of goods and services to the ultimate consumers is known as:
(i) Franchising system
(ii) Vertical marketing system
(iii) Consumer co-operative store
(iv) None of the above (Choose the correct answer)

(c) What is the full form of TCCP?

(d) ______ is the ordering quantity that minimizes both the cost of holding the inventory and carrying the inventory. (Fill in the blank)

(e) The e-marketing activities where marketers sell their products and services directly to the ultimate consumers using the internet is termed as:
(i) C 2 C
(ii) Internet marketing
(iii) B 2 C
(iv) All of the above (Choose the correct answer)

(f) The codes in the form of black and white lines found on most of the products, which are used to store and transmit product information, is known as:
(i) Unicode
(ii) Bar code
(iii) Attribute
(iv) Benchmarking (Choose the correct answer)

(g) Which one of the following is a practice of customer delight?
(i) Flexible pricing
(ii) Radio frequency identification system
(iii) Cross selling
(iv) Offering high level of satisfaction to the customers by providing unexpected services (Choose the correct answer)

(h) A customer will go to the store which offers the lowest possible price. (Fill in the blank from the following)
(i) Price lining
(ii) Loyal
(iii) New
(iv) Price-conscious

(i) Which of the following warehouses are used to store imported goods for which import duty is yet to be paid?
(i) Government warehouses
(ii) Bonded warehouses
(iii) Private warehouses
(iv) Co-operative warehouses

(j) Wal-Mart, the world's biggest retailer, has tied up with Sunil Mittal's Bharti Enterprises for entering into the Indian retail market. (State true or false)

2. Answer the following questions: (2×5=10)

(i) What is a loyalty programme?
(ii) Define catalogue retailer.
(iii) What is supply chain management?
(iv) What is impulse buying?
(v) What is a convenience store?

3. Write short notes on any four of the following: (5×4=20)

(i) Four C's of CRM process
(ii) Characteristics of direct selling format
(iii) Impact of globalization on the retail industry
(iv) Various CRM channels of customer interaction
(v) Stages of customer acquisition process
(vi) Barriers to E-marketing
(vii) Importance of warehouse

4. Explain the relationship between IT and CRM in the modern business world.

Also, briefly discuss the role of data warehousing and data mining as IT-oriented key elements of the CRM process. (5+5=10)

Discuss in detail the various key requirements for CRM solutions. (10)

5. Why do organizations lose their customers? Explain. (10)

Explain the various strategies for building relationships with customers that are developed by an organization. (10)

6. Describe the various factors leading to high retail growth in India.

Also, state the major challenges faced by this sector. (6+4=10)

Explain the three basic tenets of retailing. (10)

7. Explain the three essential parameters necessary for a successful tenant mix plan. (10)

Describe various objectives of Logistic Management. (10)


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