Customer Relationship and Retail Management 2018 Question Paper [Gauhati University BCom Marketing Management Major]

Gauhati University Customer Relationship Management and Retail Management Question Paper 2018

In this post, we have shared the Gauhati University Customer Relationship Management and Retail Management Question Paper 2018 (Non-CBCS Pattern). While Customer Relationship and Retail Management are two separate subjects under the FYUGP NEP syllabus, the Non-CBCS pattern combined both topics into a single paper.

This question paper is highly beneficial for FYUGP NEP 4th Semester students of Marketing Management Major, as it covers key concepts relevant to both subjects. We strongly recommend studying this Gauhati University FYUGP NEP B.Com 4th Semester Customer Relationship and Retail Management question paper from 2018 Marketing Management Major thoroughly to enhance your preparation. This resource will help you master important topics under both Customer Relationship and Retail Management, ensuring a comprehensive understanding for your Marketing Honours Course.

Customer Relationship and Retail Management 2018 Question Paper [Gauhati University BCom Marketing Management Major]

(Marketing Management Major)
Full Marks: 80 | Pass Marks: 24
Time: Three Hours
(The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions)

1. Answer the following questions as directed: (1×10=10)

(a) CRM is the overall process of building and maintaining profitable customer relationships by delivering:
(i) Quality goods to customers.
(ii) Superior customer's value and satisfaction.
(iii) Goods and services at cheaper price.
(iv) None of the above. (Choose the correct answer)

(b) The retailing stores which require that their customers should take their membership and visit their stores is known as _______. (Fill in the blank)

(c) Which of the following is not a strategy for building relationships?
(i) Service
(ii) Product
(iii) Partnership with customer
(iv) Marketing intelligence system. (Choose the correct answer)

(d) An impulse buyer spends less time on shopping. (State 'true' or 'false')

(e) Economic value of goods is enhanced through ______ system as it adds the time and the place utilities to the products. (Fill in from the following)
(i) Distribution
(ii) Order processing
(iii) Route planning
(iv) Transportation

(f) The process of planning, implementing, and controlling the physical flows of materials as well as finished goods from the points of origin to the point of use to meet the needs of the customer at a profit is known as:
(i) Order processing
(ii) Market logistics
(iii) Inventory
(iv) All of the above. (Choose the correct answer)

(g) Which one of the following is an unethical approach to building and maintaining customer relationships?
(i) Improved service quality
(ii) Institutional discounts
(iii) Addiction
(iv) Marketing campaign (Choose the correct answer)

(h) What is the full form of RRB?

(i) Which one of the following is not a success factor in CRM implementation?
(i) Customer-centric strategy
(ii) Defining the processes
(iii) Appraising the employees about the importance of CRM
(iv) Good analogy system (Choose the correct answer)

(j) Which of the following is concerned with the quantity of stocks to be held?
(i) Order processing
(ii) Warehousing
(iii) Transportation
(iv) Inventory (Choose the correct answer)

2. Answer the following questions: (2×5=10)

(i) What is customer defection?
(ii) Define the term "Development Stores."
(iii) What is Tele Shopping?
(iv) What is a Bonded Warehouse?
(v) State two objectives of holding inventory.

3. Write short notes on any four of the following: (5×4=20)

(i) Various relationship-based pricing schemes
(ii) Necessity to adopt e-CRM
(iii) Role of FDI in retail sector globalization
(iv) Guidelines for effective tenant mix
(v) Obstacles in maintaining an ideal tenant mix
(vi) Functions of a warehouse

4. What do you mean by customer acquisition? What are the various inputs for customer acquisition? Explain. (3+7=10)

Discuss the various requisites for effective acquisition. (10)

5. Explain the various challenges in the implementation of CRM business transactions. (10)

Critically examine the various market dynamics relating to CRM channels of customer interaction. (10)

6. Why is retailing important for the growth of the Indian economy? Explain. (10)

Explain the various theories of retail evolution. (10)

7. Describe the various factors leading to the growth of malls in India. Explain in brief about the stakeholders of malls. (6+4=10)

Explain the factors that determine the decision for the location of a retail trade. (10)


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