In this post, we have shared the Gauhati University Customer Relationship Management and Retail Management Question Paper 2021 (Non-CBCS Pattern). While Customer Relationship and Retail Management are two separate subjects under the FYUGP NEP syllabus, the Non-CBCS pattern combined both topics into a single paper.
This question paper is highly beneficial for FYUGP NEP 4th Semester students of Marketing Management Major, as it covers key concepts relevant to both subjects. We strongly recommend studying this Gauhati University FYUGP NEP B.Com 4th Semester Customer Relationship and Retail Management question paper from 2021 Marketing Management Major thoroughly to enhance your preparation. This resource will help you master important topics under both Customer Relationship and Retail Management, ensuring a comprehensive understanding for your Marketing Honours Course.
1. Answer the following as directed: (1×10=10)
(a) Which of the following is not an element of CRM?
(i) Sales force automation
(ii) Support tracking
(iii) Product standardisation
(iv) Telemarketing (Choose the correct answer)
(b) Which one of the following is not an important step in relationship marketing?
(i) Identifying the customers
(ii) Differentiating the customers
(iii) Interacting the customers
(iv) Organising dealers meet (Choose the correct answer)
(c) CRM is becoming the ultimate solution for both _______ as well as _______. (Fill in the blanks)
(d) Establishing _______ of CRM is the foremost goal. (Fill in the blank)
(e) Name the theory of retailing propounded by Malcolm McNair.
(f) What is CIM?
(g) What is reverse logistics?
(h) What is non-store retailing?
(i) What is a kiosk?
(j) What is retail market segmentation decision?
2. Very short answer-type questions: (Write very briefly) (2×5=10)
(a) Define customer acquisition.
(b) Discuss the principle of "customer first, profit next."
(c) What is a target market?
(d) Define customization and private labels.
(e) Write the advantages of e-marketing.
3. Answer briefly on any four of the following: (5×4=20)
(a) Discuss the 4Cs of the CRM process.
(b) How does information technology help in CRM?
(c) What do you mean by retail tenant mix?
(d) State the ownership pattern in retail business.
(e) Mention the components of e-CRM.
(f) Write on inventory management.
4. What are the strategies that a retailer can take to get the customers into stores? (10)
5. State the issues involved with tenant mix. (10)
6. Illustrate the importance of retailing in the economy. Mention the key drivers of retailing in India. (5+5=10)
7. What are the various aspects involved in mall management? State the factors affecting the success of malls. (5+5=10)
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